Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1505 1505 [Detective Okiya Subaru]

Jiang Xia calmly knocked on his head, pretending to think about corrections, but in fact he knocked out the strange associations.

Then he continued:

"If the cup is not broken, after you receive the call from the police and leave the store, the water cup with the fingerprints of the deceased will be immediately recovered and cleaned by the store clerk. In that case, the fingerprints will disappear and no one can prove that you went to the store. The person inside is the deceased, and you will lose your alibi.

“In other words, the only thing that can prove that the deceased went to that store is the broken cup with her fingerprints on it.

"Since you and the deceased are friends, then you should get a glass of the same style in advance and let the deceased drink water from it once during daily interactions, leaving her fingerprints on the water glass. Then put that glass today. It shouldn’t be difficult to bring a cup into the store, replace it and break it during the chaos.”

As the reveal progressed, Zhuangtang Weijia was finally unable to maintain the smile on her face, her eyes became increasingly gloomy, and finally, an extremely thin murderous aura slowly emerged from her body.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Forget it, starting from scratch can be considered a kind of progress.

And in the past, many other murderers had actually attempted murder against him. The murderer in front of him is just a timid individual, but his future is actually very bright.

a few minutes ago.

Gothic Loli clothing store, in the bedroom in the back room.

Okiya Subaru struggled with his conscience for a while, but finally couldn't help but turn on the computer and crack the password.

A pink and warm tabletop greets the eye. On the desktop, the arrangement of folders is a bit messy, but it is very lifelike.

This made Subaru Okiya breath a silent sigh of relief - although Miss Misa had saved him twice, her black clothes and elusive behavior always made him subconsciously think of the organization, especially "Uzo" in the organization can't feel at ease.

But now it seems that he was overthinking: How could the cadres of the black organization use such a cute desktop. Miss Misa wears all black, it must be just because the gothic lolita costume is mainly black, and the elements happen to conflict with the organization. After all, it’s impossible for all black clothes to represent Uzo.

Thinking of this, Subaru Okiya couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and murmured in his heart: "Fate allowed Miss Misa to save me twice, but I feel that there is Usa hidden behind fate... It shouldn't be, this really shouldn't be - oh, do this again If I go down, I'm going to have a mental breakdown. This is England, not Tokyo, and there's no Uzo, so there's no need to be so suspicious."

Subaru Okiya comforted himself silently and recited these words several times in his mind, feeling much more comfortable.

He simply sorted out his mood. He was too embarrassed to look at his savior's desktop, so he went straight to the monitor and turned it on.

Soon, a picture of the store appeared on the screen, and a person in front of the counter was reflected in his eyes.

Okiya Subaru: "...?"

...Why is Jiang Xia here again? !

The keyword "Uzo" that had just been forced out of his mind was suddenly magnified countless times, and the shadow symbolizing death came in again.

However, before Subaru Okiya could figure out whether this case originated from Uzo's script or from the incident physique of a high school detective.

He suddenly noticed that the woman standing opposite the detective in the surveillance camera raised her wrist and looked at her watch. Then she switched to her mobile phone on the way and looked at the time.

Okiya Subaru's eyes fell on her and he was suddenly startled. Countless scenes flashed back before his eyes, and he suddenly understood - it turned out to be like this. No wonder those policemen would chase him, an innocent tourist!

At noon, Subaru Okiya was stained by ice cream on his leg. When he went to the toilet to change his pants, he happened to see the women's toilet next door. The two women walked in together affectionately.

And when he finished inspecting the toilet's terrain, found the easiest place to escape, changed his clothes in a thrilling way, and left, the woman next door happened to come out.

But there were two people when they went in, but only one was left when they came out.

Looking at this matter alone, it is actually not abnormal.

But Subaru Okiya always felt that something was not right - the two people who walked in, one was wearing a gothic lolita outfit, and the other was wearing a white-collar suit and skirt.

The only one who walked out was the woman wearing a gothic lolita outfit. There are things about her that are different than when she entered.

The gothic lolita woman was nervously adjusting her neckline and skirt as she walked. When she raised her hand, her sleeves slid down slightly. If she looked carefully, she could see two band-aids stuck diagonally on her wrists. The band-aids were still very new and looked like they had just been put on.

Missing one person, constantly arranging clothes, red palms, plus scratches from that direction...

Subconsciously, Subaru Okiya raised his hand and made a gesture on the side of his neck. The sight of a woman strangled another person's neck from behind flashed through his mind, and the person's backhand scratched her wrist.

——When she scratched it at that angle, it was exactly where she put the band-aid on it.

Okiya Subaru: "..." The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case, and the clothes of this kind of gothic lolita usually have matching fake nails.

And he remembered clearly that before going in, the gothic lolita woman was still wearing black nails, but now when she came out, her nails were back to normal - maybe this was not because she didn't want to wear them, but because she couldn't wear them anymore, such as the fake nails. There is blood and flesh left behind when the skin is scratched.

However, it was obviously the deceased who was tickling the person, but the murderer had no nails. Perhaps this person was planning to pretend to be the deceased and get an alibi.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Subaru Okiya discovered to his horror that while he was changing his clothes, a bloody conspiracy that suited Usa's taste was brewing next door.

So he just wanted to leave the scene quickly, for fear that he would be noticed by Uzo.

At this time, the clothing store bedroom.

Okiya Subaru looked at the female white-collar worker on the surveillance camera, recalling his previous encounters, and murmured in his heart: "Judging from her current attire, she really killed someone at that time... Could it be that I was too panicked when I ran away?" , someone witnessed that scene, thought I was the murderer, so they called the police?"

...then this is really an unreasonable disaster.

Fortunately, I met Jiang Xia now. Otherwise, if there are no detectives and the police do not solve the case properly, then he may really be in trouble. I don’t know if the documents prepared by Mr. Akai for smuggling can withstand inspection.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Anyway, it was quite a coincidence.

However, when he thought of the word "qiao", he couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

The unavoidable question once again stood before his eyes - was there Uzo?

If so, then which part of the whole thing is a pure coincidence, and which part is Uzo's handiwork?

Okiya Subaru suddenly remembered something and looked down at his phone.

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