Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1277 1277 [Gin: There must be good news]

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko: "..." They have been to this hellish place like the police station enough times. Although they mainly go to the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo, they think it's no different when they come to the police den in Osaka. There really aren't many places to visit. necessary……

Conan was leaning on the railing, looking at the police building, his eyes silently showing a little yearning.

Jiang Xia's eyes were briefly attracted to that building.

Compared with Conan, at certain times, his hands-on ability is obviously stronger.

Jiang Xia's thoughts moved slightly, and soon, a cat with dark clouds and snow formed nearby.

The dry rice cat possessed himself into the puppet.

The black cat with white paws shook its fur to get used to the feeling of having a physical body again, and then it quickly slipped towards the building opposite with a fairly graceful step.

I heard that in the past two days, due to some reasons, many murders occurred in Osaka. Maybe after the relevant personnel are brought to the police station, some murderous auras and shikigami will drop: in a relatively closed building, the wind is not too strong, they should not float too far, and maybe some can be found in the corners.

Jiang Xia watched the dry cat go away, and touched the ghost in her arms expectantly.

But soon, he glanced at the flow of people coming and going downstairs, and suddenly thought of something, and was a little confused:

Isn't Gin also looking for Qian Cheng Lao Chan?

So now, he and Vodka should be nearby, but why don't you see the high-end murderous aura downstairs?

——Yesterday, when Jiang Xia went to find two colleagues to share tasks, Vodka fastened his laptop quickly. Jiang Xia couldn't see his screen.

But in fact, before Jiang Xia himself lowered his head to look, the ghost was already sitting on the brim of Vodka's hat.

Jiang Xia: "..." Speaking of which, if the blame for "leaking the mission content to Uzo" was placed on vodka, I don't know if it would be able to stimulate a little ice cream-flavored murderous aura...

Another attraction dozens of kilometers away.

Vodka suddenly turned his head and sneezed, and his back felt hairy.

He raised his head in confusion, looked at the clear sky, felt the warm temperature again, and then felt that it was not the weather.

So after a moment, Vodka's eyes darkened: Although there was no evidence, it must be that little yin of Uzo who was talking about him - maybe still remembering him for not showing the information yesterday.

Thinking of this, Vodka couldn't help but move in the direction of Brother Gin, and looked around cautiously - if there was any murderous maniac nearby who suddenly went crazy, Brother Gin would definitely be able to kill him before he successfully attacked.

Next to him, Gin didn't pay attention to Vodka's sneaky little moves.

He was still thinking about the Osaka member who suddenly disappeared and what happened to Qiancheng Lionan.

The clue found so far is that the treasure hunting forum account of the missing organization member was used by a guy who didn't know how to live or die.

The impostor seems to have clues about "Qian Cheng Lao Tuo". He formed a live tour group and took four other people into the vast city.

And Gin and Vodka are wandering around Osaka's various attractions, trying to find them.

After all, I am in Osaka, not Tokyo. Without wanting to reveal his identity and whereabouts, Gin didn't have too many people at his disposal.

Therefore, he only arranged some manpower at scenic spots related to "Toyotomi Hideyoshi". In Osaka Castle, where people were most likely to squat, he arranged for six people to work in two groups. Whenever he saw the tour group appearing, he would immediately notify him. He will rush to deal with it then.

Gin looked at his watch.

At this time, half an hour has passed since the last shift.

The tracking results of the team just now were sent to them during the shift change: nothing was gained.

Thinking of this result, Gin frowned dissatisfied, worried that something would go wrong.

But think about it calmly: it has only been less than a day since the task was assigned. And something as simple as staring at a five-person tour group can be done if you have eyes. How could something go wrong.

Compared to Osaka Castle, which has limited exits, other attractions are more troublesome. You can never do simple things by yourself and leave technical tasks to those rubbish.

Gin thought about it, lit up a cigarette, took a deep breath, and felt slightly relieved: "..." Just wait patiently.

I hope those three guys on shift can bring good news soon.

It is different from the serious working atmosphere in the car.

On the other side, a few high school students were living a relaxed and happy life.

Mao Lilan saw Toyama Kazuha who was feeling a little depressed, and hurriedly cheered her up: "The Osaka Castle that I actually saw is much more beautiful than what I saw in photos or on TV - you really have to come in person to appreciate its beauty. .”

"That's right, that's right! How can it be enough to come here only once?" Toyama Kazuye suddenly regained his energy, "Osaka Castle has been completely renovated since it was renovated. It has remained almost unchanged since sixty years ago. It can't be done just by looking at the photos. There’s no way you can see this kind of history!”

Suddenly a cold snort came from the side:

"The renovation was completed seventy years ago. Little girl, when you introduce Osaka to outsiders, shouldn't you check more information beforehand?"


Several high school students were startled and looked around. Suddenly, they saw a bald middle-aged man standing next to them.

The bald man corrected him seriously: "Toyotomi Hideyoshi built Osaka Castle in 1599, and Tokugawa Ieyasu later rebuilt it in 1629. The castle rebuilt by Osaka people 70 years ago is already the third generation."

Hattori Heiji looked at him in surprise: "Uncle, you understand very well."

Although he also knew the history of Osaka Castle in general, he did not remember the specific year like this. And judging from the accent, the person opposite is not from Osaka.

"Humph, of course." The bald man raised his head proudly, "Toyotomi Hideyoshi is the historical celebrity I admire most."

Jiang Xia glanced at the badge on his chest.

Hattori Heiji also discovered it. He deliberately took a closer look and said in a long and shameless voice: "A fan of Toyotomi Hideyoshi? But why do you wear Tokugawa Ieyasu's family emblem of 'Sanye Aoi'?"

"This is……!"

Just as he was about to explain, another person suddenly came up behind him.

It was a slightly younger man. The young man laughed and said to the bald man: "Brother Ieyasu, what are you doing here? My lord has been waiting for you for a long time."

The bald man was startled and turned around: "Oh, Mitsuhide brother. I met a few tourists and I was telling them about the history of the castle tower."

Several high school students nearby were stunned when they heard:...Brother Ieyasu? Brother Mitsuhide?

If it were just a name, there might be a coincidence.

But coupled with the phrase "Lord", it became clear who the two people opposite were referring to - the bald man in front of him was actually called "Tokugawa Ieyasu", and the young man who called him was "Akechi Mitsuhide". And the "lord" who is said to be waiting for them should be "Oda Nobunaga".

These are all historical celebrities from the same period as Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

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