Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1546 1546 [Doubt everything] Please vote oo

Chapter 1546 1546 [Doubt everything] Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Inspector Asa nodded: "According to the preliminary autopsy results, the cause of death of the deceased was indeed drowning. Considering the special nature of your magic props, he must have failed to escape from the water tank in time for some reason."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something and looked at the two female assistants suspiciously: "By the way, since the prerequisite for him to successfully open the water tank cover is that you secretly pull out the shaft of the latch on the water tank, then as long as you don't pull it out, With that shaft, he can only drown in the water tank, right?"

"Wait a minute." The more the two beautiful female assistants listened, the more they felt something was wrong, "What do you mean? Do you want to say that we are the murderers?! Although the scumbag's death is indeed not a pity, how could we do such a thing as killing someone! See for yourself—"

The magician's ex-wife rummaged around on her body and took out a slender metal shaft. She held it out to Inspector Asa angrily and said, "This is the lock shaft on the water tank. We did pull it out. And the water tank cover must have been pulled out." It can be opened normally. When you put down Winter City just now, didn't you fiddle with the lid and you even forgot about it?"

The magician’s girlfriend also took out the same metal shaft and dangled it at her fingertips: “Don’t say that we only removed the shaft later – from the beginning of the performance to now, we have never been near the water tank lid. !”

Inspector Asa looked at the lock shaft in their hands, and his momentum froze: "I did fiddle with the cover, but your device looks a bit complicated. Before I opened it, I went to do artificial respiration..."

The script writer gestured: "After you left, I untied his feet from the water tank cover. At that time, the water tank cover did open as soon as it was lifted, and they did pull out the lock shaft."

Inspector Asa looked at him and didn't believe it. After all, in his opinion, these group members were all in the same group, and each other's testimony needed to be carefully considered.

Jiang Xia pointed at his apprentice and pushed forward the progress of solving the case: "Mr. Ishida never stopped filming before and after the 'accident' happened. It's better to watch the video from that time again."

During the performance, in order to allow the audience seated at the back to see clearly what is going on on stage, there are two large screens on both sides of the stage.

One of them plays the overall situation of the stage, and the other one is directly connected to the camera in the hands of the apprentice, and the close-ups he took on the stage are simultaneously displayed to the audience.

Therefore, the video footage currently in the possession of the police also includes the image of the magician putting his feet into the lid of the water tank before his death and asking his assistant to lock his feet.

Inspector Asa asked the young police officer to rewind the video and press play.

The two female assistants watched the playback nervously - being suspected by the police was indeed a nerve-wracking thing, and they eagerly hoped that this video could prove their innocence.

Soon, a close-up of the lock appeared on the screen. The female assistants' slender white fingers grabbed the huge padlock and locked the water tank lid firmly.

According to the magic process, the next step is to secretly pull out the metal bolt on the lock shaft. However, while everyone held their breath to check, the scene turned and the camera focused on the magician lying on the ground. The magician waved his hand leisurely towards the camera.

Okiya Subaru huddled in the corner and looked at the high-spirited magician in the camera: "..." He looked quite handsome. It's a pity that I met Uzo, and there were too many materials for writing, so I couldn't survive in the end...

The female assistants also stared at this transition in stunned silence. After a moment, they came back to their senses and turned to look at the apprentice in charge of filming: "Why are you moving the camera randomly!"

The apprentice waved his hands innocently: "I didn't move it randomly, I moved it on purpose - if the scene where you moved the metal shaft was seen, wouldn't our performance be exposed?"

The magician's ex-wife frowned helplessly: "You underestimate our hand speed too much. Even if we shoot at each other, as long as we keep that angle, we won't be exposed... Tsk, why haven't I noticed that you have this problem before? .I really should have taken the time to watch the replays of your previous performances."

Inspector Asa also didn't expect this man's turn of events to be so coincidental. But now that the matter has come to this, it is impossible to go back in time and shoot again. He sighed and raised his chin towards the young police officer next to him: "Skip to the video of taking out the deceased and then opening the water tank cover."

The little police officer nodded and pressed fast forward.

Soon, he found the target scene.

On the screen, the magician who had smiled indifferently just now had turned into a dripping corpse. Two female assistants held his head and laid him flat on the ground.

Then the camera panned and focused on Inspector Asa who was opening the water tank cover.

The middle-aged police inspector was helplessly looking at the complicated water tank cover in front of him. At this time, Jiang Xia, who was helping the magician press his chest, lowered his head and glanced at the magician's mouth. After hesitating for a moment, he turned around and called him: "Artificial respiration!"

Inspector Asaph came to his senses, got up, ran over, and started blowing.

As he left the spot, the camera also chased him, and soon the water tank cover was no longer visible.


Inspector Asa stared at the camera that turned away again, a breath caught in his throat. After being blocked for a while, he turned to look at Jiang Xia: "What are you asking me to do? Can't you do it for him yourself!"

"I'm busy doing chest compressions." Jiang Xia pointed at the screen, "Look, the water tank cover is open."

"!" Inspector Asa looked up in confusion, and saw that the sound on the water tank cover might have attracted the apprentice's attention. After taking pictures of artificial respiration for a while, the apprentice moved the camera to the magician's face again. feet.

In the picture, the scriptwriter successfully opened the lid and released the magician's feet.

"It seems that the female assistants must have really pulled out the lock bolt." Inspector Asa touched his chin, and suddenly he had a new suspect. He looked at the magician's apprentice suspiciously:

"Why do you always fail to capture the key points? Also, there was an accident at the magic show before. When we were trying to rescue the magician, you kept holding the camera and filming in an orderly manner, as if you were planning on his death. Don't care..."

"Of course I care!" The apprentice raised his voice and interrupted him, "But after all, I am not a medical professional. You are already rescuing people. If I squeeze in, it will only get in the way. As for keeping filming, that is because Master used to work with me. I said it during a casual conversation - if something happens to him, I must not stop shooting and record the situation at that time, because that will be proof that he, a professional magician, has survived."

It sounds quite passionate.

But this obviously cannot dispel Inspector Asa's suspicion: "Speaking of which, I suddenly thought of something - during the break between the first half and the second half, you handed the magician a pill. What was that?"

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