Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1313 1313 [Uzo’s Weird Men] Please vote for me

Chapter 1313 1313 [Uzo’s weird subordinates] Please vote for me (づど)

The cat suddenly rolled up its hind legs and kicked on the policeman's hand. Then when the opponent is embarrassed and lets go, he turns around and punches and kicks him.

While the police officers were dodging left and right to deal with the cat amidst the meowing and scolding sounds.

Xiaobai moved in the blind spot of his sight, and then quietly left the hiding place.

Afterwards, he looked back at the black and white cow cat that had made such a great contribution, and silently gave his blessing in his heart: I hope the police officer will be a responsible guy, take the cat home after the kiss, and be responsible for the cat.

Even if you don't pick it up, you should at least give it to the cat food as prostitution - go to the store to buy cat food and stop harassing the anonymous members who are innocently passing by.

Xiaobai's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

the other side.

Next to a plain-looking black car.

Vodka followed the address Jiang Xia had given before and drove the car nearby.

He and Gin got out of the car and briefly surveyed the terrain in the nearby alleys. They found nothing special and no one around.

Vodka couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "What are we doing here?"

Just as he was talking, he saw that Brother Gin suddenly seemed to be aware of something. He looked to one side warily and pointed his gun at the same time.

"!" Vodka followed and looked over there. After looking hard for several seconds, I noticed a shadowy man in the shadows deep in the alley.

The man wore a black suit that had remained unchanged for many years, black shoes, black hair, and a pair of black sunglasses on his nose that he refused to take off even at night. In terms of clothing alone, he looked more like a member of the Black Organization than anyone else.

Gin glanced at it and quickly recognized the person: If he remembered correctly, this was Uzo's capable subordinate who had been snatched from others.

As he pointed the gun, the man in black did not show much fear like ordinary peripheral members. Although his eyes were hidden behind the lenses of his sunglasses and could not be seen clearly, Gin had a strange feeling that he was being stared at by Uzo.

Gin: "..." This disgusting look with hidden plots makes people feel uncomfortable no matter how many times they meet it.

The people brought out by Uzo will actually be stained by his eyes. If this little villain has more subordinates in the future...

Gin seemed to have seen an extremely bad future and couldn't help but frown.

But soon, he felt that he was worrying too much: from the actual situation, as long as there are more than three subordinates whom Uzo values, one or two of them may suddenly die. He wanted to jump into a dangerous script and make a cameo. Ginjiu didn't believe that he could resist playing with his ready-made subordinates.

Gin felt strangely relieved when he thought that Uzo's legion would not grow infinitely, but would be extremely self-limiting.

The distraction only lasted a few tenths of a second.

Gin quickly focused his attention on the present. He asked Matsuda Jinpei coldly: "Did Usa ask you to come here?"

Matsuda Jinpei touched his pocket, then discovered something belatedly, and his movements froze slightly.

After a moment, he hesitantly raised his head and gestured to Gin in the shape of a mobile phone.

——People don’t seem to understand what the ghost says.

Therefore, the "Xitu" puppet operated by Matsuda Jinping and the puppet operated by Jiang Xia have different language functions.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..." Fortunately, the psychic master made up an excuse before: "When he was in Myanmar, his companion's leg bone was blown away by a landmine, which damaged Nishito's brain." Now I can use the symptoms of intermittent aphasia to get over it.

Across the way, Gin looked at Matsuda Jinpei's gesture and actually understood it: "..."

...Uzo didn’t give him a mobile phone?

Or was this person's mobile phone used as a chess piece by Uzo?

Some thoughts flashed through Gin's mind, but in order not to delay the business, he asked Vodka to find a spare blank machine and threw it away.

Matsuda Jinpei calmly took it and took out his super fast hand to type. I briefly talked about the case just now.

Vodka was a little tougher when facing this Uzo subordinate than when he faced Uzo.

After reading the words on the phone screen, he snorted: "What does this have to do with us?"

... Could it be that Uzo thought that he and Brother Gin didn't appreciate his killing stage, so he specially asked his subordinates to reproduce it in words?

Tui! This pervert must be waiting for their reactions of praise and admiration.

Vodka finished in his mind, but he couldn't help but feel a little entangled: So should he praise it or not?

If you don't praise, you won't be resented. Although Uzuo always looks calm and relaxed, he always feels that he must have a very thick and extremely detailed notebook of grievances in his heart...

After hesitating for a moment, despite Matsuda Jinpei's piercing gaze, Vodka finally made a arrogant comment that could barely be regarded as a compliment: "It's very personal."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gin glanced at him gloomily.

Vodka: "..."

...Damn Uzo!

Next to him, Matsuda Jinpei didn't know why this piece of vanilla ice cream was suddenly praised, but he still answered the previous question about vodka. Following the crackling sound of typing, a line of words quickly appeared on the phone screen:

[There is a small, ownerless armed group that you may be interested in]

When Gin heard the word "armed", he really got a little interested. He took back the gun and slowly wiped the fingerprints that had just been printed on it: "What configuration?"

Matsuda Jinpei's typing is not much slower than speaking: [Eight people, eight guns]

Gin: "..." That's it?

He always felt that Uzo had another deeper meaning: "Then what?"

However, it turns out that there seems to be no more.

After Matsuda Jinpei finished speaking, he looked at him silently. Facing his question, he just said "huh?" in confusion, as if he was only responsible for conveying the news that Uzo had given him, and he didn't know anything else. appearance.

"..." Seeing his clueless face, Gin couldn't help but want to put a gun to his head.

But then I thought about it, this guy in front of me was also not afraid of death, so it was not interesting, so I didn't move in the end.

Fortunately, he is also very good at thinking.

After thinking for a moment, Gin vaguely felt that he understood. He suddenly sneered: "By the way, those people exposed their identities during the fraud and brought out the organization's financial waste - didn't the police discover that there was a money laundering channel behind them?"

When he said this, Vodka was startled and quickly understood: "You mean, let these eight people act as the 'money laundering gang' behind those scammers?"

Gin nodded slightly, and the murderous aura in his body became stronger silently. He was obviously very satisfied with this way of using waste:

"There is no evidence to prove it. You go and deal with their computers to create the illusion you should have. Then take the time to remind the police that these eight people are related to money laundering."

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