Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1429 1429 [Let’s die together, Uzo]

Before leaving, Ireland remembered something and paused slightly.

He took out the portrait of the Uzo suspect he had drawn in his pocket.

——That’s the picture I showed to Reiji Himuro just now.

For a moment, he wanted to throw this picture on the table and leave it to the police, so that Uzo could come into the police's sight just like him.

But at the last moment when he let go, Ireland couldn't help but hesitate.

Ireland: "..." Speaking of which, I actually can't guarantee that the two people in the picture are Uzo.

——Uzo almost plotted against him and got him hit by a corpse, that is. Uzo actually knew "Ireland will go to the base today" a long time ago. If the devil is willing, he can completely avoid the encounter in the base.

But at that time, Ireland saw two strangers as she wished. Looking back now, maybe there was no Uzo among those two people.

Even if there was, Uzo must have found a way to prevent him from taking advantage of this, otherwise Uzo would not have appeared at all.

Ireland: "..." No matter how you think about it, this time it was indeed your fault.

And in a passive situation, doing things without preparation and planning will only make yourself step into the abyss.

...We must not let Uzo lead us by the nose.

According to the rumors about Uzo in the organization, the way to avoid being killed seems to be to not have active murderous intentions and the intention to harm others.

Thinking of this, Ireland suddenly fell silent and muttered in his heart: "Uzo, this guy, acts so darkly, is so insidious, and kills people like crazy. But with such a summary, how come he is described as a good person."

But no matter what, reason finally prevailed.

"I am an Avenger. Not just Uzo, but also Gin, and even... the organization." Ireland warned himself in his heart, "For the sake of the great cause, I must protect myself now. Just suspend my duties and go out to avoid the limelight - I will definitely When Uzo and the patrolman come back, they will die!"

He barely suppressed his hatred for Uzo, put away the portrait, picked up the suitcase with the body, and went out to leave.

Although there was a brief period of confusion in the middle, overall, Ireland's evacuation was very smooth.

When the police arrived late as usual and rushed to Himuro's house with the detectives, only a few fallen shikigami and a mass of fallen murderous aura were left at the scene.

The police knocked on the door but received no response, so when a search warrant came in, they broke in and entered the home.

"No one is home?" Megure Police Department said angrily, "Did this guy Himuro run away early!"

Jiang Xia frowned, as if thinking about something, and walked around heavily, quickly walking to the side of Shikigami.

Then when no one was paying attention, he bent down to pick them up and held them in his arms as if nothing had happened.

During this period, he took a look at the few paper-like shikigami he had just picked up, and they seemed a bit familiar.

The ghosts floated over, got closer to identify them for a moment, and said with certainty: These are the ones hanging on Himuro's legs just now - although the shikigami all look similar and have very similar breaths, there are still some subtle differences. .

Next to him, Wutian Dog landed on the ground, bent down and looked into the gap under the cabinet.

It quickly got in and then came out with a mass of murderous aura.

Jiang Xia was not surprised when he saw this murderous aura: the shikigami on Himuro's legs fell off, and so did the murderous aura on his body. The murderer who almost killed the cadre is probably dead now.

Killing Reiji Himuro at this time and skillfully taking away the body... From this point of view, Reiji Himuro, a former bank robber who had just completed a planned murder, was probably killed by Ireland. Alas, the irritable cadre.

While he was sorting out the murderous aura and shikigami and putting them away, he walked elsewhere naturally and quietly blended into the investigation team.

The police carefully searched every corner of the room and searched nearby alleys, but could not find any trace of Himuro Reiji.

"There is a vacancy here. Judging from the size and the marks on the ground, there may have been a suitcase here before." Officer Sato looked around, a little disappointed, "There are also fewer things in the house. Himuro just said that So confident, but in fact, he was probably still worried about being exposed by detectives, so he escaped early."

Jiang Xia originally wanted to nod in agreement.

But then I thought about it, as a superficially famous detective, this seemed inappropriate.

So in the end, he didn't nod his head, but just touched his chin like a detective, thinking about something.

At this time, a faint voice suddenly floated from the side.

Conan sent a chat invitation in a low voice: "You also feel something is wrong, right?"

Jiang Xia lowered her head and looked at him.

Conan pointed to the tatami next to the closet: "There is a little indentation on the floor. There should have been a suitcase here before, but it was taken away just now. Judging from the distance between the four wheels, the size of the suitcase It’s huge, but Himuro has just been released from prison, and he doesn’t have much property to begin with. There aren’t many clothes in his wardrobe either—the size of the suitcase is really too big compared to what he took with him.”

As he said that, he turned to look at the cabinet on the side: "There are some small suitcases in here. When you are running away in a hurry, it is more normal to pack lightly, but Himuro's behavior is not like this... It always feels a bit inconsistent. .”

Jiang Xia: "..." He knows this question. That big suitcase was probably used to contain Reiji Himuro himself.

Ireland could think of turning the house upside down and making it look like the owner was escaping on his own initiative, which was already much better than vodka. But at this time, this illusion fell into the eyes of a first-grade primary school student, and an abnormality was immediately discovered... Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really should record Conan's reasoning just now and send it to Ireland for careful observation, so that I can probably get one more A lot of murderous intent.

Jiang Xia: "..." But then I thought about it, it would not be good if Ireland, in a rage, took advantage of him and punched Conan flat...

Thinking of this tragic result, Jiang Xia moved her fingers, and finally gave up the friendly exchange with her colleagues with regret.

After Conan finished speaking, he raised his head and waited to hear Jiang Xia's opinion.

But before Jiang Xia could speak, a voice suddenly floated from the side.

——Moori Kogoro happened to be near them and heard the conversation just now.

Facing Conan's question, he snorted: "Little brat, what do you know? A person like Himuro wouldn't hide really valuable stolen goods at home. After all, he has a criminal record and has been actively causing trouble recently. It's the police The main target of attention - he must have reserved enough space in the suitcase, and before escaping, he first went to dig up the stolen goods buried elsewhere."

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