Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1225 1225 [The black eats the black]

While thinking about it, Dr. Tanaka flexed his facial muscles.

He kept a friendly smile, walked out from behind the rock, and looked at Kasuga Teruhiko: "You..."


Gunfire erupted, and Kasuga Teruhiko shot him in the head. The huge kinetic energy caused Dr. Tanaka's head to tilt back. His eyes widened in astonishment, and he fell to the ground with a death stare.

An old-style gun slipped out of his pocket, rolled down along the sloping stone bank, and submerged into the lake with a thud.

"...Ha, idiot."

Kasuga Teruhiko looked at the gun and instantly broke into a cold sweat of fear.

But his mouth is still stubborn. He stared at the corpse, as if he had expected it: "Don't think I don't know what you are planning."

...This is a lie.

Kasuga Teruhiko really didn't know that Dr. Tanaka actually wanted to silence himself - he was the first to kill Tanaka just now, purely because he originally planned to silence everyone here. Dr. Tanaka was the only adult male present, so it would be the most difficult to subdue him, and he would not be restrained by hostages, so Kasuga Teruhiko was the first to attack him.

did not expect……

Kasuga Teruhiko inadvertently solves a crisis. After that, he didn't wipe the cold sweat, but looked away as if nothing had happened, intending to point the gun back to Mao Lilan's head.

However, at this time, Mao Lilan raised his hand and held his wrist.

"Ha, you want to compete with me in strength?" Kasuga Teruhiko couldn't help but laugh - there are always some hostages who overestimate their own abilities and think they can block the kidnapper's gun with her weak hand.

Thinking this, Kasuga Teruhiko exerted a little force...


...and push harder.


Use all your strength!


Face flushed.

...However, he never managed to point the gun back to Mao Lilan's head with a grin as he imagined.

——Those soft hands belonging to the girl were like steel pliers, gripping his wrist motionlessly.

Mao Lilan's originally docile eyes suddenly turned sinister: "You actually want to kill someone!...Go to hell, you scumbag!"

She grabbed Kasuga Teruhiko's collar and arms, lifted him up violently, and slammed him onto the rocky shore.

"Ah——!!" Kasuga Teruhiko let out a miserable howl, feeling like his bones were about to break. As soon as he loosened his grip, the gun rolled down the sloping river bank, and happened to be caught by Jiang Xia, who was guarding the lake.

Jiang Xia also picked up the gun that just sank to the bottom, wrapped the two together, and stuffed them into the bag casually.

Then he burst out of the water with a splash.

Just then, Kasuga Teruhiko slid down the sloping shore. Jiang Xia kindly stepped on the man to prevent him from falling into the lake.

Then when the other party was struggling with an angry look, he took out the slinging stick and said: "What a dangerous madman... You guys, stay away. If he has other weapons, it will be bad. Let me come and meet him for a while." "

Kasuga Teruhiko's car happened to be parked nearby.

Several high school students hijacked Kasuga Teruhiko and helped him get into his car. They drove back in a somewhat crowded way and headed straight to the police station.

When they arrived at the place, Jiang Xia got out of the car. As soon as he closed the door, he saw a policeman wearing glasses coming over.

The fat police officer waved to him in surprise: "Mr. Jiang Xia! I finally found you - the test results of the digestive tract fluid of the corpse came out, and it did contain the ingredients of sleeping pills. Originally, I wanted to talk to Dr. Tanaka... Well, you Have you seen him? I called his phone just now, but no one answered. I had people search around the town but couldn't find him."

The policeman was actually a little guilty: Could it be that Jiang Xia really told him that Dr. Tanaka was the murderer, and now, is he planning to abscond in fear of crime?

Just as he was thinking about it, there was sudden chaos in the car next to him.

Kasuga Teruhiko rolled and fell out of it. After landing, he ignored the pain and went straight to the police.

The fat police officer was startled, and it took him a second to recognize it - the guy running anxiously to the police station seemed to be the dark-skinned man who spoke strangely on the beach just now.

It's just... I don't know if it was his imagination, but I always felt that this dark-skinned man looked swollen than before.

The police officer was a little confused when he suddenly heard Kasuga Teruhiko pointing at Jiang Xia and shouting: "Police, catch him quickly! This detective hit me. He, he accidentally killed Dr. Tanaka!"

Jiang Xia: "..." It seems that it was too early to stop, and the heat has not been reached yet.

However, Kasuga Teruhiko's pig-headed face didn't look very convincing at this time.

The fat police officer looked at him, then at Jiang Xia, and finally focused on Jiang Xia, wondering: "What's going on?"

"Dr. Tanaka and this man both want to kill their girlfriends here, and then go home and marry Miss Qianjin."

Jiang Xia briefly talked about what happened in the sea cave just now: "Although they have the same intention, they seem to have internal strife. So just now, Mr. Kasuga shot Dr. Tanaka to death, and also took my classmates hostage - the one who rescued the hostages At that moment, Mr. Kasuga lost his balance and accidentally fell off the stone bank."

"...And then it became like this?"

The fat police officer looked at Kasuga Teruhiko and looked carefully for a moment. He felt that the man was quite swollen and it didn't look like he had been thrown out.


He whispered: "I feel like there are shoe prints on his clothes?"

"Huh? That." Jiang Xia glanced at Kasuga Teruhiko, "At that time, he was about to fall into the lake. I was afraid that he would choke and drown, but I couldn't move my hands away, so in desperation, I had to stop him with my feet - By the way, take him for a gun smoke reaction evidence collection. He should not be qualified to hold a gun and shoot, which is also illegal."

"Oh, yes." The fat police officer was fooled.

It happened that the police station was nearby, so he called a few police officers and carried Kasuga Teruhiko, who had a twisted look on his face, into the police station.

Just as he was about to follow, the fat police officer suddenly remembered something and turned to look at several high school students and Nakamura Sachiko: "By the way, where is his gun?"

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko didn't pay attention: "It may have fallen into the lake. By the way, Dr. Tanaka's body is still by the lake - the lake connected to the sea cave. It is in this direction. I heard it is a famous nearby place. Fish pond." They enthusiastically pointed the direction to the police officer.

The fat police officer was about to find someone to retrieve the gun, but Conan suddenly remembered: "Just go and dispose of the body. Brother Jiang Xia has already picked up the gun, and both of them are in the bag."

He pointed to Jiang Xia's backpack, alerting the police and Jiang Xia by the way.

Jiang Xia probably forgot about this incident, so he didn't take out the gun. Fortunately, he remembered, otherwise he would have to make a trip to return it.

The fat police officer turned back quickly and looked at Jiang Xia.

"..." Jiang Xia looked at Conan, "Your eyes are quite good..."

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