Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1382 1382 [Targeted by the world] Please vote for me

Chapter 1382 1382 [Targeted by the world] Please vote for me (`)

"There was a photographer who kept getting closer to take pictures of the child and the fire scene behind her. The little girl looked very scared. I advised the photographer not to take pictures like this, but the photographer didn't listen. Instead, he got closer and said something to record. Real. I had to..."

Halfway through his words, Secretary Nishino suddenly realized something was wrong.

He cleared his throat and said euphemistically: "Well, I have to increase my persuasion a little bit."

The Mumu Police Department has been dealing with all kinds of Riddlers all year round, and has not been fooled at all. He asked cautiously: "What kind of strength does a little strength mean?"

"..." Secretary Nishino stopped talking for a moment and whispered, "It's nothing, I just gave him a light punch. After he got up from the ground, he quickly packed up his things and ran away. I haven't seen him since then. I didn’t expect to meet him again this time in Osaka.”

As he spoke, he sighed again: In order to prove that he was not the murderer, he racked his brains to recall the intersection between himself and the deceased, but now after recalling it, why did he sound more and more like the murderer?

However, at this time, the primary school student next to him suddenly laughed: "Haha, you really have a grudge."

Secretary Nishino: "?"

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, looked at Secretary Nishino's fist, and slightly moved the case process: "When you beat him, in your heart, the matter was over. But the photographer still had a grudge. ——He didn’t wear the necklace around his neck before he got on the ship. He put it on specially after he got on the ship and showed it off in front of everyone.

“After everyone knew that the ring belonged to him and was very valuable, the photographer took advantage of you and sneaked into your room to hide the ring, then took your ballpoint pen and put it in his own room.

"Originally, he planned to frame you for stealing his ring like this, but before he could implement the plan, he was killed by another thug who broke in - the murderer must have come for the ring. However, I'm afraid he couldn't do anything. Come to think of it, the ring he wants is not in the room, but under another person's bed."

"..." Pu Siqinglan felt more and more angry: What about "thugs who broke in", what "he must not have thought of"... Is this a mockery of her inability to use her brain? !

And that photographer, how dare he play tricks on her like this! It's a pity that the culprit is already dead, so he can't kill him again... Heh, if you think about it, dying more times is not entirely a bad thing.

Thinking of her plan, Pu Siqinglan lowered her gaze forbearingly: "Taunt her as much as you like. When she gets off the ship, sooner or later she will let this arrogant detective who is waiting to be killed know what the real hell is."

The Memu Police Department couldn't smell the murderous aura bubbling next to them, but felt that the detectives' explanation was very reasonable.

"In this case, Mr. Nishino should be innocent."

The Mu Mu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then became vigilant after realizing it: "Wait, that is to say, Shi Kaobing may still be hiding on this ship?!"

Miwako Sato remembered something: "By the way, the police department, when I asked the crew just now, some crew members discussed that there was one less lifeboat on the yacht, and maybe the soldier had used it to escape. I have already asked people to search, but after all, it is Being at sea, and more than half an hour since the murder, it may be difficult to find him."

In the wanted information provided by Interpol, the gender of "Shi Kaobing" is unknown, so Miwako Sato did not refer to her as "she".

"Haha, it turns out he has run away. Then we can rest assured." Next to him, on the sofa in the living room, the art dealer suddenly smiled.

He thought of the photographer who died tragically, and then looked at himself completely. Comparing the two, he couldn't help but said proudly: "I actually have more valuable collections. Fortunately, I didn't show off just now, otherwise I might have been the one with the hole in my head." . Haha, but Shi Kaobing, an idiot, actually thinks that a photographer can be richer than an art dealer like me - the thief does physical work after all, and his brain is not good."

Pu Si Qinglan was suddenly ridiculed. She was startled at first, and then became furious: Anyone can scold her, right? ! She remembered this damn old man!

He was adding people to the assassination list, but before he could finish adding people, other guests in the living room also nodded: "It's really unlucky to be on the same boat with such a thief. Fortunately, he has left."


Jiang Xia suddenly discovered that the already strong murderous aura was once again causing ripples.

His eyes lit up silently, and he turned to look at the group of people talking: It seems that we still need to pay more attention to the power of the masses... The useful knowledge has increased again, take note of it.

Next to him, the "White Bird Police Department" inexplicably felt like he had been shot: Why do thieves do physical work? Thieves obviously also consume a lot of IQ!

Of course, a guy like Shi Kaobing who has survived until now by killing people and taking shortcuts is another matter...

Kidd wanted to clarify for himself.

But after looking at the large circle of policemen next to him and the yacht, which was surrounded by sea and was difficult to escape, he was silent for a moment, and finally swallowed his words after making a note to Shi Kaobing.

Then he calmly changed the topic away from criticizing the thief.

"Shiratori Police Department" said sternly: "But Shi Kaobing's departure should only be temporary - don't forget, he is still thinking about another 'Memory Egg' of the Kasaka family. I'm afraid he will wait until tomorrow. He will go to the castle to search. No, maybe he has gone now!"


The expressions of a group of people who were talking and laughing suddenly froze.

Only then did they realize that the danger seemed not far away - after all, they were also thinking about the egg belonging to Natsumi Kasaka's family, and planned to transfer to the castle to investigate as soon as they arrived in Tokyo.

At that time, they may encounter this vicious right-eyed killer again.

The "White Bird Police Department" has obviously taken this danger into consideration.

He turned to the Megure Police Department with a serious face and suggested heroically: "After arriving in Tokyo tomorrow, I will go to the castle with Miss Kasaka to provide her with personal protection."

The Mumu Police Department did not give him the "Okay, go!" reaction he wanted.

The middle-aged policeman was still confused at this time: "...What's the 'other egg'? What's going on with the 'castle'?"

"..." The "Shiratori Police Department" who knew too much cleared his throat and pushed Jiang Xia with his elbow, "Well, the enthusiastic little detective just told me - based on the drawings provided by Miss Kasaka Natsumi,' The Egg of Memories' may consist of a set of two Easter eggs.

"The one that Kidd is eyeing is an Easter egg that is wandering outside. The other, slightly larger one, is hidden in Miss Kasaka's castle. After they return to Tokyo, they plan to transfer there and look for it together."

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