Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 138 Gin: I heard that you are good at playing secret rooms

Jiang Xia: "..." The mission became strange. Gin seemed to be using him as a crime textbook.

Fortunately, he has read enough Ke Xue episodes and has enough techniques in reserve. However, it was really strange for Gin, who always liked to be straightforward, to suddenly make such a request.

The mission location this time is a bit far away, in Shizuoka.

Jiang Xia arrived by car. When we walked out of the station, it was already dark.

The meeting address sent by Gin was a bus stop near the station.

Jiang Xia arrived at the place and found that the gin and vodka had not arrived yet.

He then clicked on his phone to check the time.

At this time, suddenly a man walked out of the convenience store on the corner.

He was a tall young man, wearing a pair of sunglasses, walking in a hurry, and seemed to be worried.

When Jiang Xia heard the movement, he glanced over there casually, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

——The young man's body is wrapped with full murderous aura, and the light black air mass is faintly swaying in the wind.

Jiang Xia looked at him from a distance, her eyes brightening.

Da Da Tuan, that is, Bai Cangyang, was thinking about the recent troubles and walked absent-mindedly.

He was rushing to the parking lot. Halfway there, he suddenly noticed someone in front of him.

Bai Cangyang glanced up and was startled by Jiang Xia's eager eyes. He tripped and fell on the spot. The car key in his hand fell to the ground and slid to Jiang Xia's feet.

Jiang Xia put on gloves, helped him pick up the keys, walked over to help him up, and patted him friendlyly: "Is everything okay?"

"No, it's okay..." Bai Cangyang couldn't help feeling frightened when he thought of Jiang Xia's appearance just now.

But at this time, when he took a closer look, he felt that he was overthinking it. The person in front of him didn't look like a bad person. Well... he just kept grabbing his car keys and wouldn't let go, so he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. .

Bai Cangyang was a little alert, but didn't think too much.

——He is a well-known model. His career is on the rise recently and he has many fans.

In Bai Cangyang's eyes, Jiang Xia Bachi was his fan - it was perfectly normal for fans to look at him like they wanted to grab something.

It's normal, but Bai Cangyang doesn't like such aggressive fans.

However, at this time, he pulled the car key from Jiang Xia's hand twice, but failed to move it.

In order to leave smoothly, Bai Cangyang could only keep smiling and proactively said: "Do you want me to sign your name for you?"

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, nodded, and tore a note from the notepad she carried with her and gave it to him.

Three words quickly appeared on the note - Bai Cangyang.

Jiang Xia looked at the name and suddenly connected the person in front of him with a certain case - this seemed to be the spirited young man who eventually killed his professor for a photo of him dressed as a woman.

When Jiang Xia took the signature from Bai Cangyang and debated whether to knock him down first and give him a killing blow, a flash of black flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Xia turned her head and saw a black Porsche parked quietly on the other side of the road.

"..." He sighed inwardly. I still have tasks today, so it’s not convenient to arrange my time freely.

After Bai Cangyang signed the autograph, he saw that Jiang Xia still didn't let go, and frowned: "My car key..."

Jiang Xia came to her senses and let Bai Cangyang take away the key, regretfully letting him go.

Then he crossed the road to the other side of the street, opened the door and got into the back seat.

Gin looked at Bai Cangyang as he left through the car window: "Who is that?"

"I don't know him. We chatted for a few words when we met him. He seemed to be a famous person." Jiang Xia leaned over and pulled out the cigarette lighter from the gin car, lit the signature paper in his hand, threw it into the ashtray, and watched it quietly. combustion.

Bai Cangyang might soon be involved in a murder case. Of course, he would not leave such a signature on his body.

Gin looked at the burning paper and found that there was indeed only one signature on it.

Since it had nothing to do with the organization, he didn't ask any more questions.

He gave Jiang Xia a phone number and the information of an old man.

"This person's name is Hirota Masami, Miyano Akemi's professor. He usually likes to fill various photos into disks as souvenirs. Miyano Akemi borrowed travel photos from him before her death. When she sent them back, they were sent to the organization by mistake. material."

Vodka explained the mission situation for gin:

"Our mission here this time is to recover the lost information and silence the old man who may have seen the information.

"But Hirota Masami has a high status in the academic circle and has a wide range of connections. His student Miyano Akemi has just died. If he is also killed suddenly, it may attract the attention of interested people.

"So your mission today is to fake the scene of an accidental death or suicide. Don't make others suspicious."

——In short, in order to achieve the goal of "keeping a low profile", when you go to Hirota Masami's house later, you must not violently break in the door.

So Ginjiu gave Jiang Xia a list of Hirota’s phone numbers: “You will pretend to be an insurance salesman, or anyone else, and say hello to him in advance and say you are going to visit him.

"In this way, even if the old man refuses the insurance, when we go there, we will be considered difficult at best, and we will not be so abrupt that the other party refuses to receive him behind closed doors."

Jiang Xia responded and entered the number into her mobile phone.

But before going out to dial, he paused: "I have been on some programs recently, and my voice may be heard - there are actually many elderly people who like to watch detective programs. And if you deliberately change your voice, it will sound unnatural. .”

This is an excuse.

Jiang Xia simply didn't want to make this call.

The landline is equipped with an answering machine. Once Professor Hirota does not receive the call in time, it will automatically leave a message. And he didn't want to leave his voice on the tape.

Gin didn't think it was a big problem because in his concept, making phone calls was just a preparatory step. Later, they had to break into the house and kill people, so they had plenty of time to deal with the recording.

But Jiang Xia always feels unreliable - although Ginjiu is very strong, the luck of this model worker is like a negative number. Some other situations are likely to occur in the future, such as sudden homicides, police blocking the scene, etc... leading to many problems. It's hard to get the tape back.

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