Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1216 1216 [I never put someone in a sack]

"It's nothing." Jiang Xia turned around and spread his hands towards them, revealing a complete dead leaf in his hands.

He sighed, seeming a bit sad: "I just feel that human life is like a fallen leaf, which will be blown away by a gust of wind at some point."

"..." Although several classmates didn't quite understand it, they couldn't help but become sad when they thought about the murder of the father and daughter just now, "Yes."

After successfully fooling him, Jiang Xia turned around, threw away the leaves, and put away the fresh murderous aura in his hands.

The speech Ichikawa Kotaro just made inspired a lot of real murderous intentions.

Not only did the eldest daughter attempt to kill someone, she also lost a complete mass of murderous energy. Today, the contributions of other guests are not small either.

Especially those in the banquet hall who were related to Kotaro Ichikawa, as well as the old employees who wanted to work at Ichikawa Club until the end, almost everyone contributed a few strands.

Now that the case is over, the guests have left one after another, taking away the gossip, leaving behind fragments of murderous intent all over the yard. The ghosts are busy picking them up like mushrooms in the forest after the rain.

Although the quality of the murderous aura was average, the results in the hospital were gratifying. Jiang Xia couldn't help but be infected by the spring outing-like atmosphere and picked a wisp. Unexpectedly, she was bumped into by her classmates.

I can't show off my joy... I can't share it, which is really sad.

The car carrying the body had already left. The police car pulling my sister also left quickly.

The entrance to the Ichikawa family compound.

The second daughter watched her dead father and her sister who had poisoned her father and was taken away. She stretched out happily and said, "Oh, I am the only one left at home. This is really sad - it's a pity that I don't have time to rest." , then I have to take care of the mess left by my father."

Several high school students passing by: "..." Stop laughing first...

The butler is sending the guests out.

Hearing what his second daughter said, he was startled and hesitated: "Second Miss, although the master just announced this today, he has actually made a will long ago. He said that once he has an emergency, he will give all his property to her. Donate it—the will has been notarized.”

"..." This dead old man!

The second daughter cursed in her heart, and then said optimistically: "It doesn't matter, at least I can still get that part of the retained property, which is much better than my poor sister."

The two policemen looked at her from a few meters apart and muttered something under their breath.

Then he walked towards her: "Ms. Ichikawa Mizue, we just received a piece of news - you seem to have secretly manipulated the stocks of your father's company. The board of directors just reported you for embezzlement of public funds. Please come with us. , cooperate with the investigation.”


The illegal crime was discovered, which meant that Ichikawa Mizue could no longer get the retained inheritance.

She stood stunned for a moment as if she had been struck by lightning. Thinking of the group of board members who had just left the banquet, she finally couldn't help but knelt down, covered her face and cried: "You ganged up to bully me!"

Jiang Xia passed by her and said casually: "I didn't. I didn't even ask for the one million commission fees you want to owe."

"...¥@#%" Ichikawa Mizuki seemed to have a lot to say, but unfortunately he was already pulled into the car by the police.

The surrounding suddenly became clear.

"Oh, I'm so hungry." Suzuki Sonoko touched her belly. We didn’t eat much at the dinner, we just watched the show.

Conan nodded and agreed. He was also very hungry: the classmates had eaten some snacks, but he had been locked in the basement without eating any rice and only ate a mouthful of ashes.

"Let's go to the hotel near the beach first!" Suzuki Sonoko mentioned the upcoming trip and quickly became energetic, with a strange light flashing in her eyes. "There must be a place to eat there. Let's have a good night's rest and go diving tomorrow. "

The beach Suzuki Sonoko is looking for is in a small town. There are not many tourists there and the water is clear.

When we arrived at the place, it was already not too early.

A few people put down their luggage at the hotel and went out for a walk.

Then I discovered that the small town also had small town disadvantages - many restaurants closed early. In the end, they walked around the beach for more than ten minutes before they found an izakaya.

Pushing open the door and entering, the room was actually quite lively, and there was a table full of familiar people sitting there.

——It was the same group of doctors they had met at the Ichikawa family's birthday party just now.

"Oh? It's you." Hearing the door knock, the doctors also looked over and quickly recognized the person who came in.

Some people's faces suddenly became unsightly.

But there are obviously people who appreciate young talents. A fat doctor looked at Jiang Xia and said with a smile: "We were chatting just now. Your observation skills are really good, you can find hidden cameras - listen Say you are still in high school, how about taking the medical school exam in the future? Then we will have one more doctor who can save lives, haha."

With that said, he patted the vacant seat enthusiastically: "Come and sit with us?"

Suzuki Sonoko has always been very familiar with herself, and she originally wanted to get close to her, but when she heard someone invited her, she became even more excited.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to mind either.

But not before they pass.

A doctor wearing glasses raised his head and frowned: "Why did you ask him to come here? We are drinking! A kid who drinks Coke from a goblet at a dinner party will only disturb our mood - let They can just play by themselves."

"..." Jiang Xia glanced at him, her eyes becoming gloomy.

Dr. Tanaka pushed up his glasses and originally wanted to add a few more words.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he shuddered for some unknown reason. He hesitated for a moment, snorted, and did not continue.

With the atmosphere in such a commotion, it is unlikely that the two sides will sit together at the same table as if nothing had happened.

The fat doctor who made the invitation just now touched the back of his head in embarrassment and pointed at Tanaka: "I'm sorry, this guy is not good at drinking. He probably drank too much. He is looking for trouble."

Next to him, Dr. Utsumi glanced at Jiang Xia out of the corner of his eye, and felt very comfortable: Tanaka was right, this is not a place where a self-righteous high school student should stay.

He picked up the jug, filled it with wine, and took a sip from the small wine cup.

Then he lit up a cigarette leisurely and puffed away the smoke. There is a strange sense of superiority in the smooth movements.

Jiang Xia: ...Tsk.

His eyes circled around Dr. Neihai, and his desire to touch the stick calmed down.

"..." Forget it, I won't put a sack on him tonight.

Doctor Utsumi seems to have done a lot of shameful things, and there are many people who have murderous intentions towards him. It would be too embarrassing if he suddenly bumped into Xiao Hei when he ran to beat him up...

Just as I was thinking about it, the store door was pushed open with a crash.

A woman with a ponytail appeared at the door, looking a little anxious.

She glanced around the store and quickly landed on one of them.

——It was Dr. Tanaka who refused to sit with me just now.

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