Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1236 1236 [Vodka: The Warriors’ Curtain Call]

After all, even if there is no reason for him to have any troubles at all, or even those who are kind to him, Uzo will push them to their death a few times without having anything to do. This time, it was probably the criminal aura of Doctor Utsumi that attracted him, so Uzo couldn't help but kill people.

Gin: "..." But you can't use excuses like "encounter" or "accident" to explain to the boss. In case it was misunderstood that he and Uzuo teamed up to escape the doctor... After all, "that adult" probably only told himself about the doctor, not Uzuo.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated and a new email came in.

Judging from the address, the message was from Vodka.

Gin opened it casually and saw a few words carefully written on it:

[Brother, there is a piece of news about Uzo on the bounty board. ]

Gin: "..." Reward board?

He thought for a moment before realizing what it was.

——Although the members who can board this forum have gone through several screenings, for Gin, it is still a dangerous public area and there is a risk of exposing their own information.

Gin would not use it to issue missions, nor would he act like a cheap hired killer, helping ordinary members who posted bounties to take missions and kill people. The rats lurking in the forum have their own people from the Intelligence and Information Department to worry about, so Gin rarely uses this forum, so naturally he won't just log in and take a look.

At this time, he received the message from Vodka, so he climbed up, intending to check the message above.

At the same time, I thought a little doubtfully: Why did Vodka go to that forum?

Vodka is not as busy as gin - although the two people's schedules often overlap, vodka does not require so much thinking. So he often has nothing to do and sneaks in to browse the Internet.

In the past, Vodka's free time was mostly given to beautiful and cute idols.

But since Wu Zuo appeared, he had to allocate some energy and start collecting information about Jiang Xia.

——Know yourself and your enemy to live longer, and live longer to enjoy life. In short, Vodka feels that this is a necessary step for his own future.

From Vodka's point of view, Uzo has always been interested in the members of the organization, of course, the kind of interest in toys or puppets.

It's just that cadres are more precious, and they rarely interact with famous detectives like "Jiang Xia". Therefore, in comparison, peripheral members who often wander around outside seem to be more likely to become victims of Wu Zuo's men.

Vodka then occasionally went to the forum to take a look at the situation, hoping to see if there was anyone unlucky enough to encounter Uzo again, be involved in a murder case, become a dead person, or be silenced by the Operations Department, so that he could avoid it in a targeted manner.

It's the same this time.

A few minutes ago, Vodka casually scanned the reward board and accidentally discovered information about "Jiang Xia".

Originally, he was lamenting in his heart that the guy who issued the reward was really unlucky. Unexpectedly, after taking a closer look, the mission content was actually "Kill Tokyo's famous detective Eka Kirishi".

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "!!"

...Which warrior is this?

He couldn't help but, with three parts admiration, three parts gloating, and four parts pious blessing, he quietly used his own authority to take a look at the publisher's identity.

"...Utsumi Kazuhiko?"

It's an unimpressive name.

While thinking about it, Vodka checked this person and was curious about how he interacted with Uzo. To get more information to avoid their battlefield in the future.

Generally speaking, those who can become forum members are rarely unknown people. Either the ability is strong enough to attract the attention of the organization, or the person has considerable resources.

Vodka hit Enter, and various information quickly popped up on the computer interface in front of him.

Judging from information within the organization, this "Utsumi Kazuhiko" seems to be a psychiatrist with considerable qualifications and has committed several crimes, but has not been recorded by the police.

Vodka: "..." A psychiatrist, a can-do attitude, and "high seniority in an industry" usually means they've offended a lot of people. and……

Vodka looked around and felt that this guy looked a bit like him, especially his burly figure and wide square chin.

After looking at it for a moment, a chill silently creeped up behind Vodka: "..." I don't know why, but I always felt that Utsumi Kazuhiko's success rate in killing Uzo was not high. On the contrary, the probability of him being watched by Uzo was ridiculously high.

However, Utsumi Kazuhiko was quite smart: instead of going up, he put a reward on his head.

In this case, Inland Sea will have the opportunity to hide in the dark and wait for opportunities to resist.

Vodka remembered that Uzo didn't have permission to check the bounty on the forum - if Uzo hadn't discovered the doctor and was suddenly attacked by a complete stranger, he might really suffer.

After all, many of the peripheral members carry guns. When assassinating, they can fire a shot and run away without giving them a chance to swing their sticks or use their mouths. Hey hey hey...

After scanning the information in front of him, Vodka thought about the future while closing the organization information and opening another interface, the public web page.

——He planned to casually search for Utsumi Kazuhiko's recent itinerary, or at least confirm the guy's treatment time.

Enter your name and occupation and press Enter.

The interface refreshed, and a message popped up.

--Obituary published by the Physicians Union.

Vodka: "...?"

The sudden appearance of the black and white interface made his smooth surfing behavior suddenly freeze.

After a moment of silence, Vodka moved the mouse and stiffly went in to take a closer look.

The web page refreshed, and a familiar face suddenly appeared on it. The ID photo of Kazuhiko Utsumi, which I had just seen once in the organization, was now displayed on the obituary notice of the Medical Association - the same confident smile, the same resolute face, but the color tone changed to black and white.

In addition, looking further down, Vodka saw another line of very small words.

There are several other names listed on it. If you zoom in and take a closer look, you can see that this is the list of people who have been urgently expelled from the doctors' union: Jun Okano, Katsuyoshi Tanaka, and Dateo.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "…………"

...No, it can’t be what he thinks.

He silently exited the interface and left this doctors' union that had suffered heavy casualties.

Then I went back to the web page and searched the names of these people again——

Okano Jun, one of the participants in this doctors union meeting. I usually work in Mie Prefecture as a private doctor. Last night he was convicted and imprisoned for poisoning his employer. His bold trick of "killing people in person" caused a lot of discussion about similar cases. The person who solved the case was Jiang Xia.

Tanaka Katsuyoshi, one of the participants at this doctors union meeting, worked in Mie Prefecture as a hospital employee during his lifetime. This morning, after killing his girlfriend, he got into trouble with a similar gangster. Unfortunately, he was a little worse. He was shot in the head, and his crime was ruthlessly exposed after his death. The person who solved the case is Jiang Xia.

Ida Xiong, one of the participants of this doctors union meeting, is a senior doctor working in Tokyo. This afternoon on the way home from Mie Prefecture, Kazuhiko Utsumi was successfully murdered. The crime was later revealed. The one who solved the case... was still the familiar Jiang Xia.


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