Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1322 1322【Are you kidding me】

As soon as Shi Kaobing met Jiang Xia's eyes, he instinctively showed a gentle smile.

But she couldn't help but cursed in her heart: Don't worry? Don't worry! The good mood of the night was completely ruined by this water ghost!

However, as a thief who is good at disguise, what she thinks in her heart and what she says are of course different.

Shi Kaobing shook his head gently: "It's okay, a ship is nothing compared to human life. Besides, the ship's deck is not afraid of water."

... First paralyze the other person, wait until the detective relaxes his guard, then strangle him from behind and dump his body.

"Don't sit by the boat all the time. It's very wet over there." Shi Kaobing patted the dry and warm place next to him, "Come here, there is a shelter."

Jiang Xia nodded, stood up, and walked slowly past her.

The moment he turned his back to Shi Kaobing, a pot of fragrant hot soup seemed to float out of nowhere behind him.

Jiang Xia's eyes lit up slightly. It tastes really good and is very appetizing with everything. Especially before, he used Akai Shuichi's murderous aura to recreate a bit of steak-flavored murderous aura... Tsk, I really want to try one now.

The ghosts looked at Shi Kaobing and poked Jiang Xia the moment she raised her hand.

"That's right." Jiang Xia suddenly turned around.

"!" Shi Kaobing was agitated, his hands changed direction naturally, and he raised his hands to smooth his forehead that was wet by the rain, "What's wrong?"

"I'd better stay there." Jiang Xia sighed and pointed to her bag placed under the awning, "I'm sorry for getting your boat wet, so how can I get your luggage wet again."

The moment his fingertips pointed at the bag, a fierce light flashed silently in Shi Kaobing's eyes. The bag contained her spare gun, as well as some lock-picking tools. The bag was noticed by the detective, which undoubtedly aroused her instinctive vigilance.

But fortunately, Jiang Xia seemed to just treat it as ordinary luggage and didn't look at it much.

After saying this, he turned around again and walked towards the place where he was when he first got on the boat.

After turning around like this, Shi Kaobing looked at Jiang Xia's back and realized that he had another chance.

She moved her fingers slightly and raised them silently.

Jiang Xia suddenly tilted his head.

"!" Shi Kaobing put down his hand suddenly, his eyebrows twitching: What's the matter? ?

However, Jiang Xia didn't look back. He just shook the water off his head, walked to where he was before, and sat down weakly.

Shi Kaobing: "..." Tsk.

She looked at the detective who walked around and then sat back down, leaning against the board of the boat due to exhaustion, making her lose the chance to take action from behind, and suddenly felt deeply regretful.

——She usually likes to kill people with guns too much, and she trusts her marksmanship too much, so besides guns and knives, she rarely carries other weapons that are convenient for killing people.

The result is now...

Guns will leave smoke on the ship, and knives will leave blood stains on the ship.

If I had known this, I should have brought some potassium cyanide or something. Then I would have just brought Jiang Xia a cup of hot tea to warm her body and threw some medicine in it. When he is dead, throw the person away in a conspicuous place and leave in the chaos. In this way, Jiang Xia, who had seen her nearby, was successfully silenced, and because the police found Jiang Xia's body, they would not continue to block the area for search, making it easier for her to snipe Kidd tomorrow night.

Shi Kaobing: "..." It's a pity that a good murder process was ruined by the lack of materials. Potassium cyanide will have to be added to the list of medications to carry with you in the future.

Jiang Xia sat on the edge of the boat and looked up thoughtfully.

She saw Shi Kaobing staring at her water glass, not knowing what he was thinking, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

"..." Jiang Xia moved her fingers and secretly poked the ghost beside him who was wiping his mouth.

The ghosts came to their senses and floated over to grab Shi Kaobing's murderous aura.

However, with a strong tug, only a thin strand was pulled off - completely different from the furious Gin and Belmode, and even far from the boss's murderous aura.

Jiang Xia roughly estimated the output and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "..." Shi Kaobing's murderous aura was indeed different from the murderous aura exuded by the cadres. Although killing people is like drinking water, perhaps Shi Kaobing's killing target is very clear every time. Even if there are temporary additions to the killing list, he is not yet ready to kill everyone around him at any time like the cadres of an elite organization. The point where I can stop.

...Fortunately, it tastes really good.

in addition……

Jiang Xia lowered her gaze slightly and looked at Shi Kaobing's legs.

——The woman's two legs were densely covered with leg-striking shikigami, all of which were people she had killed.

The little shikigami half the size of a palm are stacked on top of each other and can actually completely wrap up the two long legs, like wearing a pair of fishnet stockings with weird aesthetics. And at a glance, there are old and new, and they are actually covered in many layers.

Jiang Xia counted for a long time, but couldn't count how many there were: it seemed that the diligence of this big thief was no worse than Kidd, but he was working in the opposite direction.

He took stock of tonight's harvest in advance, and his mood, which had just deteriorated due to soaking in water, quickly recovered: now it seems that this trip is definitely not a loss.

And although it can't be like the permanent murderous aura, when you have nothing to do, you can tear off a strand and light a cigarette. But as Shi Kaobing stayed by his side for longer, the murderous aura in her body seemed to increase - at present, Shi Kaobing was obviously not a flexible guy like Vodka.

It doesn't matter if you can't collect it now. Let the murderous aura flourish first, and when it matures, it will all be his.

Shi Kaobing was a little unwilling because he failed to kill Jiang Xia.

At this time, she glanced over secretly, only to find that Jiang Xia was looking at her legs intently.

The next moment, Jiang Xia seemed to notice her gaze, and quickly looked away and looked at the ship again.

Shi Kaobing was a little surprised, and immediately felt that she understood something: she had encountered similar looks countless times in the past when walking on the street.

——Although it was only a brief moment of contact, she believed that she was right. Based on experience, there is a strange trace of yearning in Jiang Xia's eyes, and... well, maybe it's a man's possessiveness towards a beautiful woman?

Shi Kaobing touched his chin thoughtfully: "..." Tsk, such a pure student detective on the outside turned out to be such a hungry guy on the inside. If you are an ordinary person, you may really ignore the hidden mood in Jiang Xia's eyes. But she is a big thief, not an ordinary person whose vigilance has been eroded by a comfortable life.

Realizing that someone was coveting him, Shi Kaobing frowned at first. Immediately afterwards, I felt slightly relieved: after being a thief for so many years, my sense of shame has long been fed to the dog along with my conscience. Taking advantage of all your advantages is what a mature adult would do.

Shi Kaobing: "..." It seems that I overreacted just now.

If you think about it carefully, it is normal for people of Jiang Xia's age to be dazzled by beauty. What's more, judging from reports, Jiang Xia doesn't have a girlfriend yet - and she happens to have inherited some of her ancestor's appearance advantages, and her legs are indeed beautiful.

As long as you use the right method, this detective may not be difficult to control.

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