Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1432 1432 [Gin: Treat me first]

But thinking about his own struggle for so many years, Dr. Yoshimura felt a little reluctant to give up.

If you think about it carefully, facing a patient as a "doctor" is easier than licking blood from the tip of a knife.

So he gritted his teeth and comforted himself: as long as he strictly followed the instructions of the sender in the email, he would not be involved in the case. If you play the role of a good doctor seriously, accidents will not happen easily.

What's more, his identity was completely kept secret, and Uzo had no time to make any assassination preparations against him.

Dr. Yoshimura: "..." After the consultation, he would pack up and run away that day, and go somewhere else to avoid the limelight. As time goes by, Uzo will lose interest in him sooner or later, and then he will be safe.

Dr. Yoshimura sat across from Gin, desperately recalling all the news about Uzo that he had seen in the past, trying to analyze countermeasures, and at the same time organizing materials for his future medical reports.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a sight with a strong sense of presence.

Tengdi raised his head, and he was surprised to realize that the silver-haired cadre opposite had already filled out the questionnaire at some point and was silently sizing him up.

Fear swept through Dr. Yoshimura's mind for a moment.

At the same time, he felt a little confused: "..." In fact, many people in the organization have this kind of murderous aura. Although the aura of the person in front of him is particularly strong, it should not cause him to have Sense of fear.

After a moment of doubt, Dr. Yoshimura vaguely felt that he understood something.

It's the look.

——The silver-haired man in black looked at him in a way that was very different from that of ordinary patients. There wasn't much trust in his eyes, but there wasn't much vigilance or hostility either. Instead, there was a hint of inquiry and...

And what?

Dr. Yoshimura tried to use words, but failed. He found that he couldn't describe the look in this man's eyes for a moment. It was clearly not malicious, but it made him feel uncomfortable all over, like needles.

In fact, they only looked at each other for a brief moment.

Soon, Gin sneered and urged: "You've finished filling it out, go take a look."

"…Oh, okay."

Dr. Yoshimura responded hurriedly and looked at his laptop hurriedly.

After answering, he felt a little annoyed - as a doctor, he should maintain a leading position in the doctor-patient relationship, even if it was just a secret guidance.

But now, after just one glance, he completely lost his rhythm and began to be led by the other party.

Dr. Yoshimura: "..." Having said that, this person filled out the questionnaire too fast. Did he really read it carefully?

I was hesitating whether to remind Gin a few words.

Looking up, Dr. Yoshimura's words silently changed to: "Thank you for your hard work. This is the end of the consultation."

Then he listed some items: "You still need to go to the medical institution organized by the organization to check. After their urgent report is sent to me, I will sort it out and upload it to 'that adult'. In other words, it is done Check, you can go directly to do your own business." Don't come back to me again.

Speaking of "that adult", Dr. Yoshimura still inevitably feels like he is in a dream.

——He could actually receive the boss’s email directly.

Although formal members with code names had this kind of treatment, this fact still made him suddenly feel that he was almost one of them.

Gin silently looked at the doctor who was very distracted, and suddenly said: "I need the diagnosis results urgently. You will work overtime tonight to complete it, and send the results to the adult immediately after you finish it. Don't delay for a second."

He paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and then said, "Don't go out during this period, and don't open the door if you hear any unusual movements - my diagnosis report is the highest priority."

Vodka: "..." Indeed, if the doctor is targeted by Uzo again this time, he should at least let him pass on his elder brother's report. In this way, Brother Gin and his vodka will no longer have to interact with Uzo because of the "doctor" matter... Brother is so wise!

Psychiatrists can't read minds, and Dr. Yoshimura can't read Vodka's thoughts.

The doctor just looked at Gin with slight surprise, thinking that this cadre was quite enthusiastic. Although he was asked to work overtime, he also reminded him to pay attention to his safety. This is already better than most cadres.

"Don't worry, it will be dealt with first." Dr. Yoshimura thought that soon everyone would be colleagues, and planned to establish a good relationship with the two men in black first. "This is my top priority, and I will definitely give it to you." Satisfying result."

Gin nodded, but obviously still felt uneasy.

But I looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight. At this time, perhaps because most people are asleep and everything is deserted, which is not in line with Uzo's preferences, so he actually doesn't often do anything at this time.

So Gin didn't say anything else after all, and was going to get checked first - after all, the faster the check results came out, the faster the diagnostic report could be formed.

Gin and vodka on the way out.

Dr. Yoshimura hesitated for a moment, then clicked his computer shut, followed closely behind them, and walked out together.

This is a safe house for the organization. In fact, he wanted to stay here forever, but then he thought about it, the second patient "Uzo" he needed to guard against was a real cadre, and his authority must be higher than that of a peripheral member like himself.

In other words, safe houses are definitely not safe enough against Uzo.

He decided to go back to his apartment first.

Gin frowned when he saw the doctor who followed him out.

After thinking for a moment, he turned to Vodka: "Send him a ride."

The doctor was distracted, but when he heard this, he came back to his senses: "?!!"

Vodka glanced at him and opened the car door: "Get in the car."

Dr. Yoshimura: "..." It turns out that it literally means "give me a ride." Hey, I told you earlier! He almost thought that the guy in front of him was the murderous Uzo, who was planning to burn bridges across the river.

The black car drove silently in the night.

When we arrived in front of the apartment building, the car stopped briefly.

Dr. Yoshimura got out of the car, thanked the two enthusiastic cadres who escorted him, and ran quickly into the apartment.

The vehicle restarts.

Vodka glanced in the rearview mirror at the apartment building that was getting farther and farther away, and muttered in a low voice with some confusion: "Speaking of which, why didn't 'that adult' send someone to protect him?"

"Before he has proven his worth, he is just a waste hanging in the periphery and does not deserve this kind of treatment." Gin knew something about the character of "that adult", so he didn't find it strange, "And... "

Halfway through his words, he snorted coldly and did not continue.

Vodka was somewhat enlightening, and I suddenly understood.

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