Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1413 1413 [Good friends of cadres]

"You are too suspicious. You have to assume so much in just a casual sentence. Are you tired?" After a moment of stalemate, Jiang Xia felt that comparing toughness with model workers seemed to be a thankless task. He finally sighed and reluctantly sat in the car, "Let's go then, it doesn't have to be far, just take me to a nearby station."

After the three people left.

In the organization's base, Ireland walked on the silent passage, frowning and thinking about something.

He actually had no interest in this base. He just heard about Gin's recent movements, so he came to take a look.

Now that he has met Gin and also the mysterious young man, his goal has actually been exceeded.

But at this time, Ireland gradually discovered that this base was a bit strange today: it was much quieter than usual, and no one who would occasionally pass by in the corridor appeared at this time.

Passing by an office, he vaguely heard the sound of water being poured inside.

After thinking for a moment, Ireland stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The sound of water inside stopped suddenly. But after waiting for a while, no one came to open the door at all, as if nothing had happened just now.

Ireland has been the backbone of the organization for so many years and has rarely encountered this kind of rejection.

He became more and more suspicious, keeping his normal footsteps and pretending to leave, but in fact he was waiting nearby secretly.

After a while, a clerk seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, pushed open the door and ran to the bathroom.

When he came back, he slipped back into the office and was about to close the door when the door was suddenly blocked by a thick hand.


Ireland's eyes quickly scanned the office, but he didn't see anything to be wary of.

So his eyes fell back on the clerk and said solemnly: "Why didn't you open the door just now?"

The clerk didn't recognize him, but judging from his terrifying aura and the fact that he could move around the base smoothly, he guessed that he was a foreign cadre.

So he explained in a low voice: "Well, there are requirements from above that we cannot open the door at will today, nor can anyone knock on the door, unless we receive an email asking us to go out, so as not to disturb the important people..."

Ireland: "..." What kind of strange request is this? Why has he never heard of it?

The more unusual it is, the more valuable it is.

But at the same time, he also felt a little regretful: "So you guys have been hiding in the office?"

The clerk nodded.

Ireland let go of his hand, and the clerk retracted into the office and closed the door.

Ireland glanced at the closed door again and didn't knock again - since this group of people never went out, they probably couldn't provide much useful information, so they might as well rely on themselves.

He once again thought of his chance encounter with the four people in the corridor just now.

——The so-called "big shots" must be among these people.

When they suddenly met, Gin and Vodka didn't make any guarding action. The two strange young people stood more like Gin's colleagues and had nothing to do with the big shot... But thinking about it, Gin and Vodka He was indeed slightly wary of those two people.

Ireland: "..." I have indeed heard that Uzo likes to attack some interesting people, even his colleagues. In other words, his colleagues are more to his taste.

In this way, it happened to coincide with Gin's excuse to clear the place.

"It seems that just now, I probably met Uzo directly by accident." Ireland snorted coldly in his heart, "Pretending to be a ghost."

He glanced at the surveillance camera in the corridor, wanting to recall the image just now and leave a photo of Uzo so that he could have a backup plan for future actions.

But there is no backup for the base's monitoring, and only the boss has playback authority. As far as Ireland knows, "that lord" doesn't like private fights among his subordinates, at least not among his favored subordinates. If you ask him for surveillance, you may not only not get the information you want, but you will also be marked in your mind, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Ireland had to give up the idea for the time being. He swiped the matching ID card and palm print, and headed deep into the base—he came here today, of course, not under the banner of "making trouble for Gin", but using a mission as an excuse.

Now he had to take care of this little thing before he could leave.

On the other side, Jiang Xia sat in Ginjiu's car and drove away from the base.

It didn't take long before we arrived at a station.

"Okay, we're here." Jiang Xia planned to get off the car here, abandoning his two troubled teammates, "Stop the car - you appear next to me, which will easily affect my reputation. Just drop it here, and passers-by will do it if you go further. More. Then I’ll take the tram back by myself.”

Vodka let out a silent sigh of relief and silently moved his feet towards the brake pedal.

"Keep driving." Gin obviously had different opinions on this, "Get off after a few stops."

Jiang Xia: "..." Is this suspicious person afraid that he will go back to Ireland?

The ghost can hang on Ireland's body as a tracker, but the further away from the body, the more murderous energy is consumed. Beyond a certain distance, the consumption will become quite terrifying.

It's still possible to track at the current distance, but if you drive further forward, the murderous energy consumed in tracking will be a lot more.

He sighed silently: Forget it, keep the accounts first, and find an opportunity to collect them all later. Fortunately, the murderous volume of gin itself is large enough to support the cost.

After driving a few more stops, and figuring that Ireland was almost leaving the base, Gin asked Vodka to stop near the station.

Vodka was stared at all the way by Jiang Xia Youyou, who almost wished he could put a mirror on the back of his head to bounce the attack.

At this time, he was finally able to stop. He parked the car as quickly as possible, started off as quickly as possible after Jiang Xia got off the car, and drove happily to a place where Wuzuo was not present.

When they walked away, Jiang Xia looked around, sat back a few stops, found a cafe with a nice environment, ordered coffee and sat down.

He then sent the shikigami and the rice-feeding cat through the wall and piled them into puppets in a nearby hiding place.

A harmless cat walking on dark clouds and snow quickly took shape in the shadows.

Jiang Xia possessed his consciousness into the puppet and temporarily left his body in the coffee shop.

He drove the Cat Puppet, moved his beard slightly, and briefly identified the direction. Then he quickly transformed into a black panther using his gigantic skills, and happily headed to Ireland.

——The place where Gin finally parked his car just now is not too far from the base, and Ireland's whereabouts are still barely within the monitoring range.

Jiang Xia: "..." It's not that he really wants to do anything to Ireland.

He was just a little curious about where this new cadre lived, where he usually hung out, and whether he knew any other interesting friends... As a good colleague who was cheerful and loved to make friends, it was actually quite reasonable to know this.

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