Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1521 1521 [Weird reasons for exoneration increased] Please vote for me

Chapter 1521 1521 [Weird reasons for exculpation have increased] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

In short, since the murderer did not leave the building, and only Subaru Okiya was found in the entire building. Now, in Inspector Asaph's mind, 90% of the time, this man is the murderer.

However, under his oppressive gaze, Okiya Subaru showed no reaction at all. He even raised his hand to support his forehead and began to lose focus again.

"?" Inspector Asa felt that he was being despised by the people in Tokyo, and couldn't help but raise his hand and pat him, "Why are you distracted? I'm asking you a question!"

Okiya Subaru turned to look at him, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Inspector Asa was startled. He felt that the suspect seemed a little depressed, and seemed to be using silence to resist the police.

He snorted: "Don't think it will be fine if you don't speak!"

The director was originally hiding behind the police, wanting to see which murderer shot Nanjo Hayato.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia went out and caught a crew member.

"You... I remember your surname is Tanaka, right? You are the new intern prop master." The director looked at Subaru Okiya, always feeling that this was very inconsistent with the murderer he imagined. He asked doubtfully, "What did you do just now? Yes? I didn't see you when everyone was gathering downstairs just now."

This normal conversation brought Okiya Subaru back to his senses a little. After all, he is still a talkative person and usually doesn't want other people's words to go unanswered.

Okiya Subaru turned his head and glanced at the detective next to him. He was embarrassed to say that he was hiding from Jiang Xia before, so he made an excuse: "I have never been to England. I am very interested in the street scene here, so I went shopping."

Some believed it, but others clearly did not.

The family members of the deceased were obviously the latter. Mrs. Nanjo stood up excitedly: "It's you, isn't it? You killed my husband!"

"..." Subaru Okiya shook his head numbly: Although I don't know who did it, it's better to go to Uzo than to me. As long as you insist, he will be happy to help you deal with the pain of losing your husband. After all, dead people There is no pain...

Next to him, Jiang Xia's nose suddenly felt a little itchy.

He rubbed it strangely, suspecting that someone was secretly scolding him behind his back - Tokyo was so far away, and the vodka signal might not be transmitted, so soon, Jiang Xia turned his eyes and fell on the younger brother beside him.

Okiya Subaru was clearly facing away from him, but at this moment, he seemed to feel something and became excited.

Then he turned to look out the window and then at the door, as if he was looking for someone.

After Mrs. Nanjo saw this major suspect denying it, she began to wander again, looking like she didn't take him seriously. She suddenly became even more sad and angry, and rushed over:

"You were late buying clothes before, and my husband scolded you. You must have had a grudge because of this, so you killed him!"

Several crew members quickly stopped her.

Among them, the chatty prop master who was relatively familiar with Okiya Subaru stood between the two of them and smoothed things over: "Tanaka is not the kind of person who holds grudges. I saw that he was not angry when he was scolded by Mr. Nanjo in the afternoon. , but seems a little happy."

Okiya Subaru: "?"

Although he was indeed in a good mood at that time, he was happy not because he was scolded, but because he thought of something relaxing.

But now, when my colleagues say this, it sounds a bit strange...

Okiya Subaru: "..." Forget it, it's better to be regarded as a pervert than as a murderer. At least there are still people willing to believe him.

"There's no way Tanaka would shoot Mr. Nanjo over such a trivial matter. And after all, he didn't have a gun at all. Didn't the police fail to find a gun on him?"

The prop master comforted Mrs. Nanjo and analyzed rationally: "If it develops to the point of murder, there must be some bigger grudge - Mr. Nanjo has offended too many people, and Tanaka can't even be ranked. , For example, in that accident three years ago, didn’t he offend our director!”


The director was still happily watching the show, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but choked: "..." Is this kid here to start a fight or to make a fuss? My demands on the prop team have been a bit high recently. Is this revenge from the prop team?

After saying this, Mrs. Nanjo's resentful eyes really turned to the director.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." The director waved his hands in panic, "Have you forgotten, I have an alibi. I was downstairs with you at the time!"

Normally, an alibi is really convincing.

But after experiencing the case this afternoon, Inspector Asa has come to understand that before the truth is revealed, it is best not to let go of any clues. Otherwise, who knows what tricks these Tokyoites can pull off.

He interrupted the conversation between those people: "Stop arguing, let's first explain clearly what the 'accident three years ago' was about?"

Jiang Xia held the can of coffee handed to him by Hui Yuan Ai, took a sip in a decent manner, and nodded. I really appreciate this way of handling it.

Inspector Asa caught a glimpse of his actions from the corner of his eye, and his forehead jumped: "... # "

The director originally wanted to fool him, but when he saw the police officer's terrifying expression, he instantly calmed down.

He sighed, feeling a little helpless: "Don't look at it. Although I only shoot TV series now, in fact, a few years ago, I was also a professional film director."

Movies and TV series have different statuses in the entertainment industry. The director of the former seems to have a higher status and is more respected.

From a film director to a TV series director, it sounds like his life has gone downhill.

"You British people may not know that we have a very famous series of movies called "Inside the Death Circle" - I shot that." The director looked proud, but soon became dejected, "But three years ago , I made a little mistake, which caused...well, some very bad consequences, and from then on, I moved to the television industry."

Inspector Asa felt really tired talking to these guys, but he couldn't help but ask, so he had to ask: "What's the mistake?"

The director obviously didn't want to mention this.

After pondering for a while, he shook his head and said helplessly: "Three years ago, my movie had an action scene, but a martial arts stand-in for an important supporting actor never appeared on the set.

"Because the schedule is very fast, the consequences of delaying it any longer may be serious. Nanjo happened to be the leading actor in that movie at the time. He said that in this case, there would be no need for military substitutes and the actor would go into battle in person - the actor who played the supporting actor. , has good skills, is still young, has hard work, and it is indeed possible to achieve that set of moves.”

The director sighed: "I think this is a bit risky, but Nanjo said that as a professional film actor who is about to star, how can he be afraid of this difficulty."

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