Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1317 1317 [It was vodka that killed Uzo]

It took a second for Vodka to see the person in front of him clearly.

He calmed down and cleared his throat calmly: "Xitu? Didn't you leave?"...Why did you suddenly come to him? Does this guy Uzo have another conspiracy?

Wary of "Uzo's men", Vodka temporarily drew his attention away from his coat pocket.

——The bomb remote control on his body, in addition to being able to detonate the time bomb immediately, can also stop the detonation in an emergency when it is close to detonating. This is a function that the organization specifically considered when making bombs. It is used to prevent people carrying bombs from suddenly running into densely populated areas, causing too many casualties and attracting excessive attention from the police.

But in practice, this situation is very rare. The button to stop detonation is almost never used and can easily be ignored.

Two men in black, who didn't take off their sunglasses late at night, looked at each other silently in the bushes.

On the other side of the street.

The moment before the robber's vehicle was about to hit Conan and Xiaobai. Jiang Xia dropped the roadblock he was pretending to be holding, ran towards the two children, picked them up one by one, and rushed to the side of the road.

The car passed by his clothes, but luckily it didn't hit him.

Conan escaped from death and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he immediately became alert and reminded Jiang Xia: "Be careful with that little..."


Of the two robbers' cars, one just passed them and the other was a few meters behind.

The two cars exploded at the same time, rolled over with a loud roar, and hit the guardrail by the river hard.

The guardrail was attacked from both sides, and the entire section collapsed instantly, falling into the river together with the car.

Conan was shaken by the air wave caused by the explosion, and his head buzzed. When he came back to his senses, he was shocked to find that because the three of them happened to be standing by the river, they were also pushed by the air wave and fell into the river.

In the flash of lightning, Jiang Xia threw the two children in his hands back to the road with a righteous spirit.

Conan fell to the ground and rolled, and hurried back to the river, just in time to see Jiang Xia fall into the river, causing a tiny splash. It had just rained today and the river was very fast. He sank in the blink of an eye and disappeared soon.

"?!" There was no one anywhere in the vast river. Conan didn't know where to start if he wanted to fish.

So I had no choice but to slam the ground and let out a useless shout that could express grief and indignation: "Jiang Xia——!!"

After shouting, he suddenly remembered something, stood up suddenly, and looked to the side.

——If I remember correctly, when Anonymous appears, he will often save some high school detectives who are in trouble, such as him, such as Sonoko, such as Hattori Heiji, and such as Eka. This time, maybe they...

However, looking at it like this, Conan was suddenly stunned.

——Xiao Bai actually ran away after getting into trouble. At a glance, there was no one around.

In the distance, the high point a few streets away.

A silver-haired man in black put down his telescope, remembered what he had just seen, and remained silent for a moment.

After a while, he raised the telescope again and looked at the situation by the river again. Then it was discovered that Uzo was indeed not on the shore.

...It seems that the figure who was forced to jump into the river just now in the explosion flames and was quickly washed away by the water was indeed Uzo.

Gin: "...?"

half a minute ago.

At the hidden spot by the river, Vodka was finally alerted by the explosion.

He separated his attention from Xitu and turned to look at the explosion point. Originally it was just to test the results. But looking at it like this, he was suddenly stunned.

Vodka: "..." Uzo fell into the river?

This thought flashed through his mind, leaving him stunned for a few seconds.

After a moment, there was a burst of ecstasy: Haha, it happened to rain today, and the terrain here is low, so the water from the higher places gathered here, and the river flow was much faster than usual. Coupled with the bumps along the way, there are also sharp fragments that fell off the car. When it rushes to the river outside, Xiaoyin's skin will peel off even if he is not dead. If he is lucky, he may die directly!

For such a big event, I must open a bottle of old wine that I am reluctant to drink when I go back to express my condolences to my colleagues.

But before I could decide which bottle to drink, after the ecstasy, my mind regained control of my mind.

Vodka smiled, suddenly realized something, and the corners of his lips froze.

Gradually, his expression slowly turned to horror.

Vodka: "..." Something's wrong.

What a coincidence. Uzo's men all came, but he still provided the information. It was impossible for Uzo not to know that an explosion was about to happen here. How could he be affected by the explosion? Unless his subordinates rebelled... But the possibility of this situation is also low.

...After eliminating all impossible hypotheses, only one truth remains.

Vodka suddenly looked at the curly-haired man in black next to him, feeling that he had glimpsed the truth: "You plotted against me!!"

Following this guess, in the night, Xitu's normally normal face suddenly became terrifying.

And the next moment Vodka looked at it, I don't know what the man in black thought of. His expression changed slightly, and his mood seemed to have improved inexplicably.


Vodka became more and more sure of his guess and reached for the pistol at his waist with a solemn expression.

As soon as he grasped the handle of the gun, Matsuda Jinpei stretched out a hand and pressed it right on his gun hand.

That pale-skinned arm that didn't look too thick actually firmly suppressed one of Vodka's arm muscles. Vodka blushed and pulled out the gun twice, but failed to pull it out.

Matsuda Jinping was just about to grab something.

But gradually, he discovered that the fluffy murderous aura that was originally wrapped around Vodka was slowly disappearing like an ebbing tide.

Matsuda Jinpei: "...?"

He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that this big man in black rarely showed murderous intent in front of Jiang Xia. He vaguely felt that he understood something, and tentatively let go of his hand.

Vodka pulled out his gun with a splash.

The murderous aura surged out as the ghost expected.

Vodka didn't expect to successfully pull out the gun. Although he had not yet come to his senses, he noticed Matsuda Jinpei's increasingly dangerous gaze and instinctively pointed the gun at him: "Don't move!"

Then he held his finger on the trigger and was silent for a moment.

Vodka: "..." Although I really want to shoot this outsider who is suspected of cheating him on Uzo's order, but if the whole thing is really planned by Uzo, then Uzo must not be dead yet.

If he really killed his people...

In Vodka's mind, Uzo's terrifying sinister smile could not help but appear, accompanied by the terrifying line "Since you killed my subordinates, then you should compensate me with one of my subordinates"; and then used even more terrifying means to force him to Vodka. Go and be a deputy. And then……

Look at Xitu's eyes and behavior where he can't even speak and is increasingly being assimilated by Uzo. Although there is no evidence, Vodka always feels that it must be an experience more terrifying than death.

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