Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1477 1477 [It’s all Gin’s fault] Monthly Ticket Extra (before and after this chapter)

With that said, the short-haired woman rushed in anxiously. But before entering, Inspector Asa quickly stopped her: "Madam, entry is prohibited here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xia glanced at him happily and nodded slightly.

Inspector Asaph: "..."

...Who is here to strike? These Tokyo students are so rude.

Inspector Asa turned to look at his resolute superior, trying to tell her to invite the irrelevant people outside.

However, the other person seemed to be a little distracted and didn't see his eyes at all.

Inspector: "..." Damn high school students and elementary school students...

Jiang Xia looked around and found that the two British policemen seemed to be out of sorts.

Although he was slightly dissatisfied with this, thinking about the possible murder on the other side's hands, he regained some motivation. He followed Officer Takagi's usual behavior and simply conveyed the information to several suspects that Ohtaka Kazuhiro had been killed. .

The short-haired woman was the girlfriend of the deceased. She listened in disbelief and fell to her knees: "How could this happen? Why would this happen..."

The long-haired woman squatted next to her and patted her back to comfort her. After a moment, she suddenly remembered something and turned to look at her two living companions: "Could it be that the big eagle was killed because of those negatives? "

Jiang Xia also squatted next to them: "Film?"

"That's right." The long-haired woman raised her eyes and glanced at him.

Seemingly recognizing that this was a detective, Tachikawa Chizuru hesitated for a moment and said tactfully, "Otaka, well, he took some negatives that can be used to make money. This time he went to the UK to contact the buyer to sell them. Sell. But the buyer seems to be a well-known person. If he feels that the big eagle cannot be trusted, or is angered by it..."

Jiang Xia thoughtfully helped her translate: "In other words, Daying Heyang took a scandal of a certain big shot and used the film to blackmail him. And you suspect that the big shot sent someone to kill him?"


Tachikawa Chizuru was a little embarrassed.

But then she thought about it, she was not the one blackmailing her, so she quickly nodded: "Well, in a nutshell, that's right."

Although Officer Yasa was not in a very good mood, there was a chief superintendent standing next to him. He did not dare to really show off, so he kept listening intently to Jiang Xia's exchange with the suspects.

When he heard the news, he was startled for a moment, looked back at his notepad, and frowned: "It is true that no negatives were found at the crime scene. Could it be that the murderer took the things away?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become serious: "Who is the 'big man who was blackmailed' you mentioned?"

"I don't know." Tachikawa Chizuru spread her hands, "Although Otaka always brags to us about his 'getting rich overnight', he is still in this business after all. He is very strict when he should be strict and has never disclosed any information about his clients. .”

Inspector Asa nodded thoughtfully: "In other words, the murderer must know that the deceased has a film in his hand, and he came here for that film.

"His identity may be the buyer who was caught in the scandal, or he may be the buyer's enemy, or he may be someone else who heard that the negatives are valuable, so he wants to snatch them and make a fortune."

Tachikawa Chizuru was still listening and nodding, but halfway through, she suddenly saw the British policeman's eyes falling on her.

Tachikawa Chizuru: "..." Wait, now that you say that, she was also classified as a suspect?

She flipped the long hair off her shoulders and sneered: "Then you should check it out - that guy Da Ying has already boasted to countless colleagues that he is going to get rich. In addition, when he was at the airport and on the plane, The valuable roll of film was also mentioned. If we use this clue to find the suspect, the suspect can fill up the entire plane!"

Seeing that she was very excited, the male companion next to her, who had been sleeping since getting on the plane, comforted her: "Don't worry, the police officer didn't say you were the murderer. I'm just sorting out my current thoughts."

"Of course you're not in a hurry!" Tachikawa Chizuru snorted coldly, "You slept all the way and never came to the toilet. Anyway, I can't suspect you."

The male photographer laughed a few times. It was not a big deal to watch the excitement. He craned his neck with interest and glanced at the crime scene:

"Da Ying was fatally hit from the back of the head. There was not much blood in the toilet, and the body's clothes were not messy. This must have been done by professional killers - my two female colleagues who had no power to restrain the chicken. , can't do such a thing. According to me, the murderer must be the British passenger."

"..." Killer?

Haiyuan Ai was originally leaning against the wall, yawning boredly.

Suddenly hearing the key word "killer", she suddenly woke up, instinctively touched Jiang Xia's legs, and looked around cautiously.

Jiang Xia noticed the movement near her legs.

He glanced to the side and saw that Conan was still milling around a few suspects, with no one around eavesdropping.

So he knelt down, patted Hui Yuan Ai's furry head, and comforted in a low voice: "Gin kills people, how can the movement be so small? Even if there is no gun on the plane, he will definitely break the person's neck, or drink it..." Some poison. And this man’s body is so complete and has clear external injuries. If APTX4869 did not cause death, it must not have been done by him.”

Haibara Ai:"……"

However, although……

Thinking about it carefully, I was actually comforted.

There was no scary silver-haired demon on the plane, which made Hui Yuan Ai secretly relieved.

But soon, she suddenly thought of something, and her breath choked in her chest again.

Huihara Ai: "..." Wait, why does Jiang Xia know so much about Gin's murderous methods? !

Could it be that after he left the organization, Ginjiu asked Jiang Xia to do the killing mission again?

Jiang Xia, who just wanted to live a good life, was forced to become a murderer with blood on his hands and a familiar way of killing. When thinking of this scene, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but flash a sad and fierce light in his eyes: Ginjiu, this bastard...

Jiang Xia casually calmed down the frightened Hui Yuan Ai and was looking at the murderer's calf. At this time, his hand suddenly felt warm.

Turning around, he saw Hui Yuan Ai suddenly holding his hand, and squeezed his palm hard with two small hands, as if he wanted to convey some kind of power through this action.

Jiang Xia looked at her extremely complicated eyes, and a question mark slowly popped up above her head.

Next to him, Conan was unaware of Haiyuan Ai's complex thoughts and was still concentrating on solving the case.

Seeing that Inspector Asaph didn't speak, he had no choice but to speak himself and refuted the male photographer: "As long as you have medical common sense and enough anesthetics, even women and even children can survive without leaving traces of struggle on the deceased. To kill someone—just use anesthetic to incapacitate the person, and then you can do whatever you want.”

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