Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1206 1206 [Winery Osaka Branch]

Belmod nodded and took out the exquisite pair of glasses.

Although she was a little wary of this thing, she still brought it over and put it in a sealed metal box that shielded radio waves. For people like them, such boxes are not uncommon, and there are many similar ones for gin and vodka.

The two quickly put on their glasses and prepared to receive the mysterious "clearance reward" about Shirley from the anonymous boss.

Jiang Xia sat next to him, pretending to be a little "interested".

After a while, Gin and Belmode took off their glasses almost simultaneously and said one word: "Osaka."

The two spent almost the same amount of time watching "Intelligence" and got exactly the same key locations.

They tried to communicate a few details without triggering the confidentiality clause, and then confirmed.

——It seems that Gin and Belmode received exactly the same news.

"..." Damn Anonymous.

"It sounds quite interesting." Jiang Xia listened to the key words discussed by the two, "Maybe it matches my hunting schedule, why not come together?"

After a pause, he suddenly remembered that these cadres' ability to attract daily cases seemed not as good as Conan's.

Jiang Xia changed her mind decisively: "Forget it, I want to go with my classmates. Let's meet again when we get to Osaka."

A flash of heartbeat flashed in Belmod's eyes, and she told the truth that she also wanted to be with Jiang Xia and Jiang Xia's classmates...

Gin Jiu snorted unceremoniously: "I didn't want to come with you at first." Although he and Vodka were not wanted posters all over the street, their identities could not withstand the investigation. Jiang Xia should consciously follow them outside. keep distance.

Besides, traveling with Uzo... Gin really didn't feel at ease - if one day Uzo suddenly couldn't help but stab him in the back, it would be troublesome just thinking about it. Even without backstabbing, just the kind of "surprise murders" that happen around you all the time will make you tired.

After all, if there is a case, it means that the police and sometimes detectives are involved. This is really not a wonderful environment for the cadres of the black organization.

Thinking of the previous experience of briefly traveling with Uzo, Gin couldn't help but feel a hint of gloom in his heart.

However, the attention of the other person opposite him shifted quickly.

Jiang Xia seemed to have stopped thinking about this and jumped to another topic: "It's really surprising that Shirley hasn't run out of the country yet, and Osaka is not far from here. I thought that according to her character, she would at least run away. Go to Kyushu or Hokkaido and go as far as you can.”

Gin was also silent for a moment, which was really not in line with Shirley's habits.

However, if Shirley is not alone but has someone else directing her actions, then it would be normal for her to appear anywhere... Could it be that Osaka is actually the headquarters of the Anonymous Organization? Anonymous deliberately provided the same information to the black organization and led everyone to Osaka. What is the conspiracy?

Next to him, the unknown boss himself, whom Gin was speculating about, was unpacking the sushi box.

Jiang Xia didn't have any other conspiracy, he just felt that there were so many people and there might be extra murderous intent - he was going to Osaka anyway, so he might as well bring a few more people with him.

For example, this time, as "Usa", you can ask Subaru Okiya to go to Osaka to pick up that hard-to-launder "wealth": judging from Subaru Okiya's current state of running away, he is on a business trip to help Usa , I'm afraid it won't be this salty graduate student, but more likely Akai Shuichi who is disguised as "Okiya Subaru".

In this case, the "information about Shirley" promised to two bottles of wine was naturally easy to handle.

——The organization leaders followed the information given by the anonymous people and went to Osaka. They were originally looking for Shirley, but Shuichi Akai was lurking next to Shirley.

In this case, it would be very reasonable to not be able to touch Shirley's shadow: the arrival of the organization cadres must have been accidentally noticed by Shuichi Akai, who interfered in advance. The subsequent pursuit of Shirley was also interrupted by Shuichi Akai.

In short, everything is the fault of the hateful FBI and has nothing to do with the anonymous person who worked hard to provide information.

While Jiang Xia was picking and eating the sushi organized by the organization, she was rehearsing in her mind how to give Akai Shuichi the pot. At the same time, she freed up some energy and suppressed her conscience.

Without conscience, when you persecute certain people, you will gain many times the happiness.

Before Gin and Belmode discussed the details of going to Osaka, they were about to announce their disbandment.

Jiang Xia suddenly seemed to have remembered something and turned to Vodka: "What about you? What new news did you get?"

Following these words, the eyes of the other two people also turned around.

Vodka, who instantly became the focus of everyone's attention: "...! # %*" Damn it, I have been so low-key, but I still haven't escaped!

He lowered his head silently, originally wanting to get over it with dignity.

But then I thought about it, I just did something stupid enough to be shot in the head by Brother Gin in that "holographic game" that was about life, if I try to lie again now...

Vodka had no choice but to give up thinking, tried hard to hide his shame, and said honestly: "There is no useful news, only... cough, just some waste paper."

"Waste paper?" Jiang Xia was startled and then understood: "Poster? Or concert tickets? Alas, as a cadre of a mysterious organization, your hobbies are really easy to satisfy. You can get this kind of thing from me, too. Why waste an opportunity.

"However, I can't actually blame you. After all, Gin and Belmod also wasted once, but you wasted it extraordinarily.

"Speaking of this, I don't know what kind of information Anonymous can give if four people ask for four different rewards. Could it be that four things we are interested in can be gathered in Osaka?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the concentration of murderous aura in the room suddenly increased.

Jiang Xia only felt that the sushi in his hand tasted better.

Next to him, Ginjiu looked like he wanted to pull out a gun, but what Jiang Xia said didn't seem wrong.

So in the end, Gin turned to vodka with a sullen face: "Don't order your messy peripherals from now on." - Anonymous Bazheng relied on their artificial intelligence to find out his hobbies from the purchase traces of vodka.

This guy was so embarrassed that he was thrown outside the black organization...

Vodka's eyes twitched. He actually lost his hobby like this... Wait, did Uzo bring up this topic specifically to prevent him from buying the things he liked in the future, so that Uzo could get those out-of-print autographs? Tempting yourself around? !

Vodka: "..." How could there be such a hateful person in the world!

He silently stabbed Jiang Xia countless straw men in his heart.

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