Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1282 1282 [Gin: Where are my men? 】

Otaki Police Department: "..." Listen, is this what the police should say?

This was what he wanted to reprimand.

But I was worried that my subordinates would ask, "What do you think?"

So in the end, the Otaki Police Department just cleared its throat as if nothing had happened: "There is currently a lack of evidence, so it is difficult to combine the cases. Let's treat them as two cases and investigate them independently - Regarding the deceased in the conveyor belt sushi restaurant this time, you are all What was found?"

The young police officer felt that the Otaki Police Department actually didn't understand, so he cautiously did not ask further questions.

He flipped through the notebook in his hand and reported: "In addition to his main business as a housekeeping company, my wife seems to be a food writer who is famous for his spicy reviews - the restaurants he recommends are indeed delicious, so his reputation Not bad. But correspondingly, those stores that received negative reviews from him will see a sharp drop in customers, and several stores will even go bankrupt as a result."

The Otaki Police Department sighed. It sounded like the deceased must have many enemies, so it would be difficult to screen them. However: "Fortunately, the time of poisoning is very clear. Let's focus on investigating these people in the store first."

After saying that, the Otaki Police Department noticed something and looked towards the door.

——This store has a transparent glass door, and it happens to be not far from the scenic spot. At this time, there are a lot of people watching the excitement outside the door. If you look closely, you can see that there are even reporters who have entered with cameras.

The Otaki Police Department frowned and whispered to the subordinate next to him: "Close the door curtain first - we can't rule out that the suspect is among the guests who just left. Don't let them see the details of the case."

The young police officer nodded and hurried to cover.

However, reporters are experienced in many battles, and their hand speed of pressing the shutter is no slower than Mao Lilan's hand speed of pressing 110.

Things that should be reported and should not be reported were quickly written into the report and quickly posted online.

A few kilometers away.

Vodka was holding a telescope and carefully observing the crowds everywhere, looking for the five-person tour group that should be very conspicuous.

But at this moment, a prompt suddenly popped up in the corner of his computer screen, accompanied by a special prompt sound.

As that unique voice entered his ears, Vodka's hand holding the telescope froze and he couldn't help but glance at the computer.

Gin also looked away from the car and turned his head to look over.

Vodka knew him well, and so did he. Gin already knew what this beep meant - Vodka had created a small grabbing program. Every time a Jiangxia-related crime report appears online, the program will automatically retrieve it and send corresponding prompts.

Gin: "..." That guy really can't take any time off.

Before setting off, he was still thinking that Uzo had just arrived in Osaka and was not familiar with the place. He wanted to plan his so-called murderous stage plays. It would take a certain amount of time, and he might be able to calm down for a while.

However, the situation was not at all what he expected. It seems that Uzo spent a lot of effort to create his own "tour guide" before traveling to Osaka.

Gin mentally reprimanded some cadres for not doing their job properly.

Next to him, Vodka was a little restless.

On the one hand, he was curious about what Uzo had done again. He also wanted to know if the crime scene was far from him and whether it might affect innocent organization colleagues like himself.

But on the other hand, Vodka couldn't help but worry that this was Uzo's conspiracy - he was at work now, and if he went to look at the computer, Gin would think that he was "lazy", which would be bad.

While he was struggling, next to him, Gin put down his telescope, took out his mobile phone, and opened the web page.

Vodka: "...?"

Could it be that big brother... is also paying attention to the same thing?

His heart moved slightly, and he wanted to glance over there to see the situation.

But at this moment, Gin suddenly felt a strong murderous intention, and the phone seemed to be gripped and made a crunching sound on the verge of breaking.

Vodka was shocked: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Isn't it normal for Uzo to randomly kill passers-by? Big brother should be used to it. Why this time...

Wait, could it be that this time the environment was unfamiliar and Uzo failed to plan well and exposed himself? !

...Kill him! Silence him quickly!

Vodka felt happy, with a trace of pure expectation emerging.

However, under his excited gaze, Gin did not draw his gun. Instead, he slowly revealed a sinister sneer and gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that he has a big opinion about not getting our mission."

Vodka's smile slowly disappeared: "..." Mission?

...What mission?

On the other side, in a sushi restaurant.

The Otaki Police Department looked at the clerk, then at the customers, and instinctively identified the several high school detectives as suspects.

However, speaking of high school students...

The eyes of the Otaki Police Department couldn't help but fall on Jiang Xia.

He remembered that this detective solved the case quickly. With him, the overtime hours of Tokyo's criminal police officers were said to have dropped a lot.

"..." It's rare for this person to come to Osaka, why not give it a try yourself?

With this in mind, Otaki Police Department approached and imitated the tone of the model police department who was said to be very good at using detectives and asked: "Brother Jiang Xia, what do you think?"

Jiang Xia glanced at him in surprise: Suddenly he heard an Osaka man speaking in the tone of the Megure Police Department, and he was so similar to him that he was briefly confused.

Jiang Xia came to her senses after a moment and was about to say something.

But at this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated.

...Someone is looking for him. And what shocked me was the cell phone used exclusively by the organization.

Jiang Xia glanced at the other two detectives with his peripheral vision, and saw that Hattori Heiji and Conan were still taking the time to look at the body, so he casually dismissed the police department in front of him: "Sorry, my client called, I'll answer it first."

"Oh, okay." The spell failed, and Otaki Police Department was a little disappointed. But he had no choice but to make way for Jiang Xia to make a phone call in a quieter place nearby.

At the same time, the burly police officer suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Hattori Heiji.

Otaki Goro: "..." Speaking of which, Heiji seems to have always been obsessed with solving crimes quickly.

It's rare that Jiang Xia was held back by other things and couldn't solve the case quickly. Maybe this time, Heiji can seize the opportunity to experience the complete process of solving the case and regain his love for the detective career?

With this in mind, Otaki Goro walked to the group of customers and clerks, intending to see what Hattori would do.

Hattori Heiji is indeed working hard to push forward the progress:

"I just heard that after the quarrel between the deceased and the store manager, many customers in the store left disappointed. Because the sushi on the conveyor belt has not been consumed, and the chef in the kitchen has not made new sushi.

"That is to say, the guests who left beforehand and the staff in the kitchen can be excluded. The only people who have the chance to poison the sushi are the flounder sitting next to the deceased... cough, the gentleman in the blue hat, and the one in the sushi. The aunts in pink clothes a few places to his right - after the quarrel, they were still eating normally and did not leave, so they had the opportunity to smear poison on their plates."

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