Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1246 1246 [Friends of the Phantom Thieves, Jiang Xia] Please vote for me

Chapter 1246 1246 [Friends of Kaitou, Jiang Xia] Please vote for me (づど)☆

Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko had complicated thoughts, and they were each "looking for differences".

Opposite, Kidd inadvertently raised his head and suddenly caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia next to Suzuki Sonoko. Seeing the detective's face clearly from the front, Kidd's smile froze slightly.

——Before he approached, Kidd didn’t really notice that Jiang Xia was here.

He had a brief encounter with this famous detective. Although the meeting was short, Kidd had a very deep impression of Jiang Xia.

Because the last time he jumped between buildings, he was hit by Jiang Xia riding a leopard.

At that time, Kidd discovered that Jiang Xia actually knew his true identity, and he heard that it was Wu Tiangu who tipped him off... He didn't know how Jiang Xia got in touch with the monster.

Kidd: "..." Although according to Jiang Xia himself, he was just "born to like small animals."

But no matter how he thought about it, Kidd still felt that neither the Black Panther nor the foggy dog ​​could be classified as a "small animal", and he intuitively felt that this detective was a bit weird.

Today, Kidd never expected that he and Qingmei would suddenly meet Jiang Xia when they went shopping.

The two sides looked at each other, Jiang Xia's eyes fell on Kidd, as if to say hello.

But after a moment, he seemed to realize something, and finally said nothing, standing beside him as if he didn't recognize him.

Kidd kept a smile on his face and breathed a sigh of relief:'s okay, okay. He was really afraid that Jiang Xia would be distracted and blurt out "Hello, Kidd".

In that case, everything is lost.

after all……

Kidd glanced at the girl next to him out of the corner of his eye.

This is his childhood friend, Nakamori Aoko.

And Nakamori Aoko's father is naturally the Nakamori Police Department who has been chasing "Phantom Thief Kidd" for countless years, but has so far failed to catch the Phantom Thief.

Nakamori Aoko has always hated "Kaitou Kid", the thief who brought shame to her father. But at the same time, she also has a good impression of Kuroba Kaito.

Thinking of this, Kidd had mixed feelings: If in normal times, someone called him "Kidd" in front of Qingzi, he could still pretend to be joking and fool him.

But it's hard to do that today.

Kidd: "..." It seems that his face was really seen last night.

Because today, the Nakamori Police Department obviously had suspicions about him - when Kidd had his usual meal with the Nakamori father and daughter in the morning, the Zhongmori Police Department stared at him uncharacteristically.

And not long after that, perhaps because of what the police officer said to her daughter, Nakamori Aoko started to act strange.

In the morning, she took the initiative uncharacteristically and asked Kuroba Kaito to hang out. She wanted to prove to her father that "Kuroba Kaito is not Kid", because Kid was going to steal the crown at 8pm, and during this time, as long as Kuroba Kaito couldn't get away, his suspicion would naturally be cleared.

Kidd felt bad at the time, but faced with Nakamori Aoko's unusually tough attitude, he could only agree.

To refuse at this time is almost equivalent to directly admitting defeat.

At this time, thinking of this troublesome matter, Kidd couldn't help but touch his pocket.

——Grandpa Terai gave him a new prop, a compressed doll ball.

After use, it can expand into a dummy dressed up like "Kuroba Kaito".

But dolls are still dolls after all. Just like Dr. Agasa couldn't customize a "Kudo Shinichi" for Conan to fool Mao Lilan, Kidd's dolls can tell the real ones from the fake ones at a glance, and there is a risk of being exposed.

Kidd: "..." If the puppet plan fails, we can only let Grandpa Terai steal a wave of crowns and become Kaitou Kidd.

But at his age, with his old arms and legs, if he accidentally gets caught...well, he might as well ask the foggy dog ​​to knock the police out.

There are a bunch of messy things on my mind. Coupled with the fact that Jiang Xia, an "insider" whose position was unknown, was nearby, Kidd inevitably felt guilty and just wanted to leave the gallery as soon as possible.

But if he left directly, it would be too abrupt - how could a normal person avoid the detective? Any suspicious behavior by "Kuroba Kaito" now will only increase the suspicion in Nakamori Aoko's heart.

So Kidd had to try his best to think of a perfect excuse to get out.

But at this moment, it was as if he heard the cry in his heart: Next to them, a figure suddenly passed by.

He was a homeless man whose dressing style was incompatible with this place. His clothes were in tatters and stained, and he was carrying a huge travel bag on his back. His messy hair hung down to his waist, and he had a rough paper cigarette in his mouth.

When the four high school students facing each other saw him, they couldn't help but be startled by his weird dress.

The homeless man completely ignored the looks of several people.

He stared at the painting in front of him for a few moments, then suddenly crossed the fence and walked straight to the wall. Then he held the frame and took a closer look, like a short-sighted man trying to distinguish the details.

At the corner of the corridor, the gallery manager happened to be passing by.

When he saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, then rushed over and stopped in front of the homeless man: "Sorry, you can't touch these paintings with your hands!"

As he spoke, the manager saw the homeless man's face - although his face was too dirty to see his facial features clearly, the cigarette in his mouth was easily identifiable.

When the manager saw the lit cigarette butt, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Smoking is prohibited in our hotel!"

The tramp frowned and looked away from the painting, turning to glare at him.

The atmosphere became tense for a moment, and the two people seemed to be in conflict immediately.

Kidd subconsciously took a step forward, trying to start a fight.

However, unexpectedly, the homeless man glared at the manager for a while and didn't bother him anymore.

He pressed his forehead as if he had a headache and said "Sorry". He turned towards the exit and quickly left the gallery.

The manager looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, he looked at the security guards who hurried over after discovering the movement, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Who asked you to let people in?!"

The security guard whispered: "I'm really sorry, but he, he has a VIP card for the gallery. We have no reason to stop..."

"VIP card?" The manager was startled, then frowned, "You must have picked it up somewhere. Our card can only be obtained after spending money..."

Just as he was talking, someone else came next to him.

This time it was a woman with dyed brown hair tied into a low ponytail at the back and wearing a smart suit.

She is one of the shareholders here, Hayase Kimika. I rarely show up at ordinary times. I came here to deal with some things today, but I didn't expect to hear a commotion all of a sudden.

After all, she is part of the gallery. Hayase Kimika saw the ugly-looking manager and asked casually: "What happened just now?"

"It's nothing, just a small situation." The manager explained humbly, "A homeless man came here just now and picked up the VIP card from somewhere, causing a little commotion - you don't have to worry, the matter has been resolved."

"VIP card?" Hayase Junxiang smelled the lingering smell of smoke in the air, suddenly thought of something, and her face suddenly changed.

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