Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1370 1370 [Fake Chinese]

When Conan said this, Kasaka Natsumi suddenly remembered what he had just said, and teased him: "Children, what do you think about this crossword puzzle?"

"..." There is no clue, Conan has no clue yet.

He glanced at Jiang Xia subconsciously.

After a moment, he suddenly realized that he wanted to peek at the answer without any effort. Conan quickly withdrew his gaze and began to reflect.

Of course, Kasaka Natsumi’s words can’t be left alone.

"I have to think about it again." Conan looked at Kasaka Natsumi and chatted about something else casually, "Miss Natsumi's eyes are so beautiful, they are actually gray!"

Natsumi Kasaka was innocently taken in, and the topic turned to her eyes. She blinked slightly: "My grandmother and mother both have this eye color, maybe they inherited it from my great-grandmother."

"This color is really unique." Mao Lilan was a little envious. She suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Miss Qinglan's eyes are also gray. Do all Chinese people have gray eyes? Hey, but Miss Xia Mei is not Chinese. But he also has gray eyes..."

As she talked, she became confused and couldn't figure out the color of foreign eyes for a while.

Pu Siqinglan's hand holding the cup tightened slightly and she smiled: "Maybe it's because the ancestors are of mixed blood - we have a vast land and a very complicated history, and there are some genes from everywhere."

As she spoke, she noticed Jiang Xia's gaze, and she felt a little weak for some reason: If this detective is really so knowledgeable, he might know that gray eyes are very rare in China.

Pu Siqinglan: "..." Actually, if you think about it carefully, your explanation just now is reasonable. Who can guarantee that Chinese people don’t have gray eyes?

However, in order to prevent the identity of "Shi Kaobing", a thief who specializes in stealing Tsarist Russia's secret treasures, from being exposed, she must confirm that she is "Chinese." And the quickest way is to show off the language and culture of that country...

Thinking this, Pu Siqinglan looked at Mao Lilan and said with a smile:

"Speaking of 'the same', our names also have the word 'lan' in them - your name is pronounced in Chinese, and the pronunciation is very similar to that of Japanese, both are 'Maolilan'"

She spoke a bit awkward Chinese.

Mao Lilan read it in a low voice and laughed: "It sounds so cute."

Suzuki Sonoko found it very interesting and crowded over to join in the fun: "What about me? What about me?"

Pu Siqinglan glanced at her: "If you read your name in Chinese, the pronunciation will be very different..."

She did learn a little Chinese. Now that she recalled the specific pronunciation of "Suzuki Sonoko", her eyes suddenly jumped: This guy's name is really difficult to pronounce... But it's okay. Although her pronunciation is still different from authentic Chinese, But it's enough to fool a group of foreigners who don't understand Chinese at all.

"Pronounce 'Suzuki Garden'." Pu Si Qinglan tried hard to keep her pronunciation close to the standard, but she accidentally pronounced "Garden" three times, making the whole name sound very complicated.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned and repeated her unfamiliar name: "Suzuki...uh, Sono Wu Yasuko? So long??"

Jiang Xia looked on and seemed to have suddenly become interested in learning Chinese. He chanted along as if practicing: "Suzuki Sonoko."

His voice was not high-pitched, and the high school students didn't notice anything wrong with him. They just thought he was diligent and studious.

Next to her, Pu Si Qinglan suddenly felt something in her heart: Although she had only learned a little bit, but for some reason, Jiang Xia's pronunciation seemed to be much more standard than hers, almost like a real Chinese! He, he actually understands Chinese and learns it better than her? !

Pu Siqinglan: "..." Once you learn the language, it will be difficult to fool you. Jiang Xia must be able to hear the difference between her and native Chinese speakers, and tell that she is a fake Chinese... This person knows more and more.

Originally, Pu Siqinglan just wanted to find a topic to prove that she was truly Chinese and cover up her eye color.

But the more I explain now, the more loopholes appear.

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to get up and walk out immediately, no longer sitting with this group of people, but that would undoubtedly arouse others' suspicion... No, hold on! ——Jiang Xia seems to have not told others about her abnormality, otherwise the Suzuki family would not let her on the ship. As long as Jiang Xia is dealt with before he reveals his secret, there will definitely be room for recovery!

Pu Siqinglan was trying hard to sort out the next steps of action.

Next to her, Jiang Xia held her chin and looked at her, a little distracted: Maybe this is how the farmer uncle felt when he looked at the growing crops in the field... The joy of harvest is indeed rooted deep in people's souls. The murderous aura growing like this seems to taste particularly sweet.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but touch the newly rolled borscht-flavored Ghost Mint in his pocket, wanting to light one to match his wonderful mood at this time.

However, indoor smoking is not good, and so are fake cigarettes. And then I thought about it, there were others around. If Mao Lilan thinks that teenagers smoking is bad for their brains and wants to stop him... he can't compete with female classmates for cigarettes in public. A truly elegant detective should respect the opinions of his classmates... Tsk, if only Conan was here I could suck it.

He sighed regretfully and finally withdrew his hand.

Several high school students were still studying the Chinese pronunciation of their names and did not notice anything unusual about Pu Siqinglan.

However, Kasaka Natsumi vaguely felt the discomfort and embarrassment of this compatriot.

Although she didn't know the reason, she still tried to lighten the atmosphere and chatted with Pu Siqinglan about something else: "Miss Qinglan looks to be about my age. I am 27 years old."

Pu Siqinglan came back to her senses, turned to look at her, and used this action to move her body very naturally, away from Jiang Xia's direction.

After that, we can chat normally: "I am also 27, and you are the same age as me."

"What a coincidence!" Kasaka Natsumi was a little surprised. She looked at Pu Si Qinglan's gray eyes so close to her, and felt like she had met a half-sister. "By the way, I was born on May 3rd." Birthday. You..."

Pu Si Qinglan: "May 5th."

Conan laughed naively when he heard these two dates, and suddenly remembered a simple puzzle: "Haha, then your birthdays..."

"It's only one day away from a friend of mine."

Jiang Xia's voice suddenly floated from the side, and actually said exactly what Conan wanted to say, but with a different name: "His birthday is May 4th."

When Mao Lilan heard about this date, she immediately guessed who Jiang Xia was referring to and laughed: "Indeed. That guy can't remember his birthday and has to rely on the people around him to remember it."


Conan understood: the "friend" Jiang Xia mentioned and the "guy" mentioned by Mao Lilan were none other than himself - Kudo Shinichi.

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