Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1487 1487 [Uzo must be a nightmare]

Okiya Subaru: "..." He must find out whether Uzo is on the plane or not!

If not, then happily dismiss everything as a nightmare.

But if he is, what's the point of continuing to run?

Next to him, a colleague looked at him with complicated eyes: "...Are you okay? Are you frightened by the murder case?"

Okiya Subaru ignored him, closed his eyes and waited for death or fainting.

However, after waiting for a while, he opened his eyes again and found that his vision was not blurry at all, and there was no dizziness.

——The water is still the same as before and has not been changed. He had been using this cup to make lemon tea. Even after washing it, it still had a light lemon aroma.

In terms of time, if someone drugged his cup and then replaced it with new water after the poison knocked him out, the new water would not smell like it does now.

Okiya Subaru: "..." The water in the cup is not poisonous?

But before, he was indeed poisoned by water.

...There is only one truth, so at that time, was he dreaming?

After having "theoretical support", when he recalled the nightmare scene at that time, Subaru Okiya felt more and more that maybe it was really a nightmare.

——After returning to reality, there was no poison in the water, there was no Uzo on the plane, and Mr. Akai did not trick him. Everything was so beautiful.

A new-born joy hit him.

At this time, someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

The enthusiastic colleague seemed to have misunderstood the reason for Okiya Subaru's panic just now, and comforted him: "Haha, don't panic! According to my experience, murderers usually have clear goals. You have such a good temper and are hard-working, no one will I came here to kill you when I had nothing to do."

Okiya Subaru smiled lightly, pretending that he was comforted.

While following his colleagues to carry their luggage, he glanced at his cup again: Although all evidence showed that the "Uzo" on the plane was just an illusory nightmare. But my heart is still not at ease. It's best to think of another way to verify...

With this in mind, he carefully placed the cup as if he were preserving physical evidence.


Jiang Xia looked at the busy British police and was a little relieved: Although they had changed places, the police were still as diligent. It seemed that they could handle the case with peace of mind here.

He quickly arrived at the place where his luggage was collected, glanced at Subaru Okiya who was busy among the crew from a distance, and then turned to look at Yoko Kinoshita who had just come out of the first class cabin and was quietly waving to him with her sunglasses and mask on. He couldn't help but There was silence for a moment.

Jiang Xia: "..." The FBI is really good at selecting crew members. Before he officially became "Okiya Subaru", he was already thinking about his boss.

——Since the genuine Okiya Subaru and Ms. Yoko are on the same crew, then he can completely use it as an excuse to hang out with Kinoshita Yoko and drop in to see his little brother who is running away, so as not to sneak away in a blink of an eye.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia walked over and chatted with Kinoshita Yoko for a few words, and quickly figured out the crew's next schedule.

The crew went to the hotel they had booked before.

Jiang Xia and his party went to find the British lady who invited them to be a guest. The lady seemed to be still asleep, and specifically asked them to rest at her place after landing.

As everyone left, the airport gradually became deserted in the early morning.

Airport gate.

A serious and capable woman wearing a formal suit dragged her suitcase, opened her phone and looked at the interface.

She stared at the missed call above, frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed the callback button:

"Hello? Weihong, um, um, I'm here."

The female white-collar worker listened to the voice on the phone for a while and said with a smile: "How can I blame you for the breakup? If you want to blame me, you can only blame the cheating - you are so good, it is normal for others to like you.

"Haha, don't talk about grabbing or not. How can a man be worth the friendship we have had since we were young? It's because he is such a scumbag. I also have to thank you for helping me see his true face.

"Okay, let's not mention that guy who was a spoiler. I remember that the store you like is going to have a new style. Have you bought it? The clothes there suit you very well.

"Yeah, okay, I know, see you tomorrow."

She was about to hang up.

But at this time, the person on the other side of the receiver suddenly interrupted her anxiously: "Wait! That..."

The female white-collar worker was very patient: "What's wrong?"

The person opposite asked in a low voice: "We... are good friends, right?"

"Of course." The female white-collar worker smiled gently, "We will be good friends for the rest of our lives! Our friendship will never change."

"Well!" The friend became happy, "Then you go to bed early and I won't disturb you. See you tomorrow!"

The female white-collar worker hung up the phone, and no one interrupted her this time.

She looked at her phone, and the smile on her face turned cold:

"That's right... we will be good friends for the rest of our lives."

Jiang Xia helped Hui Yuan Ai drag her mini suitcase, and together with several other people, arrived at the villa where the British lady was staying.

As soon as the door opened, a snow-white long-haired cat jumped out.

It looked at the group of strangers in front of it, ran to Jiang Xia's feet, and rubbed them happily.

Jiang Xia looked down at the white cat hair on her black clothes: "..."

...It’s better to be a cat-in-waiting. You never drop this kind of thing. Even if you drop it, the puppets will disappear as soon as you collect them.

However, he still squatted down, touched the white cat's head skillfully, and made it purr: It was thanks to the cat that it jumped on his lap that he had the opportunity to go abroad confidently. , saves a lot of trouble.

"Venus seems to like you."

Wearing a pair of luxurious home pajamas, Mrs. Fu walked down the stairs and looked at them with a smile: "It's been a hard journey. I've had people clean up a lot of guest rooms. You can choose the one you like to stay in - by the way, next. What are your travel plans? If you don’t know where to go, I can help you find some tour guides.”

Conan walked on the land that the legendary Sherlock Holmes walked on, and he was full of excitement: "Thank you, but no, we can go shopping by ourselves."... If the tour guide is allowed to arrange the itinerary, the time to visit the Sherlock Holmes attractions may be shortened.

Jiang Xia suddenly remembered something - in his impression, someone would cause a vigorous explosion in the Wimbledon arena.

Such a person must have a lot of murderous intent...

He then casually asked about Wimbledon.

"Huh? That game." Mrs. Fu thought for a moment, "Then you're early. The game won't start until a month later."

Jiang Xia was startled.

"Are you interested in it?" Mrs. Fu didn't know what she thought of, her eyes lit up, "In that case, you can live in my house for a month - you have also seen that my house is very big. Usually there is only myself and the nanny. Come on, it’s too deserted.”

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