Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1410 1410 [Organization Base]

"..." Jiang Xia put away her phone, feeling that it was not easy to share this kind of joy with others, so she simply said, "I thought of some happy things."

Seeing that he didn't want to answer, Ginjiu knew he couldn't ask, so he snorted and didn't ask any more questions.

When he turned around and continued walking in front.

Jiang Xia glanced at his pocket thoughtfully: Why didn't he see Ginjiu receiving the same mail. Did the boss deliberately develop it separately, or did he think that Gin was not a big problem, so he didn't find a doctor for him?

Before reaching any conclusion, Gin and Vodka suddenly stopped.

Jiang Xia was startled, then looked to the side and found that they had arrived at the door of the room where Shi Kaobing was being held.

This terrifying international thief seemed to be greatly stimulated by something at this time. He only had one sentence to comment on Jiang Xia: "Evil spirit! That unkillable evil spirit!"

Jiang Xia: "..." Fortunately, he "died" very scientifically, so there is no need to worry about hurting the worldview of the organization members.

I was trying to reveal the secret of my non-existent method of suspended animation.

But before he could speak, someone had already snatched his line.

“It is said that when Yusupov and the others assassinated Rasputin, they first tricked him into eating a large amount of cake containing potassium cyanide, then shot him in the lungs and head, and finally threw him into the glacier. This was because of the so-called 'Water destroyed the mana' and succeeded in killing him."

Gin looked at Shi Kaobing coldly like he was looking at an idiot: "'Eating a lot of potassium cyanide', 'Being shot in the lungs and head', 'Being thrown into an icy lake'... Although the order is different, you Don’t you think this looks familiar?”

Vodka nodded secretly: Shi Kaobing said that she shot Jiang Xia's right eye on the night the "Egg of Memory" was stolen. The next day, she served Jiang Xia tea with potassium cyanide added, and then tied up the "body" Throw yourself into the river. These ways of death coincided with her ancestors one-to-one. It seemed that Uzo was tinkering with the kind of propositional composition he liked again.

"Shi Kaobing" probably discovered that all her actions were under Wu Zuo's control, but he couldn't figure out where he was tricked, so he attributed everything to "Jiang Xia has magic power"... Huh, superstitious.

"Of course it looks familiar." Shi Kaobing knew nothing about Vodka's inner slander. When Jiang Xia was mentioned, in addition to resentment, there was also a hint of fanaticism in her eyes, "That's why I said he must have magic power! - You only know how to ask me about the treasure of the Romanov Dynasty, but you don't know that the biggest treasure is hidden beside you! If you can get his power, it is nothing compared to a few dead things. The first time I saw him, he magically floated on the water..."

"What's so magical about floating on water?"

Vodka felt that there was something wrong with this woman's brain, not to mention Wuzuo. Now that he had calmed down, even he could figure out how to survive in the situations that Shi Kaobing said: "You are a landlubber? Do you know a little bit? Anyone who is water-based can float on the water effortlessly using the backstroke posture.”

What's more, it wasn't an accident when Uzuo fell into the river at that time. The guy must have planned it beforehand - it would not be difficult to quietly hide a boy with good water skills in the river, or hide a flotation device. It was dark at the time, so it was normal for Shi Kaobing not to see clearly.

"What do you know! That is no ordinary floating. He has been floating around my boat. He has already targeted me! And that shot..."

Gin sneered. He had already heard Shi Kaobing tell him many times for similar reasons, and now he no longer had the patience to continue listening: "It's so far away and you didn't confirm it. Why do you think you can hit it?"

Shi Kaobing's eyes twitched. She didn't know why, but she always felt that she heard a bit of naked ridicule in the words of the man in black - as if he was mocking her for being unprofessional in killing people.

"At that time, a police officer followed the sound and rushed over. The abandoned building he was in was very unfamiliar inside. I believed in my marksmanship. It would be more dangerous to rush over there rashly." She argued a few words instinctively, and then she found that the topic had been discussed again. He got sidetracked and quickly returned to what he wanted to say, "I saw him drink the tea mixed with potassium cyanide! And I personally bagged him and sank him into the sea..."

"Is it difficult to change a medicine?" Gin thought of something, glanced at her heels, and smiled sarcastically, "Even if there is no chance to change, can you guarantee that what you get is potassium cyanide?"

Shi Kaobing: "..." The color is like potassium cyanide, and it looks like potassium cyanide. The seller said it was potassium cyanide... What else could it be if it wasn't potassium cyanide? ! We can't let her have a taste!

"There is also Shenhai." Vodka felt that no one understood Wuzuo better than him. "It was already dark when you dumped the body, and you did not use too strong lighting because you were worried about alarming other people on the boat. In the sea at night, you are the most Only part of the sea surface can be seen. As long as he asks his accomplices to observe in advance and set up a net below in time, he can get back on the boat as long as he holds his breath for a while."

Shi Kaobing: "..."

She was silent for a moment, suddenly suspecting that these two people had been brainwashed by Jiang Xia's magic power.

And if this is really the case, then wouldn't her expectation that these people would catch Jiang Xia and study her, so as to relax their vigilance against her and give her a chance to escape... not all be in vain?

Jiang Xia was not very interested in Shi Kaobing's ideas, and interrogation was not his specialty.

Idleness was idleness. During the waiting time, Jiang Xia slipped out of the room silently while Gin and Vodka were not paying attention, took Matsuda Jinpei with him to clear the way, and went around other parts of the base.

Then I found out very regretfully that there are obstacles everywhere, and you have to swipe your ID card wherever you go. But he, who had just arrived a few minutes ago, obviously didn't have such a thing.

Even if you don't go deep into the research room, the doors to ordinary offices are all locked.

Let the ghost squeeze in and take a look. There is clearly someone inside. But no matter whether he knocked on the door to visit or made noise and waited for the people inside to go out to check, all of them were ineffective - from the perspective of the ghosts, the people in the office did not hear the sound. But even though they knew someone was knocking on the door, they just held their coffee cups, paused their movements, and looked at the door silently. They showed a little "sure enough" look to each other, as if they had received the "stay in the office" in advance. , don’t open the door” and other messages.

Jiang Xia: "..." Tsk.

After all, he is still a member of the organization, and there are many monitors here. If someone refuses to open the door, it is hard for him to kick in and say hello.

So in the end, he had no choice but to leave with regret.

Jiang Xia: "..." The only gratifying thing is that although some members have murderous aura, it is obviously just ordinary murderous aura without taste. In another sense, he didn't miss the opportunity to meet a colleague with a delicious murderous aura.

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