Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1496 1496 [Wanted Subaru Okiya] Please vote for me

Chapter 1496 1496 [Wanted Subaru Okiya] Please vote for me (づど)

Inspector Asaph glanced at his subordinate.

The young subordinate understood and whispered in his ear: "'Gothic lolita' is a recently popular costume with a strange style - it's the kind of clothes worn by the dead."

Another female police officer heard this and corrected her: "Gothic lolita clothing has been popular for a long time, but it is not very popular here, so people of Inspector Asa's age don't know about it."

Inspector Asaph, who is over forty years old: "..."

Huh, what do you mean by "a person of this age"? Forty is obviously in the prime of life!

He didn't bother to argue with his subordinates and continued to do business. Yousen stared at the two ice cream robbers: "The deceased is indeed dressed like this, so what?"

One of the ice cream robbers remembered something and rubbed his belly, his expression not very good:

"When we arrived nearby, the Asian man happened to come out of the public toilet. And before him, the lady in Gothic lolita costume just came out of the toilet.

"The man looked at her several times, and then he touched his neck, and the expression on his face became very scary - we didn't dare to look again after that, and left quickly... Believe me, that guy is definitely violent! Definitely. It was he who caught up with the lady, took her back to the public toilet, and finally killed her!"

Inspector Asaph: "...Violent tendencies?"

He recalled the appearance of the deceased - except for the fatal strangulation mark on her neck, she had no other injuries or beatings. This doesn't quite fit with what the Ice Cream Bandits emphasize.

However, from a time perspective...

Inspector Asaph: "When did you see them in the public toilet? Exactly what time?"

The ice cream bandits hesitated: "I don't remember. Our, uh, our work is relatively free, and we don't care much about time. I just remember it was about noon."

"Noon?" Inspector Asa's eyes were sharp - the time of death of the deceased was exactly between 12:30 and 1:30. Based on this calculation, the Asian man was indeed very suspicious!

Regardless, this is an extremely important clue.

Inspector Asa carefully asked about the characteristics of the "brutal and terrifying Asian man" and asked his subordinates to organize manpower to find the man as soon as possible-perhaps this will be an important step for him to defeat the little Tokyo detective.

Inspector Asaph deployed his manpower and asked them to increase their efforts to find the mysterious Asian man.

Then he returned to the scene of the crime as if nothing had happened.

When he entered the public toilet, Inspector Asa's eyes twitched slightly - when he went out to chase someone, Jiang Xia had actually become familiar with his subordinates.

At this time, the foreign detective and the police chief were familiar with each other. Chief Anna flipped through her note book and shared what her subordinates had found with Jiang Xia:

"The time of death was approximately between 12:30 and 1:30. The victim was a Japanese-American who settled in London. His name was..."

Jiang Xia looked at the string of Roman sounds and read it out for her: "Kuse Mihong."

"Yes, that's the pronunciation!" Anna bumped him with her elbow and praised him, "You are so awesome!"

Inspector Asaph: "..." What's so great about this? I haven't seen you praise me when I speak English!

He walked over and interrupted his enthusiastic subordinates: "Stop mumbling, hurry up and get down to business!"

After driving away Chief Anna, Inspector Asa turned his head and looked at the compartment where the body was.

The evidence collection was not over yet. At this time, the deceased remained in the same position, sitting on the toilet seat.

Inspector Asa glanced in, and his eyes quickly fell on the neck of the deceased. The skin of the dead young woman was pale. In contrast, the dark marks on her neck were very conspicuous.

Hui Yuan Ai also followed Jiang Xia around the scene. Although she is not very interested in murder cases, there is nothing else she can do at the moment.

So soon, she also looked at the body.

When his eyes fell on the scratches that were almost perpendicular to the strangulation marks, Haiyuan Ai sighed softly: "With such an obvious Yoshikawa line, it seems that she struggled for a long time. It's really pitiful for her to be so young."

Mao Lilan has gradually become accustomed to the mature appearance of this little girl, so her attention was attracted by another somewhat familiar word: "Yoshikawa Line?"

Conan nodded and explained: "When a person is strangled, he will pull the rope around his neck desperately, driven by the desire to survive, trying to pull it away. But at that time, the rope is often strangled very deep and embedded in the flesh. .

“In order to grab the rope, the deceased scratched hard, inevitably scratching his neck, and even scratched his neck with deep scratches. Yoshikawa Sumichi, who served as the surveillance section chief of the Metropolitan Police Department during the Taisho period, was the first to point out the meaning of these scratches. , so later the police called this the 'Yoshikawa Line'."

Mao Lilan was no longer shocked by the children's knowledge, and said numbly: "...So that's how it is."

Inspector Asa couldn't help but twitch from the corner of his eye, and glanced here: "..." Children in Tokyo are too outrageous. What kind of education do they usually receive? The detective arrested a first grader?

...Or is it that only the children next to Jiang Xia were instilled with this skill?

At this time, a voice suddenly floated from the side: "By the way, Inspector."

"Huh?" Inspector Asa suddenly came back to his senses and looked over.

Jiang Xia pointed at the deceased and said, "We seem to have seen this person at noon."

"Have you seen her at noon?" Inspector Asa was startled, "Are you sure?!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "We won a 50% discount coupon for a coffee shop in the west through a lottery. When we went to rest and have a meal, she also went to the shop. It's nearly fifteen minutes away from here."

Inspector Asa did not expect Jiang Xia to be related to this case.

The next moment, the "suspicious Asians" mentioned by the two ice cream bandits flashed through his mind, and he suddenly had some suspicion and looked at Jiang Xia.

...and then silently looked away.

Inspector Asa: "..." No, according to the ice cream bandits' description, the characteristics of Jiang Xia and that "brutal Asian man" do not match well, and they should not be the same person.

After coming to this conclusion, for a while, he didn't know whether to feel lucky or regretful.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly asked in a quiet voice: "What's wrong? Are you hiding something important?"


Inspector Asa's mind was broken, and he suddenly felt guilty when he remembered the clues he had obtained from the ice cream bandits.

But soon, he tried to become more confident and snorted: "I'm not hiding anything!"

... This kind of secret related to the case should not be disclosed to outsiders indiscriminately.

And why should you feel guilty about a traveling detective? He is a local police inspector!

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