Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1453 1453 [Night visit to Haiyuan Ai]

Jiang Xia: "!"

yes. Isn't there a man who is very good at dressing living next door?

Thinking about it carefully, when Haiyuan Ai was still young, although she always walked around in a white coat, the clothes underneath seemed to be pretty good.

With this in mind, he stood up and planned to go next door to borrow some reference books from Haihara Ai.

But just after taking two steps, Jiang Xia silently stepped back: "..." In the middle of the night, a male high school student asked a female elementary school student to borrow a beautiful women's magazine. He sounded like a pervert. Even if the qualifier "elementary school student" is removed, it will be the same.

Rather than going by myself…

Jiang Xia thought of something, turned her head and looked at the dry cat beside the bed.

The cat noticed his gaze, raised its head and looked at him blankly: "Meow?"

"It's up to you." Jiang Xia threw the cat into the puppet clay and possessed it.

Dr. A Li's house.

In a mini-study room renovated in the basement.

Haiyuan Ai was typing on the keyboard. On the way, she looked at the dense chemical formulas on the screen, stopped temporarily, took a sip of the coffee next to her, and fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, I couldn't figure out how to solve the problem I encountered, but I suddenly heard something tapping on the door of the basement several times.

Although it sounded late at night, the sound was not loud and did not sound offensive.

Hui Yuan Ai was slightly startled and quickly guessed something.

She put down her coffee, jumped off the chair that was too high for her, walked to the door, and opened it.

Looking down, she saw a cat sitting in front of her. As soon as the door opened, the pair of cat eyes, which were especially round at night, looked at her, then turned and fell on her bookshelf.

Haiyuan Ai was not surprised that there was a cat at the door, but she was a little surprised that the cat appeared at this time.

——In her impression, the activity time of Dark Clouds and Snow Cats in the past was always about the same as that of humans.

Who would have thought that now, after not seeing each other for a short period of time, this cat would actually learn to stay up late.

Haiyuan Ai knelt down and touched the cat's chin. The soft fluff scratched between her fingers. Her bad mood entangled with the formula suddenly improved a lot: "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat?"

The cat raised his paws with a serious look on his face and stopped her hand, as if he had something serious to say.

It's a pity that cats can't speak human language.

So soon, Hui Yuan Ai had a note in his hand that the cat held in his mouth.

When he unfolded it, he saw that it was Jiang Xia's handwriting:

[I'm going to England soon, and I plan to bring you some clothes as souvenirs when I come back.

But I'm not very good at choosing. Let me borrow a few magazines to check out the styles - I remember you ordered them. ]

Haihara Ai: "..." She did order some magazines on bags, fashion, gemstones, perfumes, etc... But how did Jiang Xia know about this kind of thing?

She pressed the blocking cat's paw and rubbed the cat's face, a little confused.

But then I thought about it, Jiang Xia is a powerful detective, and he must have good observation skills. Maybe he happened to see the person delivering the magazine when he came to the door one day.

Yes, that should be it.

One question has been solved, and then a new question emerges.

Hui Yuan Ai gradually showed suspicion: "..." Wait, she is a primary school student now. Even if she has the temporary antidote to APTX4869, she cannot change back just to wear beautiful adult clothes. After all, the antidote is easy. There are side effects.

Jiang Xia will definitely not buy adult clothes for primary school students.

——In other words, it is true that Jiang Xia wants to buy clothes, but "buying them for her" is too much like an excuse.

Hui Yuan Ai: "..." So why did Jiang Xia suddenly want to buy trendy women's clothing?

...Could it be that he was in love and brought clothes for his girlfriend? !

Thinking of this, and remembering Conan's occasional muttered words such as "Why does Jiang Xia always attract bad people?", a flash of alert flashed across Haiyuan Ai's eyes.

...There are too many strange women around Jiang Xia.

For example, the clients who lingered in the detective agency, the passers-by who insisted on inviting him to their homes when they met by chance, and the femme fatales in the organization, especially the Belmode who once abducted Jiang Xia to drink.

The moment Belmode appeared in his mind, an alarm buzzed in Haiyuan Ai's ears, and he wanted to rush to the next door immediately to ask about the situation.

"But..." Hui Yuan Ai finally sighed, squatted next to the cat, looked at it tangledly, and said to himself, "Since I specially asked you to come here, it means Jiang Xia doesn't want to show up. Alas, he is already a high school student. Students, you have your own ideas."

Jiang Xia driving the cat puppet: "...?"

...Why does this sound so weird?

As expected, people tend to have random thoughts late at night, and Huihara Ai seemed to have imagined something extraordinary without permission.

It had condemnation in its eyes and was about to meow something.

But at this time, the elementary school girl in front of her had already stood up and went to grab a few magazines from the bookcase.

Hui Yuan Ai rolled up the things absentmindedly, wrapped them in a small bag, and then returned to the cat.

It took a few seconds for her to come to her senses. Looking down at the small cat, he was slightly startled: "Can you take it?"

Hui Yuan Ai had a flash of inspiration and said excitedly: "Why don't I send it there for you?"


The cat suddenly jumped up, took the bag from her hand, threw it on its back, and ran away with it on its back. In the blink of an eye, he jumped up the steps and disappeared from her sight.

The speed was too fast, and Haiyuan Ai's eyes widened in shock.

It took a moment for her to react, and she looked at the end of the steps in surprise: "... Such a small cat is quite strong."

Although I was very curious as to why Jiang Xia suddenly wanted to buy women's clothing.

But in the end, Haihara Ai returned to the computer step by step. Since he specifically used the difficult-to-interact method of "passing a note" to ask for the magazine, it meant that Jiang Xia also guessed that she would be curious, so he didn't want her to know. Who are you buying the clothes for? Hey, the more I think about it, the more curious I become.

Huihara Ai: "..." However, it's not a big problem.

——In the magazines she took over, there were only a few styles of clothes that came and went.

If Jiang Xia really buys according to the painting style above, then she only needs to observe more people around Jiang Xia and find out who is wearing similar style clothes, and she can easily solve the case.

As she thought about it, a glint flashed in Haiyuan Ai's eyes: She was also a born detective when it came to gathering this information.

While thinking about these things, Haihara Ai returned to the computer and prepared to continue the work just now.

When she sat down, she suddenly remembered something and said "Huh" in confusion - Speaking of which, the little black cat was actually running errands for Jiang Xia?

Hui Yuan Ai: "..." It's obviously a cat from hundreds of families, but it unknowingly listens to Jiang Xia's words. It's almost like he raised it... Jiang Xia's affinity is really broad.

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