Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1284 1284 [Enthusiastic Uzo]

——Where did Uzo get the news about their mission, and how did he target those three people?

Gin was silent for a moment and came up with a guess: Could it be that the "Thousands of Ladles" that he and Vodka were looking for happened to be one of the collections of the "rich international wanted criminal" given by the anonymous person. And Uzo was following the clues to hunt for wanted criminals, and suddenly found three sneaky guys who had the same goal as him, so he competed with a few stalkers?

This question flashed through his mind. Gin had no scruples and asked immediately.

However, things related to that "Anonymous Game" seemed to involve that damn "User Confidentiality Clause".

Gin realized belatedly that what he finally asked was: "Did you catch a glimpse of the mission from the vodka?"


His mouth suddenly lost control, a vein stretched on Gin's forehead, and he exhaled a puff of smoke irritably.

The words he asked were actually another thought that flashed through his mind just now: Uzo suddenly appeared near them yesterday, and then suddenly approached with unknown meaning. Gin was focused on this danger at the time. The new cadres did not pay much attention to the vodka aspect.

Therefore, Gin did think that maybe it was because Vodka turned off the computer slowly, and Uzo saw sporadic news.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the vodka out of the corner of his eye.

Vodka noticed Gin's gaze and cursed in his heart that it was indeed the case: Uzo always liked to take the blame for him and never stopped.

He didn't dare to speak for a while, but he quickly came to his senses: "No, brother, what I was looking at were the forum chat records of those people, and there is no information about the stalking members on the computer at all!"

"That's right." On the other side of the phone, Jiang Xia heard Vodka's loud voice and fully agreed with this. The high school student's tone sounded very calm, "If I had known in advance that those people were related to your mission, I would not have gotten close - as a mature cadre, how could I interfere with the work of my own organization?"

"..." Gin thought of those unlucky members who died in grotesque shapes near Uzo, and couldn't help but squeeze the cigarette in his hand and sneered.

From the opposite side, Uzuo's voice continued: "In short, this is not my problem at all, it is you who did not communicate with me in advance - I did encounter several cases today, and the deceased or murderer in them should be the one you mentioned. 'Stalk people'. To be honest, if those people suddenly appeared in front of you, would you be able to recognize them as members of the organization?"

Maybe his tone was too confident and logical. Gin actually actually thought about it for a moment.

Then I found that it was indeed difficult to recognize.

In other words, those guys who can be recognized at a glance will probably not be sent to follow them.

"..." But that can't erase the fact that Uzo has done something to his stalker.

However, compared to this...

"The deceased or the murderer?" Gin frowned. In his impression, the murderers in Uzo's cases were usually caught by the police.

... Could it be that an outside member of the organization fell into the hands of the police as a "murderer"?

He was silent for a little longer.

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Xia suddenly said: "Are you blaming me for sending the organization members to the police station?"


As if he thought he had acquiesced, Uzo's voice soon sounded in the receiver: "So, I did a good thing by accident. You don't know yet - these three stalkers, or It is said that this small gang has been targeted by the police in the form of a 'fraud team'. The Osaka Prefectural Police are paying close attention to them and will arrest them at any time as soon as there is evidence, but they still know nothing about it.

"Judging from the current progress, even without me, it won't be long before the three of them go in. At that time, the three people in the police station who you have to find a way to silence will be the ones you want to silence.

"Unlike now, two of them died and only one needed to be dealt with. Are you surprised?... Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that people targeted by the police could still work normally in the organization. It's because of this , I think they have nothing to do with the organization - these people in the Osaka branch are really too careless, and they should let capable people take over and reorganize their personnel."

Ginjiu said nothing, only murderous intent surged around him.

This time, his murderous intent was not directed at Uzo, but towards the trash in the Osaka branch.

Although the nonsense that Uzo said, at most one or two out of ten sentences were believed.

But this time, Uzo really had no channel to get relevant information. It should be that there are many law-breaking fanatics among the members of the organization, and this type of people unfortunately attracts Uzuo's attention, so the two sides met.

In any case, the guy who fell into the hands of the police must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Gin asked: "Why was there no report on another case?" At present, he only saw the stalker who died in the conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

Jiang Xia: "That incident was very close to the police headquarters. And an eyewitness said he saw the crime scene, so the deceased and the suspect were taken away directly, and there was no process of solving the case. Even if there were media reports, the popularity would not be too high. , you may be able to find relevant reports by searching carefully in the nooks and crannies of the webpage.”


In Gin's mind, this nosy guy has been sentenced to death.

He glanced at Vodka, who immediately started searching obediently.

This time, instead of using "Jiang Xia" as the keyword, he tried using various pseudonyms of the stalker, and he quickly found a relevant piece of news.

In this piece of news that was not very popular, the reporter failed to photograph the crime scene of the body under the bridge, and only found the enthusiastic "eyewitness."

In the video, the white-haired old man said impassionedly: "This is divine punishment! Those guys pretend to be enthusiastic young people to get close to the elderly, defraud them of their last penny, and then leave coldly, regardless of those whose feelings they have deceived." The old man deserves to die. This kind of person deserves to die!"

Whether it was "fraud" or "dead old man", none of them aroused the slightest interest in Gin.

But he remembered the time when the three followers were away from their posts, and the thousands of things that might have been missed because of this. There was a cold light in his eyes, and he slowly wiped the muzzle of the gun: "It's really troublesome."

"By the way, if you see a witness, don't kill him yet." Uzo said suddenly, as if he smelled his murderous intention through the phone, "It's not time for him to leave yet. As for the member of the police station, I’ll help you fish it out later—you’re welcome.”

"Fetch it out?" Gin frowned, "What do you want to do?"

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