Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1502 1502 [Why organization members are opening stores]

Several people nearby looked at Zhuangtang Weijia in unison.

Even Mao Lilan had a vague premonition. She whispered to Jiang Xia: "Miss Zhuangtang is so proactive, almost like a detective."

Conan joined their conversation loudly: "It must be because in that clothing store, there are things that Sister Zhuangtang wants us to see - such as her alibi and so on, like the recipes and recipes in this cafe. The same cup! Haha, usually only the murderer would be so attentive, because if she doesn't guide us, if we miss the exculpatory evidence she carefully prepared, things will be troublesome for her."


Zhuangtang Weijia was walking out of the store when she suddenly heard these words. She tripped on the door frame of the store and almost fell down.

She glanced back at Conan, and when she saw the "That's it!" expressions on the others' faces, she felt a surge of anger mixed with guilty conscience.

But in the end, she could only grit her teeth, forcefully straighten her expression, and smile: "Little brother, don't make such a joke. My sister just wants to solve this case as soon as possible and let her friends rest in peace as soon as possible."

Jiang Xia looked at the fresh murderous aura emerging from her body: "..."

...For things like squeezing out murderous energy, you still have to look at the genuine detective.

In any case, the idea proposed by Zhuangtang Weijia before is indeed very reasonable. It is necessary to go to that clothing store.

So soon, a group of people came to the shop under her leadership.

This is a store that sells "gothic lolita" style clothing. There are models at the door and black clothes hanging everywhere in the store.

Conan walked into the store, looked around curiously, and suddenly found a person sitting behind the counter, who should be the store manager.

As a group of them entered, the store manager stood up and walked out of the counter, looking at this group of strange customers with his calm eyes.

Conan glanced at the store manager. He glanced at him casually, but he suddenly paused on the way.

After a moment, his eyes widened in disbelief - the mysterious woman in black who gave him the passport, the new member of the organization who had made him speculate for two days but found nothing, was sitting in this house very naturally at this time. In the store, became the owner of a clothing store? !

...This is all a mess!

For a moment, Conan's eyelids twitched wildly, and he felt a strange sense of dislocation that he had been chasing the murderer for a long time but could not find him. When he turned around suddenly, he found that the murderer was smiling at him from the mural nearby.

Conan: "..." This woman was at the Tokyo airport yesterday, but today she went to England and opened a Gothic Lolita shop... What is her purpose? What is the "that adult" she talks about and the stage that that person controls? !

His mind was instantly filled with all kinds of exclamation marks and question marks.

Next to him, the woman in black was talking softly to the police, without looking in his direction, as if she didn't take him to heart at all.

Conan couldn't be as calm as the other party. He inevitably became alert.

At the same time, Conan suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Haihara Ai - this teammate who was given a passport like him must know what the woman in black in front of him represents.

However, when he looked at it, he realized that Hui Yuan Ai had already put on his hood and was huddled in the corner, with a very low sense of presence. He looked like he didn't see anything, didn't think much about anything, and didn't intend to interfere with anything.

Conan: "..." Damn it, you can't rely on your teammates or anything like that. You'd better work hard on your own.

Speaking of which...

He touched his chin and muttered in his mind: "..." Behind the female store manager in black, there seemed to be a mysterious figure she called "that adult."

He asked Haiyuan before, and Haiyuan said that she didn't know who that person was. She only told him that anyone who dared to call himself 'that adult' in the organization was definitely not a fuel-efficient person.

"I heard from Haiyuan that that person's behavior is not in line with the boss in the organization. Instead, he is more like a very patient snoop, and he pays great attention to the entertainment aspect of things."

Conan recalled the information Haihara Ai had provided him before, trying to create a three-dimensional image in his mind.

But after shaping it for a long time, I could only make up a faint black shadow.

After all, there is too little known information.

"The only thing that's certain is that I've never seen such a guy before." Conan thought to himself:

"It's right when you think about it. Organizational cadres are not just cabbages running around in the streets. I'm lucky to meet Gin and Vodka. It's impossible for all cadres to have intersection with me. Among them, there are some I don't know. People are really normal.

"Looking at the bright side, no matter what conspiracy the cadre has, it has little to do with us. In the words of the woman in black, we are probably just a piece of scenery used to form the stage.

"If it were just me, I wouldn't mind going to the center of the stage to get involved, but now, there are too many innocent people around..."

Conan thought of Mao Lilan, Dr. A Li and Jiang Xia nearby, tried hard to suppress some adventurous thoughts, and decided to act under the nose of the woman in black. He would not use his hands for the time being, pretending to cooperate, and then look at the opportunity to act.

Conan: "..." But, what is the purpose of this group of people?

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but look at Haiyuan Ai again.

——When it comes to matters involving the black organization, this important researcher who defected from the organization is undoubtedly the most reliable source of intelligence for him.

However, the problem is that Haihara Ai seems to be too focused on research and doesn't know much about other things. And she is too timid to tell any information...

Turning around, I saw that Hui Yuan Ai was like an autistic and quiet mushroom, huddled in the corner, trying hard to stay out of the sight of the woman in black, completely hopeless.

Conan: "..." Alas.

While sighing, he couldn't help but look up at Jiang Xia - it would be great if he could bring Jiang Xia as a teammate.

But Conan only thought about this idea: if Jiang Xia investigated too quickly, he would trace it all the way to the organization's headquarters before everyone had time to react. Then when he was hitting the organization cadre he caught evenly with a swing stick, he was silenced by other insidious organization snipers. Things were too bad.

It's better to be patient and wait until they have enough ability to protect themselves, or after Jiang Xia gets rid of the habit of wanting to knock out the lawless gangsters when he sees them, then tell him the situation tactfully. Otherwise, contacting the organization in advance will only harm him.

Conan: "..." No, wait! It seems that he has been noticed by that mysterious "that adult" now. If you tell others about the organization's situation, maybe those people will also be forced to get involved in the organization's terrible conspiracy!

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