Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1418 1418 [Why don’t you scold Uzo]

"What's wrong?" Gin turned to look at the startled little brother.

When his eyes fell on the screen in front of Vodka, he couldn't help but pause.

"This car..." Gin looked at the photo that was placed on the emergency news, frowned, and suddenly had some suspicion, "it looks familiar."

Vodka nodded cautiously: "It's very similar to the kind of car that is often driven in Ireland. And judging from the surrounding scenery, this is near the organization's base. Plus this time," and Uzo's interest in Ireland, the car in the photo This car, no matter how you look at it, is right up there with Ireland.

Although as a younger brother of gin, vodka is not interested in Ireland, which has been in the limelight recently, and is even slightly hostile to it.

But he never expected that the harsh words "Be careful on the road" that Uzzo had asked the fake Uzzo to say in the base were actually not a simple joke - Ireland just missed death like this, and almost changed his mind. It turned into an unlucky corpse crushed to death by someone who fell from a building.

This guy Uzo...

Vodka's mind went blank, and after a while, a word he saw somewhere suddenly popped out: ... so terrifying!


Silence spreads inside the black Porsche.

After a while, Gin raised his hand and lit a cigarette. At this time, his phone suddenly vibrated.

When he opened it, he saw that it was an email from the boss - asking him to take time to see the doctor tonight and that he would have an urgent task to hand over to him tomorrow.


After more than ten seconds, Gin put down his phone and looked at the screen in front of Vodka again.

Under Vodka's hidden expectant gaze, he sneered: "Ireland is a waste."

Volta nodded in sympathy, and halfway through, he suddenly froze: "..." Huh? ? Isn’t it time to scold Uzo now? Just now you told him not to attack cadres near the base, but as soon as you turned around, he almost smashed Ireland into pieces on the spot.

Because the development of things was completely inconsistent with Vodka's expectations, he couldn't control his expression for a while.

Gin caught a glimpse of the change in his face and felt that there were too many idiots in the world.

He snorted coldly: "Isn't Ireland not dead yet? Moreover, the vehicle license plate and clear photos of himself were not taken. It was just the loss of a car, and it is easy to be checked when going out recently. This is at best Uzo's suspicion. A little warning from him.”

——As long as the person is still alive and does not reveal the secrets of the organization, then everything is not a problem.

No one who can become an organization cadre is a fuel-efficient person. When there was a conflict, it was commonplace to shoot the opponent with a few non-fatal shots or cause some injuries such as fractures.

"What's more, this time it was Ireland that took the offense first. He actually dared to track me without authorization, and almost came into contact with the 'Scott Soldier' ​​who might expose Uzo's identity... Hehe, if he hadn't always stood firm, he would have been given an undercover cover. The hat is not an grievance. Even if this matter comes before the boss, he made the mistake first."

Gin was not a good-tempered person to begin with. He just didn't want to give the boss the impression that he was "happy to fight within himself", so he forcibly tolerated some bastards who made him want to shoot him to death countless times, such as Bourbon, such as Ireland...such as Uzo at certain times, and even Vodka some of the time.

Although Uzo's disobedience to orders has always been a headache. But this time, he did a really good job - he didn't execute Ireland without authorization or trample on the boss's bottom line, but he also taught Ireland a sufficient lesson.

Gin: "..." Although judging from the scene mentioned in the news, it is not ruled out that Uzo did want to kill the person on the spot, but Ireland reacted too quickly and was not hit... But in short, the result is good of.

Speaking of which, if only there was a way for Ireland to die quietly and have nothing to do with Uzo and him.

While Gin was meditating, Vodka sat quietly next to him, feeling cold on his back for some reason.

He quietly glanced at Gin who was thoughtful, looked forward, sat down again, and decided not to express any opinions on the news, lest the fire of war in Ireland would burn him unnecessarily.

On the other side, Uzo, who didn't think much at all, just went shopping at the Metropolitan Police Department with his incident-related friends after surveying the scene.

The corpses were also temporarily stored here. After simple sorting, it looks much easier to recognize than before.

"'s really him." Mouri Kogoro stared at the corpse, clenched his fists, and looked a little angry.

Jiang Xia looked at him: "Is he someone you know?"

"Yes." Mouri Kogoro nodded, "Thanks to the information he provided, I was able to successfully catch Himuro."

Himuro is the false prophet who called Mouri Kogoro just now and said that someone was going to die because of him.

The Megure Police Department also had a vague impression of this name: "Himuro, is he the notorious bank robber? Was he released?"

After a pause, he slapped his forehead in sudden realization: "Oh! I wonder why the deceased looks so familiar - he must be the tainted witness at that time."

"A tainted witness?" Conan's ears twitched, feeling that this must be very important information, and demanded, "Tell me in detail."

Maori Kogoro:"……?"

He hit Conan's head with his fist: "Boy, when did you sneak in? This is the morgue, not the place you should be!"

Conan: "..." How many times have you seen corpses, and why are you still afraid of a mere morgue?

Before Mouri Kogoro grabbed his hood and threw him out, Conan swished across the morgue, jumped behind Jiang Xia, and hid skillfully.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the distance and was too lazy to go over. He snorted: "Numao Shingo is actually Himuro's subordinate, not even his accomplice. He was just an errand boy at the time - he is timid by nature and has soft ears. When he committed crimes with Himuro before, Just follow Himuro's command in everything.

"Later, after I targeted them, I tried to get in touch with Numao Shingo and advised him to turn around as soon as possible and stop going astray. Numao recalled the days when he and Himuro were hanging out together, and he felt that he was very bad like that, so he He told me the information about Himuro and redeemed himself, and I successfully caught that cunning robber."

There weren't many clues on the body, so the few people didn't stay here any longer and walked out while talking.

On the way, they passed the inquiry room and looked in through the one-way mirror, and saw Sato Miwako asking Himuro about the situation.

Jiang Xia came to the window, glanced at Himuro Reiji, and nodded secretly: I didn't expect that besides Ireland, there would be other unexpected gains tonight.

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