Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1456 1456 [The real outlaw] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 1456 1456 [The real outlaw] Asking for monthly votes ()

Gin's gloomy face and his gun that had killed countless people flashed before Haibara Ai's eyes in an instant. As if she felt the majestic murderous aura coming, she trembled briefly.

After a while.

The image of gin faded from his mind, and Huihara Ai turned around and went to the kitchen, silently making coffee without mentioning the temporary antidote to APTX4869.

Huihara Ai: "..." It's too dangerous, so I won't say anything anymore.

Moreover, Anonymous had specifically told her not to tell anyone else about the existence of the temporary antidote. That "anyone" should also include Conan.

In short, although they are both transformed into villains, the friendship between her and Conan is not too fragile. But going abroad to chase stars is a matter of patience.

Compared to Conan, Anonymous looked like he was doing something serious. Of course, business matters take priority at times like this, not to mention that there is an anonymous lady in Anonymous who looks very much like her sister...

Conan didn't notice Haibara Ai walking away quietly.

He squirmed and dragged Dr. Ali, trying to persuade him: "Really can't give it a try? If it's exposed, just say that I made the passport myself, and no one will hold the child accountable for breaking the law. This is not considered a harm to society." …”

Dr. A Li was heartbroken: "You are a detective, you must stick to the bottom line!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "And the police won't believe such nonsense. In the end, they will definitely suspect the adults around you. We are easily invited to drink tea - instead of this, it is better for Dr. Ali to quickly think about how to deal with you." Change back.”

Conan: "...?" What does "you're invited to drink tea" mean? The adults around me probably don't include you. At this time, he actually still fishes in troubled waters and tries to sneak into the ranks of guardians...

Conan silently denounced his neighbor.

Next to her, what Jiang Xia said and what she was thinking were actually completely different things:

If you don't carry Conan with you, what hope is there for this trip?

Bring it, you must bring it.

Jiang Xia: "..." As for the passport that Conan is most worried about, it is not a problem at all for him - although Dr. Ali abides by the law, Jiang Xia also abides by the law. But privately, he happened to know a few outlaws with the "z" on their bodies, and he had already prepared relevant information.

in addition……

Jiang Xia turned to look at the kitchen, sizing up Haiyuan Ai who was not very interested, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Although Haihara Ai is usually a bit of a homebody and doesn't like to go out, in general, she is still a young woman with a refined life in her heart, and she should not be indifferent to activities such as traveling abroad.

Looking at it this way, my conscience seems a little painful when I only take one child with me... It's better to pack them together.

——When he was making documents for Miyano Akemi, he also made a set for Haibara Ai.

Jiang Xia: "..." He doesn't usually take Haihara Ai out because he often encounters people like Gin and Belmode.

In this case, if you take Haiyuan Ai with you, someone might not be careful and a bullet will come and the person will be dead. After all, Belmod only wants to kill Shirley, and Gin is very sensitive to Shirley's traitorous aura, and can always accurately pick up Shirley's hair...

But this time when I went abroad, the two bottles of wine had no plans to come out together. There is only one Okiya Subaru outside, and for Haibara Ai, the environment is far friendlier than Tokyo.

In addition, Jiang Xia has some other considerations about this: Think about it carefully, Hui Yuan Ai has also encountered many murder cases, which is more or less incidental.

Coincidentally, among those invited by the rich British wife, Hattori Heiji was taken away to study by his mother, and Kazuha did not come either.

Jiang Xia always felt quite regretful without the two of them. It's better to bring Haiyuan Ai with you, there are so many people and it's so lively.

He quickly made up his mind.

After breakfast, Jiang Xia took Mao away, planning to work for the last day before going abroad.

It's night time soon.

That night.

Maori Detective Agency.

In the neat three-story single-family house, the sighs of a child kept coming.

Mao Lilan is packing her luggage happily. She has already asked for leave and is ready to go out to play.

After putting things away and checking the list again, she finally discovered that a primary school student was not in the right mood, so she asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

There seemed to be a small flame of resentment on Conan's head: "...It's nothing, I'm just about to go on a long trip, so I'm a little nervous."

He hasn’t talked about his passport yet, and he will never give up until the last moment: the hateful black organization, the hateful Gin...

Mao Lilan failed to see through the tomboy's troubles and naively believed Conan's words.

She smiled and said: "That's it. Don't be afraid, Britain is very fun! And don't you like Sherlock Holmes? The place we are going to is very close to Baker Street. You can go and see what Sherlock Holmes' home is like. There are various scenes mentioned in the novel, as well as the famous Reichenbach Falls."


Conan felt his heart being stabbed several times, and his face couldn't help but twist slightly.

Mao Lilan looked at him doubtfully, wondering why the more comfort she received, the less effective it was.

But whatever troubles a child may have, they will be gone after a nap.

So she stopped worrying, patted Conan, and urged: "Okay, go to bed quickly, recharge yourself, and set off tomorrow."

Mao Lilan fell asleep innocently and fell asleep quickly.

Mouri Kogoro drank a lot of beer tonight and had already gone to bed smelling of alcohol.

Soon, Conan was the only child left in the room.

He tossed and turned, but couldn't sleep at all.

An hour later, Conan got up again with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, went to the living room to get an apple, and gnawed it in the dark.

While drinking fruit to soothe his worries, he took out his mobile phone and searched for a way to go abroad without a passport.

As he watched, Conan suddenly felt that the light and shadow dimmed - the light falling into the living room from the window seemed to be blocked by something.

He was startled, and a sudden thought flashed through his mind: Is there anyone on the balcony? !

He raised his head suddenly and saw a shadow there.

A woman in black appeared at the window at some point. She was wearing a loose long skirt, with half of her white shoulders exposed, covered by long hair that barely reached her shoulders. A British-style hair accessory is pinned diagonally on the forehead. The shape is simpler than the common Fascinator, and the whole person looks casual and lazy.

What was even more difficult to ignore was that she was clearly an uninvited guest who climbed onto the balcony, but she suddenly showed off a gesture unique to a distinguished guest, and her movements were elegant and natural.

Because she took those few steps too confidently. Conan didn't come back to his senses until she entered the living room.

He stood up quickly and raised his hand to touch the anesthesia watch, but he found nothing - he had taken off the watch when he was sleeping and had not had time to put it on.

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