Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1259 1259 [Gin is innocent] Please vote for me

Chapter 1259 1259 [Gin is innocent] Please vote for me (〃〃)

The boss didn’t think there was anything wrong with his vision: he previously admired Dr. Utsumi’s medical skills, but this obviously had to be established when the doctor-patient relationship was established. The current situation is that before Dr. Utsumi met Uzuo, Died unluckily, not lucky enough.

"However, Uzo had better change his behavior of killing people everywhere. Although no one doubts him now, if he does it too much, he will inevitably make mistakes."

Karasuma Renye quickly forgot about Dr. Utsumi. He was not the kind of person who would be immersed in small mistakes and unable to get out of them. Besides, he didn't think it was his own mistake. He just started thinking about the next treatment: "Psychological problems It’s difficult to control, and since Neihai is not good, there is actually a pretty good doctor in the organization.”

Gin: "..." Although theoretically speaking, it is impossible for every doctor to survive before Uzo.

But I don't know why, he always felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, "that adult" is very calm most of the time and does not send someone over immediately: "That doctor is still busy with other things. I will ask him to contact you after a while."

Gin responded and found that there was nothing else to do for the time being, so he turned around and left.

When he went out, his eyes changed slightly: "..." This time, the boss did not give him the doctor's contact information or relevant information.

Could it be that the gentleman, although he didn't say anything, still suspected that he and Uzo had teamed up to escape the clinic?

However, judging from the boss's attitude, he probably just listed this situation as one of the possibilities without seriously doubting it.

After thinking about this, Gin couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed even though he was displeased.

——This time, I don’t even know the identity of Doctor No. 2. If something happens again... at least it will definitely have nothing to do with him, and the suspicion will naturally be cleared.

In addition, since he can't find a doctor for a while, "that adult" will not leave him idle forever, and he will be able to return to normal work soon.

Before that, he could take a trip to Osaka with Uzo to plunder the anonymous treasure trove of internationally wanted criminals.

——Even during vacation time, I am much more efficient than Ireland.

The night when no one could sleep peacefully passed quickly.

In the early morning, when legendary monsters are active, Jiang Xia suddenly received an email.

The cell phone that rang did not belong to "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" or "Wu Zuo".

But the one about the foggy dog.

Of course, the only one who sent the message was Kidd:

[By the way, my next target is in Osaka, which is the "Easter Egg" at the Suzuki Museum of Art. You should have seen it in the news.

Do I need a chartered car to take you there? Osaka is more than 500 kilometers away from Tokyo. It's a long way to fly there, and it's easy to get beaten on the road. I heard that there have been some poachers in the villages along the way, and they might mistake you for a wild goose or something like that at night. ]

Jiang Xia: "..." You are the wild goose.

Speaking of which, this Phantom Thief doesn't even need to sleep. It's only around four o'clock now.

He yawned and sent a message in a daze: [No need]

Opposite the mobile phone, Kuroba Kaito is packing all kinds of necessary equipment - on the surface, Kuroba Kaito is a fan of "Kaitou Kidd". Now that his suspicion has been cleared, he wants to follow Kidd to travel to Osaka. By the way, It is very reasonable to watch the operation of idols.

As I was packing, my phone suddenly rang.

Kuroba Kaito was startled. He picked it up and looked at it. He was startled when he found that it was actually a reply from Kiritengu.

When he sent a message just now, he was actually just reminding Kiritengu of the danger of flying to Osaka. He had no intention of receiving a reply from Kiritengu. If Kiritengu really wanted to take advantage of the car, he would definitely appear directly on his balcony, just like Just like when I used to collect magic power.

"..." But now... I didn't expect Wutian Dog to actually use a mobile phone.

Could it be that what happened last night made this monster observing humans understand the importance of communication?

Kuroba Kaito turned on his cell phone curiously, wanting to see what Kiritengu had sent.

After taking a look, I found that there were only two faint words on it, which were very similar to the way Wutian Dog usually spoke. He was immediately overjoyed: he had actually secretly wondered just now whether Jiang Xia had taken Kiritengu's cell phone and sent a message, but at this time, the content of the message made Kuroba Kaito feel that it was more like Kiritengu's tone.

It’s rare for Wutiangou to reply to a message. I hope I can keep up the good work and just learn to make phone calls...

With this thought in mind, Kuroba Kaito dialed the number.

After two beeps, beeps.

The other party actually picked up the call.

Kuroba Kaito was about to speak when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the receiver: "Hello? Hello."


Jiang Xia's voice.


Kuroba Kaito hung up the phone with an expressionless expression.

"..." Damn it, he said why Wutian Dog suddenly responded to messages. It turned out to be Jiang Xia's teacher!

Originally, Kuroba Kaito thought that Kiritengu usually lived in the deep mountains and forests and only visited human society occasionally, while he, Kid, was the ambassador of peace and friendship between monsters and humans.

Who knows, now, Kuroba Kaito suddenly realizes that maybe Kiritengu is not living a primitive life at all, but living in Jiang Xia, and only occasionally comes to his place to collect magic power... No wonder every time they meet, The foggy dog ​​is clean and does not look like a person living in the mountains and forests at all.

Kuroba Kaito felt complicated for a moment: The person I thought was my best friend turned out to have been deceived into becoming someone else's best friend. I just happened to...

The only advantage is that this way, when you want to find Wutian Dog in the future, you can look for Jiang Xia directly, which is much more convenient than searching for people in the deep mountains and old forests.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." No, he is not looking for Kiritengu at all. It is obviously Kiritengu who is looking for him!

Kuroba Kaito threw his cell phone aside, refused to communicate with Jiang Xia, and continued to pack his luggage: the hateful detective must have deceived the monster with his sweet words. After all, if you think about it carefully, in the earliest news reports, the foggy dog ​​did live in a temple in the mountains. Suspicious, this guy Jiang Xia is very suspicious, we must find an opportunity to investigate...

The bedroom door clicked.

Terai Huangnosuke heard the noise, opened the door and came in to look for him: "What's wrong?"

Kuroba Kaito turned to look at the assistant and was speechless for a moment.

Terai Kinosuke is obviously a very organized person. After Kuroba Kaito said before, "Why don't we take Kiritengu and go to Osaka with us?", even though Terai Kinosuke kept saying "Why did you take the initiative to kill a monster who robbed you?" "Bring him to the scene of the crime" looked at him with pain, but he was still prepared.

And Terai Huangnosuke's preparations...

Kuroba Kaito glanced around and saw the blade-proof suit, the hat with steel plates, the turned-up collar, and the anesthetic spray secretly stuffed into his pocket.

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