Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 133 Vodka talks too much

Hattori Heiji was sighing when he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He turned around to look warily and saw Jiang Xia sizing him up.

After a while, Jiang Xia approached and whispered thoughtfully: "You don't want to run away."

"?!" Hattori Heiji suddenly felt guilty, but he was still stubborn and subconsciously retorted, "How is that possible!"

"That's good." Jiang Xia regained his friendly appearance and smiled at him, "I was worried that you would avoid me because of this kind of thing... Then when you come to Tokyo, remember to come to me more often, I feel We will get along very well."... I always feel that this newly acquired case collector is not very honest and needs to be adjusted with a little provocation.

Hattori Heiji looked at Jiangxia's familiar expression, and suddenly remembered Jiangxia's heartfelt words on the way, "Have you considered transferring to Tokyo?"

"..." At that time, he didn't understand what Jiang Xia meant, but now he suddenly understood.

——After Jiang Xia started working part-time as a detective, she felt that solving crimes alone was too boring, so she wanted to find another person to compete with.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji was sweating on his temples - he was far away in Osaka, Jiang Xia dared to ask him sincerely if he wanted to move, and Kudo Shinichi was Jiang Xia's classmate, and he must have been dragged into competitions to solve crimes... too It’s terrible. What has Kudo gone through?

However, it seems that now is not the time to sympathize with Kudo Shinichi. It was obvious that Jiang Xia was not satisfied with the troubles he had caused the famous detective in the East, and now he was eyeing him, the famous detective in the West...

Hattori Heiji looked at Jiang Xia's leaving figure and already began to miss Osaka.

But, speaking of Kudo Shinichi...

Hattori Heiji suddenly realized something.

He turned to look at Conan, focusing on the earmuffs around Conan's neck. At the same time, he also remembered the sympathetic look Conan gave him.

Hattori Heiji: "..." If it were Kudo Shinichi, this move would be reasonable. But Conan is just a first-grade kid, why is he...wait a minute.

...What if it were Kudo Shinichi?

A bold idea suddenly popped into Hattori Heiji's mind.

But he has no evidence...

the other side.

Ginjiu is still waiting for Jiangxia to submit the mission plan of "assassination Ikemura Isao".

At the same time, in order to ensure the completion of the mission, he also formulated several assassination plans.

However, when two snipers were sent to familiarize themselves with the site, Gin suddenly received news from Chianti that Ikemura Isao was dead.

Died by a murder.

...Jiang Xia solved the case.

If you look at these two items individually, there is no problem with any of them.

But they merged together, and it happened to be at the time when he had just completed the task for Jiang Xia...

Gin called someone out again, this time choosing a sushi restaurant.

He sat in the box and asked bluntly: "Did you kill this person?"

Jiang Xia looked back at Sushi: "Strictly speaking, no." Not strictly speaking, no.

Gin and Vodka failed to understand the second half of Jiang Xia's unspoken sentence. They directly translated Jiang Xia's answer as "I didn't do it myself, but the murderer was under my control."

Gin was satisfied with the outcome of the assassination, but felt that the process was very flawed.

He tapped his knuckles twice on the table: "You didn't report it."

Jiang Xia held the tea cup: "I left a little hint to Chimura Gongjiang before. I originally wanted to observe her actions first and then make detailed plans based on them, but I didn't expect her to take action so quickly." As he said that, he sighed quietly. After taking a breath, "It seems that I underestimated her feelings for her ex-husband."

Vodka was a little confused: "Feelings for your ex-husband?"

In the information they gave Jiang Xia, there was indeed a note about Chicun Gongjiang's "remarriage". But the target of the organization is Ikemura Isao. Among the information they gave out, even the information about Ikemura Gongjiang is incidental, let alone her marital status... Jiang Xia actually used this little bit of information?

Jiang Xia nodded: "Chicun Gongjiang's friends often entrust me to help them find cats. Several of them are very talkative. Although they keep their own secrets very strictly, they don't care about others'. Sometimes they don't care. Pay attention to the information they reveal. They don't take it seriously, but it is very valuable to me.

"Following the hints they inadvertently gave, it was not difficult to find out that Ikemura Koe's ex-husband was Yamashiro Kenji. Twenty years ago, he was imprisoned for a crime and died in prison fifteen years ago.

"Although there is no clear evidence, after Kenji Yamashiro was dismissed, Isao Ikemura gained the most benefits. Moreover, Isao Ikemura's reputation is very average, and there are usually some rumors about his disgraceful methods. Isao Ikemura may have been imprisoned for Kenji Yamashiro. Also participate in it.

"At that time, Kimura Ikemura went through a period of low life alone before remarrying Ikemura Isao. I thought she might have been deceived by Ikemura Isao, so I tried to send this message to her - if in the context of 'put Yamashiro Kenji in jail' In the incident, Mr. Ikemura was not Ikemura Isao's accomplice. To her, Ikemura Isao was the enemy who tore her family apart. After hearing these things, she would definitely have a dispute with Ikemura Isao. In this way, Ikemura Isao will be the enemy in the future. Even if she dies, she can naturally become a suspect.

"In addition, although there is little hope, she may also kill someone herself. So when her friends came to my office, I adjusted the order of the case clippings in the office. There are some suitable murder methods hidden in the clippings. , those wives felt bored while waiting, and would take over the collection of newspaper clippings and look through them. After that, those cases would become the topic of their chats... Now it seems that Ikemura Kimi was indeed inspired by it. "

Vodka always felt something was wrong: "You showed her friend the relevant cases, and she used the specific method you chose to kill people? Is it really such a coincidence?"

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