Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1524 1524 [A world where only Subaru Okiya is injured]

Okiya Subaru felt silently relieved: Although the process was a bit thrilling, in general, Jiang Xia was still reliable.

In this way, when it comes to "how to prevent being wrongly accused of being a murderer", it is the safest to follow Jiang Xia.

...But it's a pity that his terrible boss seems to be eyeing this detective, causing Jiang Xia's surroundings to become a field of death.

After thinking about it, Okiya Subaru couldn't help but sigh: "Well, I don't know if Jiang Xia will have self-doubt in the long run, thinking that he has the constitution of a god of death, and even go so far as to feel that he killed those who were murdered in the murder. People...wait a minute, could this be Uzo's purpose?

As a person who was also surrounded by events, Okiya Subaru understood this situation very well, and even felt a vague feeling of sympathy when looking at Jiang Xia.

Inspector Asa saw them standing there in a daze, and the corners of his eyes suddenly jumped: "If you want to see it, come over and have a look. If you don't want to see it, move away. Don't get in the way of this room."

Jiang Xia looked at her watch and found that it was already very late.

According to his experience, unless it is a serial murder case, the same group of people will generally not commit two cases in a short period of time.

Jiang Xia: "..." Judging from the news sent back by the ghosts, Subaru Okiya seems to have another destination tonight.

If the case drags on for too long and leaves the young man no time to move to a new environment, it will be too much of a delay.

And calculating the schedule, there will be an exam at school soon. It doesn't matter to me, but Conan and Mao Lilan will definitely go back.

...It would be better to let Subaru Okiya go to his new destination as soon as possible. After he shines there, he can pack him up and take him back to Tokyo. I hope that by then, he will have deeply realized the importance and glory of his identity as "Little Brother Uzo" and will no longer run away randomly.

With this in mind, before the police started to review the lengthy video, Jiang Xia stood in front of the TV and interrupted their actions.

Then he quietly cut off a section of the trip: "Based on the distance between the 'Inside the Death Array' when the camera captured it, and the dim light here, it was actually difficult for us to capture anything useful.

"Rather than gathering a group of people here to watch the video, it's better to save other evidence first - such as the papers in the fax machine upstairs and the tape Conan just found."

"Evidence?" Inspector Asa was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, "You know again??"

Jiang Xia nodded and raised his hand to point to the window: "Before, we all thought that the murderer was chased by us, rushed into the building without us, shot and killed Mr. Nanjo, and after being blocked by us in the building, passed through a certain A way to escape without anyone noticing.

"But in fact, the order of these things should actually be - the murderer shot Mr. Nanjo first, and then appeared in front of us with the image of 'In the Death Array', attracting us back to that building, and confusing us with the deceased time of death.”

Inspector Asa listened and became confused again: "Wait, this is different from the testimony just now - don't forget, when you rushed into the building, the murderer turned on the lights at the crime scene on the seventh floor. His shadow was also reflected on the window, and more than one person saw this."

Haihara Ai nodded. She and Dr. A Li were both witnesses of that scene.

Although what Jiang Xia said was contrary to what she saw, Haiyuan Ai did not think that Jiang Xia's reasoning was wrong, but quickly found a possible explanation.

Haiyuan thought sadly: "Only after I came up did I realize that the light switch was far away from the window, but at that time, the light was turned on and the figure appeared at the window, almost at the same moment - that is to say The 'person standing by the window' and the 'person turning on the light' we saw at that time were actually not the same person. One of them was Oki...Mr. Tanaka?"


Okiya Subaru was lying on his back waiting for Jiang Xia to solve the case, but suddenly his real name was almost called out, and he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

When he came back to his senses and understood what Hui Yuan Ai said, there was another layer of cold sweat on his back - wait, according to this little girl's speculation, didn't he become an accomplice?

Okiya Subaru looked at Haibara Ai in shock.

Next to him, Miss Spider was leaning on the back of the sofa and looked at him.

Then she looked at the mermaid next to her and shook her head regretfully: ...not murderous.

The mermaid crossed her arms, looked dissatisfied at this low-production cotton candy machine, and snorted slightly.

Okiya Subaru didn't know anything about the ghosts who were surrounding him, waiting to kill him.

He didn't expect that Hui Yuan Ai, a quiet little girl who didn't like to talk, would bring up such a terrible topic as soon as she opened her mouth. He waved his hands hastily: "I had never been to the 7th floor at that time! To be honest, I was always in the tea room. Hiding inside."

Inspector Asa looked at him suspiciously: "Didn't you just say that you were out visiting the streets? Who are you hiding from? Do you have something shady?"

Okiya Subaru: "!!"

He was so shocked by his too low-end mistake that his mental state kept jumping back and forth between "stretched to the extreme" and "surviving the disaster", which seemed to have greatly affected his judgment.

However, despite the critical situation now, Subaru Okiya couldn't help but think about Uzo: ... Could it be that this time, Uzo's script is actually slowly, bit by bit, smoothing out all his will to resist. And then at the moment when his spirit completely collapsed, he actually died in a murder case and became the backdrop for the tragedy?

Maybe the hypothesis in Okiya Subaru's mind was too frightening. Even though he usually kept a calm expression, some clues finally showed up at this time.

Inspector Asa suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously. He felt more and more that this guy had a big problem:

"Speaking of which, in another homicide case I handled this afternoon, witnesses once provided information that they had seen a suspicious and brutal Asian man at the crime scene - looking at it this way, the characteristics they provided seemed to be all... Confront you."

"..." Subaru's cold sweat seemed to have opened a floodgate. He waved his hands feebly, wanting to say something, but he was worried that it would get darker and darker.

Inspector Asa had a vague feeling that he had caught a thread.

However, at this time, Jiang Xia shook his head:

"Mr. Tanaka must not be lying. At that time, there were not two people committing the crime at the crime scene on the 7th floor, but no one at all. Do you still remember that when the elevator first reached the 7th floor, there was a plate of insulation unfolded at the door of the elevator. Tape?"

The witnesses nodded.

Inspector Asa couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "..." Isn't that the garbage thrown away by the crew?

But he just nodded and said calmly: "Of course, I saw it when I came up."

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