Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1532 1532 [The man everyone wants to kill]

The next moment Conan looked at Subaru Okiya, Subaru suddenly turned his head in confusion.

Conan was startled and had no time to think about whether this was a coincidence or Subaru Okiya was too keen. He swayed his feet as if nothing had happened, pretending that he was just looking at the juicer curiously.

Okiya Subaru briefly looked at each other, and seemed to feel that Conan was just a child after all, and would not bring him such a strong sense of crisis, so he looked slightly to the side and took a rough look around the room, taking a look at the doors and windows. .

However, nothing was found.

Okiya Subaru: "..." I suddenly felt a chill in my back just now, as if I was being targeted by something familiar and dangerous. Could it be an illusion?

After wondering for a moment, he found nothing, so he finally turned around and silently started tinkering with the juicer again.

At this time, on the guest sofa, the magician finally made up his mind:

"These five members... Well, let me start with the two women who serve as my assistants - since you have seen magic shows, you should know that a magician as powerful as me usually needs beautiful assistants to support him on stage. The atmosphere, and it also serves as a magic prop, right?"

Conan nodded, but still didn't like this guy: "I understand, it's just a support, the assistant who helps you deceive the audience."

Magician: "..." How can a little brat be so annoying! That's not cheating, that's selling art!

He ignored Conan and continued: "My chief assistant is called Misa Uehara. She used to be my fiancée. But three years ago, I suddenly felt that she was not interesting, so I broke up with her.

"She was very reluctant and kept asking me what she had done wrong... Well, actually she didn't do anything wrong, but after playing with her for so long, I was really tired of it, so I insisted on breaking up with her. According to me Observe, she still holds a grudge against me because of this incident.”

Subaru Okiya listened quietly: "..."

... Let’s put aside the question of whether he is a scumbag or not. This magician actually dares to use someone with such a degree of slander as his assistant? !

The magician knew nothing of the shock coming from a certain beater.

He crossed his fingers and continued: "Then there is my second assistant Nakagawa Chiaki. She is my ex-wife, and we just divorced last year. Although it was a peaceful breakup, according to my observation, this guy was very dissatisfied with my previous cheating, until Now, she is always talking bad about me behind my back."

Subaru Okiya: "..." He has quite a lot of emotional experience. Speaking of which, "girlfriend from three years ago" and "ex-wife who was cheated on and divorced" often turn into murderers. This magician might be in trouble.

Moreover, it’s no wonder that the magician wanted Kinoshita Yoko to leave just now. He probably just didn’t want Ms. Yoko to find out that he was a scumbag.

...Wait a minute, does the magician want to pick up Ms. Yoko? Ms. Yoko has so many fans, wouldn’t her survival rate become lower again?

But before the magician can successfully establish a relationship with Miss Yoko, he must first survive the two female assistants...

Okiya Subaru couldn't help but his eyelids twitched after a moment: It's too dangerous, this magician's situation is too dangerous.

But it turns out that he sighed a little too early.

——Because among the group members, there are not only two female assistants, but also three others.

"Except for the two of them, everyone else seems to be a little dissatisfied with me."

The magician counted them one by one: "By the way, there is only one exception - my beloved disciple, Kazuma Ishida. He has not yet started magic, and such a semi-finished product cannot perform on the stage, so I asked him to be responsible for the video work and recording He is very talented and has a very straightforward personality. Among the five main members, I only trust him. You don't need to check him too much."

Jiang Xia recalled the mushroom-headed boy who followed the magician when he first entered the door, and nodded.

"Then there is Zhuang Sizhengo. That guy is a script writer and is responsible for planning the flow of the performance." The magician looked disgusted. "He was originally my senior brother, but he really has no magic talent. Fortunately, he has a little bit of aesthetics. His basic knowledge was okay, so after I took over the troupe, I asked him to do planning work."

He spread his hands and said, "But that guy's style is really different from mine. No matter what I say, he's not willing to change. He can't get along at all. So after this tour, I plan to fire him."

There was a click.

Subaru's hand slipped and he dropped the cup off the kitchen counter. He pressed it against the cupboard wall before it broke, and then carefully picked it back up.

"Be careful! Why can't you pour water well? The quality of today's interns is getting worse and worse." The magician shook his head dissatisfied, "My hands are quite fast, but it's a pity that I am too old and can no longer do magic. That's it. If you were 10 years younger, I might consider making you my apprentice."

Okiya Subaru: "..." No, no, no. I think your group is not suitable for me...

Seeing that he lowered his head and said nothing, the magician quickly lost interest.

He turned to look at Jiang Xia and continued: "The only one left is the prop master Hasegawa Minoru - to be honest, I think this guy is quite suspicious. He likes gambling very much and has borrowed some money from me. If I die, then he doesn’t have to pay back the money, and since he is a prop master, it is easiest for him to manipulate the equipment and plot against me.”


Hearing that he finally finished speaking, a group of people breathed a silent sigh of relief, but for a short time no one said anything - there were too many people with motives in this crew, and their motives were diverse and covered various situations.

Just relying on these oral accounts, it was really impossible to figure out who was the most likely murderer.

Seeing that they were deep in thought, the magician seemed to have anticipated this and did not rush them.

He picked up his bag, found a few tickets from it, and handed them to Jiang Xia: "These are the tickets for our performance tonight. Although I think everyone is a sensible person and is unlikely to do anything during the performance. , destroying the art we have created together. But among my magic tricks, there are indeed some thrilling performances that may threaten life - to avoid accidents, let's first determine the emergency help gestures."

As he spoke, the magician raised his right hand, made a few imaginary grasping movements, and smiled meaningfully at Jiang Xia: "If you see me making this gesture, even if the performance is in progress, please rush to the stage to save me. I."

The situation has actually reached such a serious level?

Dr. A Li was flustered when he heard this: "Wait, if that's the case, why don't you just cancel the show. Once the problem is solved, it won't be too late to perform again. Global tours are indeed important, but you only live once!"

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