Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1329 1329 [Owe a little favor]

When the high school students were wondering whether this kind of formation could stop Kidd.

A street away, Kidd, the high school student Kuroba Kaito, was holding the ice cream he had just bought, nibbling casually like a student wandering around, while looking at the Osaka Castle Park with curiosity. direction.

Looking at the helicopters flying in the sky, he snorted coldly and made a brief comment on them: flashy.

Kuroba Kaito: "..." With this level of defense, it is simply wishful thinking to catch an experienced thief like him.

But if you cast a net to catch foggy dogs, you might be able to catch one accurately. Of course, if the helicopter is really caught, it will probably turn into a bloody case... Tsk, I don't know if Jiang Xia has conveyed the map.

I don’t know why, but Kuroba Kaito always feels that there is something wrong with Jiang Xia - this detective rides a black panther and races between buildings, and has a strange relationship with Kiritengu... No matter how you look at it, there is a secret, and it is not something simple. Guy. At least it is definitely not the innocent and righteous image in the newspapers that hates evil as much as hatred.

Just as he was thinking about the detective in his mind, a motorcycle suddenly drove closer and passed by Kuroba Kaito on the street.

Kuroba Kaito turned away naturally.

After the motorcycle passed by, he looked up again and found that the motorcycle was heading straight towards Osaka Castle Park. Although he couldn't see the face of the motorcycle rider clearly, judging from the exposed back of his neck, it was probably 80% of the people on the car. It's that Osaka detective.

"He can be regarded as his opponent this time. He is a policeman and a detective from Kanto and Kansai. The battle is really quite big... Fortunately, in matters other than murder cases, Jiang Xia is just a paddling monster."

Kuroba Kaito muttered and took a mouthful of ice cream, and suddenly remembered something:

Speaking of which, why did Jiang Xia ask him to bring more bulletproof things?

Kuroba Kaito: "..." The Nakamori Police Department generally does not use guns to hit people. Jiang Xia should also know this... By the way, this time the Osaka police are jointly handling the case. I heard that these Kansai people have a rough behavior. , did Jiang Xia receive some internal information about "allowing Kidd to be shot"?

Although the information was given by a suspicious detective, Kuroba Kaito still put on a full bulletproof suit today.

...It's not that he's afraid of death, it's just that he shoulders the title of "Phantom Thief Kidd" passed down from his father. This is something more important than life. It would be too ugly to overturn the car carelessly - and to be shot down by a bloody policeman is not a decent thing to do no matter how you think about it.

"Just think that you owe Jiang Xia a favor. Who hasn't owed a favor yet? At worst, I'll pay him back next time." Kuroba Kaito muttered to comfort himself. At this time, he suddenly noticed something and his eyes were fixed on one place.

Diagonally across the street corner, a tall woman appeared at some point.

The woman looked at the several high school students gathered at the entrance of the exhibition hall from a distance, with a terrifying look in her eyes. For a moment, Kuroba Kaito suddenly thought of "death" - he always felt that the look in his eyes was very similar to the look that many murderers showed just before killing someone.

Kuroba Kaito looked stern and frowned.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, the woman seemed to notice something and suddenly turned her head and looked this way.

"..." Kuroba Kaito's eyes drifted, then fell back to where they were. Then he faced the woman's gaze and showed her an embarrassed and honest smile. He looked like an ordinary man who was distracted when he saw a beautiful woman. Stunned.

The long-legged woman glanced at him lightly without much emotion. She quickly turned around and walked towards Osaka Castle Park.

"I originally wanted to take you around the park and experience the new entertainment equipment that my dad brought."

Osaka Castle Park, in front of the Suzuki Museum of Modern Art. Suzuki Sonoko looked at the dense crowd of police and sighed depressingly: "But with so many people staring at me, I can't have fun. Let's go upstairs first."

Jiang Xia nodded and was about to walk to the exhibition hall when he suddenly felt his phone vibrate and an email came in.

I took it out and saw that it was from Kidd, and it was rarely sent to "Jiang Xia"'s own mobile phone. The content was simple:

[You seem to be being targeted. ]

There is also a photo attached below.

Jiang Xia rowed down and took a look, and found that it was the street he had just photographed, and a familiar figure could be seen in the distance - Shi Kaobing's figure.

Almost as soon as he saw the photo clearly, a sweet and sour aroma wafted behind him.

Followed by a gentle voice: "Jiang Xia."


Suzuki Sonoko was one step ahead of Jiang Xia. She turned around and saw someone she had met once before: "Are you... the lady on the boat yesterday?"

Shi Kaobing smiled and nodded: "Okay."

She speaks Chinese.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment and didn't understand: "What?"

Jiang Xia put away his phone and saw Shi Kaobing appearing. He seemed a little happy and introduced both parties:

"I was in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't even have time to say—this is Miss Pu Siqinglan, a researcher of the Romanov dynasty. What she just said should have meant 'hello' in Chinese."

Pu Si Qinglan smiled softly. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Hattori Heiji looking at her curiously, and suddenly remembered that this was also a famous detective.

So she turned to Jiang Xia again, waiting for him to tell her the beautiful story of "boating with grandpa in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River" to explain her abnormal behavior last night.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia seemed to have forgotten it and never mentioned it.

Realizing that she was looking at him, the dull detective turned around and smiled at her. His eyes looked at her in a daze, with a hint of obsession upon closer inspection.

Pu Siqinglan: "..." Tsk, he is actually a lover, he is so obsessed with her that he forgets to talk about the real thing...

She wanted to explain herself, but she was worried that it would appear deliberate.

While she was struggling, Jiang Xia had already begun to introduce her classmates to her.

Pu Si Qinglan was actually a little impatient.

But looking at it all the way, I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart. The light was too dark last night and I couldn't see clearly. Now it seems that among this group of people: the son of the Osaka police chief, the daughter of a high-ranking police official, the daughter of the Suzuki Consortium... no matter who they are, they seem to be perfect hostages if they can be caught in an emergency.

Thinking like this, she became patient again and bowed Yingying: "Hello everyone."

Across the way, Lingmu Sonoko stared at Pu Si Qinglan, instinctively not liking her very much.

But if you think about it carefully, everyone here is a guest, and Miss Pusi...Miss Pu...well, Miss Pusi Qinglan helped Jiang Xia yesterday, and she is so polite, so there seems to be nothing to criticize.

Suzuki Sonoko was thinking about it, and her attention wandered a little. She began to wonder where the name "Pusi Qinglan" should be split into a first name and a surname. For a moment, she forgot her instinctive dislike.

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