Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1238 1238 [Give Uzo authority]

If you say this, you may gain countless murderous intentions in the short term, but it seems not conducive to long-term development.

So regretfully for a moment, Jiang Xia finally did not start taunting, and turned to talk about business.

"How could it be exposed? I just took a look at the information inside to protect myself." Jiang Xia said calmly:

"And if there are undercovers, wouldn't it be better? - Only people with strong enough abilities can be sent as undercovers. These people are mixed among the peripheral members. If one day they are lucky enough to be promoted to cadres, they will definitely have a negative impact on the organization. It’s not a small harm. Why don’t you let me help the organization eliminate hidden dangers. This is what we should do as cadres.”

Gin: "..." That's nice to say. When these peripheral members fall into your hands, even if they are not undercovers, they will probably be labeled as "undercovers" and then cleaned up.

However, Gin thought for a while: People who are truly cautious and capable rarely use the bounty function in the forum.

As for those who are not cautious...hehe, they will die sooner or later when they become cadres, and they will waste the power of the organization to silence them before they die.

And the Internet is not the same as reality. Even if there is a bounty, people in the forum will hide their identities from each other and rarely communicate. Rather than contacting forum members, there are more opportunities to contact assassination targets.

In other words, after letting Wu Zuo in, he will obviously be more dangerous than the targets that need to be cleaned up compared to the cadres.

Thinking of this, Gin's attitude relaxed a little.

——Speaking of which, compared to normal peripheral members, undercover agents are indeed more thirsty for information and are more likely to fall for Uzo's bait.

Gin: "..." In addition, although I don't want to admit it, I must face the reality: the current situation is that Uzo already knows about the existence of the "reward board" in the forum.

Humans are not machines, and it is impossible for him to forcibly delete this part of information from Uzo's mind.

Under this premise, as long as Uzo wants to see something, he can always find an opportunity.

For example, quietly kill a passing peripheral member, dispose of the body, pretend that the other party is not dead, and then occupy the unlucky guy's account to browse the forum.

Or...find someone else willing to give him browsing rights.

Thinking of Rum's cunning one-eyed wolf and his behavior of searching for talents, Gin snorted in disgust.

"I will give you browsing permission later." Of course, it is only the permission to browse the bounty content, and the identity of the poster cannot be checked by Uzo. "If you really find an undercover agent, don't kill yourself without permission, report it first - in addition, you are responsible for approaching The target is enough, you are not allowed to contact the person who posted the bounty, or other members of the forum."

"..." Jiang Xia felt that his demands were a bit too much, "What's a forum if you don't get in touch with others?"

After a pause, he remembered that he had not yet opened the permissions, and then said: "Okay, I understand."

Knowing is one thing.

If you're lucky enough to bump into a forum member in the future, that's another story.

Permissions that have been opened cannot be taken back.

Gin glanced at him, feeling uneasy after hearing Uzo agree so happily.

But the words have been let out, Uzo should have some idea...

With this in mind, he stopped worrying about this kind of thing - in the final analysis, they were just a group of peripheral members and not worth his trouble.

Gin glanced at the reward on the phone about "Detective Jiang Xia": "When the organization cleans up the traces of Dr. Utsumi, his forum account will be cleared, and the reward will naturally be removed at that time. Before that, I can't help myself. Notice."

After saying that, Gin was silent for a moment: In fact, instead of reminding Uzo, it would be better to remind those unlucky guys who accepted the bounty.

However, they are not the people under his command anyway, and there might be rats hidden inside, so just treat it as a trial - if you survive Uzo, you may be able to consider promotion.

Just as I was thinking about it, a refresh reminder suddenly popped up in the interface on my phone.

Gin caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye and was startled by this subtle change, and came back to his senses.

He thought there was a new bounty released, so he clicked refresh.

After a second, Gin's eyes were fixed on the phone screen, and his eyes became a little complicated.

——After refreshing, no new interface pops up.

But next to the reward about Jiang Xia, there was a red dialog box.

These are other people's comments on this task.

[I still have use for this person. If you don't have a good enough reason, don't come to cause trouble for me. If you are mistaken for my attacker, it will not be good.

PS: The police patrols are very strict recently, so I may not be able to find a good place to hide the body. Don't bother me if you mind.


Gin: "..."

Very good, now Uzo and those peripheral members no longer need to be "more careful" these days.

...Although he has always disliked this guy, he has to say that bourbon is really easy to use.

Gin sneered, with a trace of undisguised schadenfreude in his smile: "I really want to see the expression on his face when he knows you are 'Uzo'."

Jiang Xia: "..." According to his experience, I'm afraid he can't see his expression, because the boss's whole body will be covered with coffee-scented murderous aura.

Thinking of the huge murderous cocoon, he couldn't help but become a little distracted.

Ginjiu closed the interface and caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia's expression. He was in a good mood: Poor Bourbon. From this point of view, before he died, he should be able to get this piece of news that would make him die in silence.

But after a while, Gin suddenly felt that Uzo's expression seemed a bit familiar.

Gin: "..." Speaking of which, when this guy looked at me, he seemed...

Jiang Xia was distracted when he suddenly noticed a sharp gaze.

He was startled, turned around and saw that Gin's body suddenly had a lot more murderous aura. He was confused but also quite surprised: "What's wrong?"

Gin met his calm gaze: "..."

...Is this just Uzo's instinctive reaction after meeting a strong person?

If you think about it carefully, your luck has not changed much before and after you came into contact with Uzo, and it is not as unlucky as Bourbon. Doesn't seem to be targeted.

It's really embarrassing to react violently just because of a colleague's expression.

Gin thought of the surprised vodka, frowned with an expression of disgust, and stopped thinking about it.

All the bounty issues have been dealt with, so there is no need to worry.

As he drove back to the city, he remembered the conversation he heard from passers-by and said casually: "If your so-called 'tool' is exposed, remember to clean it up in time."

After a pause, Gin suddenly realized that this was actually nonsense: Think about the genius kid who was stuffed into a bag and cremated by Uzo because he was caught on camera... If Uzo's subordinates really If something goes wrong, Uzo will attack them faster than anyone can remind them.

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