Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 124 Gin: Not enough formal members

Ginjiu looked at Jiang Xia who got into the car under his nose, and paused slightly while lighting the cigarette.

He actually had no intention of letting Jiang Xia get in the car, he just wanted to get the briefcase.

But just now, Jiang Xia's process from opening the door to taking a seat was too natural. Vodka was probably used to picking up people, so he started off quickly without any questioning. When Ginjiu lowered his head and put a cigarette in his mouth, Jiang Xia was already in the car.

Gin hesitated for a moment, but still didn't drive the person out of the car.

Although it is a little far away from the explosion site, there are still many police around. If you stop frequently, it will easily attract the attention of others... Forget it, for the sake of Jiang Xia not only getting the information, but also getting the money back, let's drive a little further, so that I can ask some questions.

Gin Jiu turned to Jiang Xia: "Tell me about what happened just now, in more detail." Although they had talked on the phone just now, the explosion happened too suddenly, and many details have not yet been confirmed.

Jiang Xia started from the beginning and talked about what just happened.

During this period, Gin's already considerable murderous aura surged again.

The ghosts made busy but happy murmurs.

At first, Miyano Akemi huddled behind Jiang Xia, carefully hiding.

Later, she couldn't help being attracted by the increasingly mellow murderous aura. She held Jiang Xia's arm and stuck her head out, secretly looking at Gin.

On the way, when the car stopped at a red light intersection, Jiang Xia suddenly noticed the aura of Shikigami.

He turned his head and looked out the window, slightly startled.

Ginjiu keenly noticed Jiang Xia's movements in the rearview mirror.

He immediately looked over there, squinted at the driver in the car next to him, and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment before speaking, and then told the truth: "...What a coincidence, this is the person who put the bomb in the briefcase."


As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaobai let out a murmur of surprise, and his murderous hands moved faster.

Gin had no idea what was happening to him.

He glanced at the driver of the car next door with a dead look, and motioned to Vodka in a cold voice: "Follow me."

Gin was indeed having a bad day.

——What if Tequila opened her briefcase in a crowded place just now, and once the number of people killed exceeds a certain limit, the police will definitely make every effort to check Tequila's identity, and other agencies will also intervene. This may result in relevant information being exposed.

...Not to mention that this bomb killed one of their regular members, causing an already scarce manpower to become even more scarce.

All kinds of troublesome consequences add up, and Ginjiu suddenly becomes murderous.

Jiang Xia observed Ginjiu's expression, and then looked at Xiaobai and Wutengu who were busy.

After thinking for a moment, he reached out and touched his back, pulled Miyano Akemi out and asked her to help. Two ghosts are definitely not as efficient as three ghosts.

Miyano Akemi was still panicked. However, she gently smelled the aroma of wine escaping from the car, and finally couldn't help but stretched out her hand, cautiously approached the source of the murderous aura, and tentatively grabbed a wisp of the murderous aura.


Looking up, Miyano Akemi finally stopped fighting against her ghost instinct when she saw that Gin didn't respond. She moaned hard and happily pulled out a big strand.

After a minute or two, Miyano Akemi became completely accustomed to it.

She no longer looked like she was going to die in bliss at any moment. She twitched her arms and legs, and even secretly tied a bow with murderous intent. She didn't know if she was being lazy or taking revenge.

The murderer's home is in the suburbs.

When Jiang Xia urged the ghosts to show their murderous intent, Vodka forced the murderer's car to stop on a desolate road.

The murderer pulled down the window in confusion and annoyance, wanting to ask the driver why he was targeting him. Before the car window could be fully lowered, Gin raised his hand and fired a shot, causing the murderer to collapse on the driver's seat with a look on his face.

Vodka still cooperated tacitly, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car away quickly.

Gin took back his gun and felt a little better than before.

He glanced at Jiang Xia in the back seat and originally wanted to let Jiang Xia handle the follow-up out of habit. But before I spoke, I suddenly felt that this was overkill.

