Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1252 1252 [The terrifying Jiangxia]

Kuroba Kaito stopped and said to Nakamori Aoko naturally: "I want to go to the bathroom."

As soon as Nakamori Aoko heard that he was leaving, she immediately became wary.

However, she looked at her watch and found that it was still some time before the "eight o'clock" predicted by Kidd, so she regained her composure - at worst, she would have been guarding the bathroom door later. If it was almost time, Kaito would If he doesn't show up yet, then crash the door and go in to see if he is inside...

Thinking this, Nakamori Aoko nodded thoughtfully: "Come back soon."

Kuroba Kaito: "..." I suddenly felt a little hairy behind my back... But it's normal to think about it. At this point, the Nakamori Police Department must be scolding "Kid" at this time - the police department plus his group of subordinates Resentment should not be underestimated.

He didn't think much more and quickly entered the bathroom.

Then he looked down at the text messages on his phone, confirmed the location, sneaked to the innermost room, and knocked on the door.

The door opens from the inside.

The enthusiastic classmate Jiang Xia appeared in his field of vision.

"Good evening." Jiang Xia's attitude was very friendly.

Kuroba Kaito glanced at him, and when he saw that friendly smile, for some reason, a sentence suddenly popped into his mind, "Weasel pays New Year greetings to chicken."


He quickly shook his head and shook the strange association out of his mind - even if the detective and the Phantom Thief were naturally hostile, he was definitely not the chicken whose neck was bitten off!

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Maybe it's because the impression of the Panther Knight that night was so deeply rooted in people's hearts, or because Jiang Xia's attitude of actively letting go of the Phantom Thief was too free and easy to look like a detective. In short, I always feel that Jiangxia is not as simple as it seems.

He couldn't help but mutter: "I didn't expect you to be willing to help me."

Jiang Xia smiled: "You are a friend of my friend, rounding it off you can be considered my friend. And you are very similar to another friend of mine. I happened to be free tonight, so I helped you."

Kuroba Kaito: "..." This detective has quite a few friends. If he hadn't known which was which, he would have probably fainted by now...

He still cares a little, but now is obviously not the time to dig into the other party's secrets. And anyway, Jiang Xia is here to help him tonight. It seems impolite to inquire in person.

Kidd tried hard to forget his bad first impression of Jiang Xia and focus on business.

He looked at Jiang Xia's clothes and found that they were exactly the same as his own. He suddenly understood: "Have you contacted Grandpa Terai?"

Jiang Xia nodded, took out a mobile phone and waved it: "The communication went very smoothly. I brought all the clothes and tools used by Yi Rong, as well as the voice changer you mentioned."

Kuroba Kaito's eyes turned to the side and fell on his mobile phone: "..." Wait, this mobile phone looks familiar... Isn't this the one he gave to Kiritengu before for the convenience of contact?

Jiang Xia also looked over and said, "He doesn't seem to be used to it, so I used it."

As he spoke, he glanced at Kuroba Kaito.

He saw Kuroba Kaito's eyes staring at the phone, instantly becoming full of resentment, but there was no murderous aura coming out of him.

"..." Jiang Xia looked carefully and found that it was not there, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He was actually very curious about Kidd's murderous taste...

However, it seems that even though Kidd is from Tokyo, the common reason for killing "a gift given to a friend was given to someone else without any appreciation by the friend" actually fails to arouse his murderous intention... Alas, as expected, even if high school students become monster thieves and are on the front line of illegal crimes, they are still different from normal criminals who are willing to commit murder.

The temptation failed.

Jiang Xia didn't make any more unnecessary attempts and continued what he just said: "But I only borrowed it for one night. So for the sake of convenience, please save your number for me - sometimes the signal over foggy dogs is not good. If anything happens, we can contact you directly.”

The tips of Kuroba Kaidou's ears twitched, and he said "huh" reservedly. He was much calmer than before: it seems that he understood it wrong. Jiang Xia's sentence "I brought my mobile phone to use" just now should not refer to fog. Tengu gave him the mobile phone, but Wu Tiangu knew that he needed to keep in touch tonight, but he was not used to using the mobile phone, so Jiang Xia temporarily borrowed his mobile phone to send and receive messages.

"Okay, let's change our appearance first." Kidd found the tools and started doing business.

Not long after, Kuroba Kaito quickly made a face exactly like his own.

Then he remembered something and turned on the voice changer disguised as a necklace around Jiang Xia's neck: "Say something and I'll listen."

Jiang Xia thought of the Masked Superman stage he passed just now and said casually: "Justice will prevail?"

Kidd: "..." He suspected that the detective was cursing him, but unfortunately he had no evidence...

Kuroba Kaito could only mutter in his heart while adjusting the voice changer.

He quickly took back his hand: "Okay."

Then he rubbed Jiang Xia's hair and styled it into the same style as Kuroba Kaito: "You can go out first. I will leave after you leave."

As he said this, he was about to leave the house.

But at this time, Jiang Xia said: "Wait, there is one more thing."


Kidd turned to look at him and saw Jiang Xia squatting down and digging through his bag. When he took his hand back, he actually had more in his hand...

A black cat with only four white paws.

The dark-clouded snow cat was held in Jiang Xia's hand and looked up at him. Looking at each other, it raised its paw and waved towards Kidd, saying a friendly "meow~".

Kidd: "..."

Kidd: "???"

...Isn't this the heroic cat that stepped on the mask and slid in front of him when he and Detective White Horse were fighting for the gas mask? And if he remembered correctly, he once cut open the tough metal chain with his claws and helped him take the gem off the stone statue.

This cat is actually Jiang Xia's friend?

"This cat is Kiriten Dog's friend." Jiang Xia stuffed the dry cat into Kuroba Kaito's arms, "Take it with you for tonight's action."

Kuroba Kaito was startled: "Kiritengu isn't going today?"

When I was stealing the treasure, there was no Wutian Dog standing by. Thinking about it, I actually felt a little uncomfortable... It wasn't that I wanted to be robbed by him, but Wutian Dog was like a martial arts street fighter who collected protection money. Robbery was robbery. , Occasionally if he encounters his car overturning, he will take action to catch it.

Jiang Xia: "..." - Of course not. The location of "Angel's Crown" is not too close to here. The foggy dog ​​is so big and flying far away consumes too much energy, so it is better to let the cat go. Anyway, when they gathered the energy cores, their speeds were almost the same.

Of course, this is not easy to say directly.

So Jiang Xia just said: "The foggy dog ​​is my backup plan - if he is on the verge of being exposed, he will pretend to be a monster running out of the haunted house and attack Miss Zhongmori and me to delay time."

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