Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1315 1315 [Monthly Ticket Extra] (behind Chapter 1312)

Although Yuhong in the bad house felt unhappy. But no matter what, since there were so many police waiting for an ambush, they certainly couldn't go according to their original plan.

He walked with an umbrella, covering his movements with it. He took out his cell phone and dialed the number to his younger brother:

"Get out of that building immediately! When I arrive, go from the southeast corner. Plan your route in advance and avoid other directions - there are two teams of policemen nearby, and I heard that the two disgusting detectives are also coming. .”

"Leave now?" The younger brothers hesitated, "Don't want the treasure? It's all right in front of you! The terrain here is complicated. If we run fast enough after getting it..."

"You bastard, don't you understand?" Yuhiro Haoya lowered his voice and scolded these idiots, "Now even if we go to the abandoned building, we still can't figure out the whereabouts of the treasure - the guy who can provide information has probably been found. It’s in the hands of the police or someone else!”

"Leave this area first. As long as we are still here, there is still a chance to get the treasure." After saying that, he didn't believe it himself, so he had to add, "Even if it doesn't worst, work harder and rob a few rich people." House. I will definitely not leave empty-handed."

A group of less united boys hesitated for a moment and weighed the risks, but they really didn't want to be caught.

After thinking for a moment, they remembered their past experiences and reluctantly accepted the proposal: "Well, although the money they can get is definitely less than the treasure, it is interesting to see the frightened eyes of the lambs before they die - if it weren't for the fear of being alarmed The police, affecting our treasure hunting operations, I have long wanted to steal his vote again."

When the other robber next to him heard this, he thought of the kind of detailed search of the house after hacking the owner to death, and found jewelry and money from the cabinets and hidden corners. He laughed sinisterly: "Actually, I have already I have this idea. Haha, robbery is more exciting than treasures - by the way, let’s pick a few houses with beautiful hostesses this time. After running for this treasure for so many years, I still have a wife. Didn't find it."

The person next to him obviously still liked the treasure more. When he thought that the failure of the treasure this time might be related to the active detectives, he snorted and said in a cold tone: "Why don't we rob those female high school students first - that Ponytail’s father seems to be a high-ranking police official. If they don’t let them suffer a little, they simply don’t know how to do it.”

The seven people chatted dissatisfiedly while secretly evacuating according to the information provided by Yuhiro Zaiya.

On the other side, Yuhiro Zaiya also recalled the nearby road section.

In a dark place, he plunged into an alley, then quickly climbed over the wall to the side where there were no police, and rushed all the way to where the boys parked their cars nearby.

There were two waves of police, one following the murderer and detective of the castle tower serial murder case, and the other wave, led by Ginshiro Toyama, followed the murderer from a distance.

Considering the vigilance of this cunning gang of robbers, Toyama Ginshiro did not bring many people with him, and when following them, the distance between them was longer.

Originally, Yuhiro Zaiya had been moving forward normally, and the police were able to follow him relatively easily. Unexpectedly, after a moment of effort, when I looked for him again, he was gone.

Toyama Ginshiro: "..." Are they actually alert to this extent?

He frowned and contacted Hattori Heizo:

"There's bad news. We've lost track."

Hattori Heizo said "Huh", sounding quite calm. In other words, he had already prepared for the worst.

He said calmly: "It's not a big problem. They won't give up the treasure easily - you have been following him instead of ambush directly at the treasure point. This in itself shows that you don't know the location of the treasure. For the sake of 'Qian Cheng Lao Cao', then A group of people may take a desperate risk and continue to their destination.

"Heiji and the others seem to have known the meeting place arranged by the murderer and the robber leader. I originally wanted to arrive behind the children to prevent the group from detecting the presence of the police. But now..." He sighed, " I directly asked for the specific location and then outflanked them."

As he was speaking, his tone suddenly paused, and his eyes fell on the bridge in the distance.

The three detectives who were looking at the abandoned building ahead happened to pass by a viaduct at this time.

Hattori Heiji was walking towards the building when he suddenly noticed something.

He turned his head quickly, looked down at a place in the intricate alley, and frowned: "Look, you guys, is that a bad house?"

Jiang Xia was startled at the same time as Conan, and followed his direction and looked over there.

Yuhiro Zaiya was wearing light-colored clothes tonight, which softened his ferocious appearance and made him look less suspicious, turning him into an ordinary tourist.

But in contrast, this outfit is more conspicuous in the night. Coupled with the common problem of baldness among middle-aged and elderly men in the island country, his smooth and smooth head could still be vaguely seen even under the dim moonlight.

"It does look like him." Conan clicked on his glasses frame, and his flat lenses quickly magnified the area.

The high-tech fake elementary school student looked carefully through the lenses and confirmed: "It's really him! But he doesn't look like he's going to an appointment, but... running away?"

The three of them suddenly realized something and looked in the direction of Yuhiro Zaiya. Then at a narrow intersection, I saw two cars. There were several burly men guarding the car, seemingly waiting anxiously for someone.

"Oops, they seem to be running away!"

The three detectives quickly rushed down the viaduct and ran towards it, instinctively wanting to stop him.

When they came to a relatively flat trail, Conan suddenly remembered something and put down his skateboard: "Use this, this is faster!"

Jiang Xia was slightly startled: "...Where did you put this thing just now?" Why didn't he seem to notice it?

Conan glanced at him in surprise: "I've been carrying it."

When traveling, there are not that many acquaintances who can give him a ride, so of course he has to bring all the equipment just in case.

Jiang Xia looked at Conan and then at the skateboard: "...?"

... Could it be that Conan's skateboard is just like himself, and can reduce his presence infinitely?

But if you think about it carefully, this seems normal. After all, skateboarding does not risk murder, and there are no ghost tires on the body. Who would pay attention to an ordinary board.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji seemed to have only seen the skateboard until now, and he was also a little surprised.

But he didn't say it directly, he just murmured after being startled: "Why didn't you take it out just now!"

"Solar-powered ones don't have enough battery life at night, so use them sparingly. Since the murderer is on foot, we won't be walking any slower than him. I just didn't expect 'Tokugawa Ieyasu' to suddenly escape. Something must have gone wrong..."

Conan couldn't help but think about it, but soon realized that there were other important things now: "Okay, get on the skateboard!"

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