Gin: "..." And Vodka drove away too fast, and it's too late to turn around now... Tsk, why do you feel that Vodka doesn't regard Jiang Xia as a peripheral member at all? The treatment given to Jiang Xia is almost the same as that given to a full member.

Gin was slightly unhappy, but also vaguely inspired.

In the end, he did not assign the task of destroying the body to Jiang Xia.

Instead, he sent a message to several other peripheral members and asked them to handle it. At the same time, he also shut up the transaction partner to prevent him from revealing the information about Tequila.

Jiang Xia sat quietly in the car.

Now, Gin only has two of his ghosts with him, and the other one is still outside.

Like Gin, Jiang Xia also complained about Vodka's speed - just now, as soon as the murderer died, the Tequila Shikigami on his leg let go.

Kiritengu just flew over and grabbed the shikigami, but before he could take him to the car, Vodka drove away.

Shikigami and ghosts who have signed a contract can directly return to the seal space just like returning to the resurrection point.

But new shikigami don't have this kind of treatment.

As soon as Kiritengo flew out of the murderer's car with the shikigami in his arms, he saw the Porsche driving Jiang Xia away. It was stunned, flapping its wings and trying to chase after him. Fortunately, if it were Miyano Akemi and Xiaobai, they couldn't keep up with Vodka's speed.

Jiang Xia saw the foggy dog ​​from a distance that was about to flap its wings into a hummingbird, and felt a little sorry for his ghost. But it was a bit strange for him to suddenly ask to get out of the car in the wilderness around here, so he had to silently cheer Wutian Gou up in his heart.

It wasn't until we entered the city and the car slowed down that the foggy dog ​​finally caught up.

It weakly squeezed through the window and fell on the seat with a clatter. After a few seconds of slowing down, the foggy dog ​​squirmed tremblingly in the direction of Jiang Xia, and held the shikigami in his hand to Jiang Xia with an air of support.

Gin had just finished killing someone, and another murderous aura was stolen from him. Now his mood has become calmer, and there is no new murderous aura to draw out for the time being.

Xiaobai and Miyano Akemi freed up their hands, gathered around the weak Kiriten dog, and pinched its wings lovingly as a colleague.

Jiang Xia put away the shikigami transformed from agave, and briefly sensed the gin in the front row.

However, Gin did not have the aura of a leg-snatching shikigami. I don’t know if the murderer failed to transform into a shikigami, or if he was born but failed to catch up, or if he didn’t dare to come...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia gently poked the Wutian dog lying on the corpse.

Then I got feedback from it - the murderer did indeed generate a shikigami, but instead of chasing Gin, it grabbed its own body nearby.

"..." Jiang Xia fell into deep thought.

Based on past experience, the prerequisite for obtaining the murderer's shikigami is probably to beat Gin up and send him to the police station, or to kill him.

And now...

He thought of the Shikigami, and took another look at the fresh, high-end murderous aura that the ghosts had just harvested...

Let’s forget it first.

Vodka quickly followed Gin's instructions and parked the car in a deserted place.

Jiang Xia had already gotten what he wanted, so he didn't stay any longer and returned home with a full load of ghosts and murderous intent.

After he got out of the car, Gin kicked his toes on the briefcases Jiang Xia had brought - half a day ago, Tequila, who had taken the two briefcases, had transformed from a prime-age labor force of the organization into a miserable corpse. Burnt corpses.

Ginjiu said gloomily: "Another one died."

The newly recruited members have not yet been fully trained. He would not trust such a person to be used as peripheral cannon fodder, let alone do serious work... Thinking of this, Ginjiu turned his eyes and fell thoughtfully on Jiang Xia. direction of departure.

Vodka quickly understood what his elder brother meant and was not surprised at all.

The innocent child who was forced into Jiang Xia's bag and folded like a building block flashed through his mind again... It was an accident that vodka had passed so long. The eldest brother had just thought of giving it to Jiang Xia. Become a regular employee.

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