Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 156 Gin, please don’t breastfeed anymore. Please vote for me.

Chapter 156 Gin, please don’t breastfeed anymore. Please vote for me ()

Ginjiu didn't give Jiang Xia much information.

This task of assassinating Shijing Reika was originally sent to Jiang Xia on his own initiative.

Ginjiu didn't have any problem with Jiang Xia's behavior of casting nets everywhere and killing people randomly, but rather admired it.

But at the same time, as a busy member of the organization, Gin gradually felt that Uzo's behavior was actually a bit wasteful.

"..." Anyway, Wu Zuo just wants to satisfy his desire to kill and increase his reputation. In this case, killing anyone is not killing.

It's better to let Uzuo take care of the mission target, which can also reduce the burden on the organization and kill two birds with one stone.

Moreover, Jiang Xia was promoted to a formal member a while ago, and when the organization assessed him, it also checked his information.

After looking at it, Gin found that Jiang Xia's network of people was quite wide, especially among middle-aged and elderly women and people with pets at home. He had a good reputation - he had been able to get in touch with some rich people or political figures.

Therefore, Ginjiu thought it would be better to give Jiang Xia some assassination targets whose confidentiality was not strong enough to practice.

If he can solve it, let him solve it.

If the plan does not go well, the organization will make other arrangements.

From Gin's point of view, this mission to assassinate Yotsui Reika is quite suitable.

Recently, the organization has a project that they want to cooperate with the Mitsui family, but their competitors are not good either - the other party uses Mitsui Reika to threaten Chairman Mitsui.

Chairman Si Jing is very concerned about his only daughter, and it is inevitable that he will start to waver. Recently, he has already expressed the intention to finalize cooperation with the threatening party.

There are many solutions to this problem for organizations. Gin thought for a while and chose the simplest option - kill Yotsui Reika.

Competitors have no threat target, and naturally they have no advantage. After removing this factor, the legitimate company packaged by the organization will undoubtedly be easier to win the project than the other party.

Jiang Xia didn't know the inside story of these messy and complicated murder cases.

He didn't care too much: anyway, Gin said "kill her when you get the chance", which meant that this was a random mission.

Jiang Xia glanced at it casually, handed the information back to Gin, and thought about the gun.

He chose his words and said tactfully: "Come to think of it, you haven't sent me this yet."

He pointed at the gun in Gin's hand - it can only be said that it was Gin. He had to hold the gun in his hand at all times even when riding in the car.

Gin made a move, and after a moment, he looked over and said, "Since you have chosen your current life, it is best to give up killing people head-on in the future. The risk is too high."

Jiang Xia: "I don't intend to kill people head-on..."

Gin was thoughtful - if it's not to kill, then it's for defense?

He seemed to understand and showed a provocative sneer: "Is someone watching you?"

It is normal for famous detectives to be intimidated and retaliated against.

It's just that that person didn't have the foresight to find the head of the organization member, and he was still a promising member...

Gin put out the cigarette and said gloomily: "For you, carrying a gun with you is not a very good way of defense.

"Even if you succeed in counter-killing, you will easily get a lawsuit, and your reputation will even be affected by killing someone. In the eyes of some people, even if it is just self-defense, this will be an eternal stain on the 'Famous Detective', and it will hinder your future development. .

"For those who threaten you, you can use your usual methods to deal with them. If you can't kill them, send me the list."

In Gin's view, Uzo's killing method is indeed clever, but its flaws are also obvious.

——First of all, if you want to kill a specific target, you must have certain intelligence. In addition, Uzo also needs to contact the target in order to successfully affect it.

And those who aim to "kill the detective" cannot sit down and chat with him calmly like those clients who fell into Uzo's trap in the past - it is certainly difficult for Uzo to not even meet him like this. deal with.

Jiang Xia was speechless for a moment after listening to his words.

"..." It feels like Gin has a very big imagination. He actually just wants a gun. "No one is targeting me yet. If there is, I will report it in time... I just think guns are more practical." "

Vodka couldn't stop talking and muttered: "Practical? But if it's not used to kill people or defend yourself, what else can it be used for? You probably think it's more handsome that way."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Vodka was driving the car smoothly when suddenly there was a cold feeling on the back.

He raised his head in excitement and met Jiang Xia Yousen's gaze in the rearview mirror.

Vodka's voice gradually became lower: "No, I just said it casually..."

Then he stared at the road ahead, pretending that nothing had happened.

Gin: "..."

He turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xia. Jiang Xia still had a calm face, as if "vodka is nonsense".

But Gin thought of the fancy and dramatic cases designed by Uzo...and suddenly felt that Vodka might have been right this time.

"..." If any of his subordinates asked him for a gun on the grounds of being "handsome," Gin would just hit him with the butt of his gun, sobering him up.

But Uzo...

It is normal for genius to have flaws. Uzo is still in need of experience. If he knows everything right from the start, Gin will feel uneasy.

And like now, the young subordinates are improving day by day under his guidance and gradually reaching perfection, which makes Gin feel like "he is cultivating a genius tailor-made for the organization."

Treat waste the same way you treat waste.

And for talents with high growth and plasticity, of course, they must be given adequate treatment.

Uzo's achievements during this period have proven his ability.

What's even more rare is that Uzuo's personality is better than other cadres - he listens to advice and is easy to worry about. Every time Gin thinks about this, he feels that if everyone could be like Uzo, then his workload would be reduced by at least half.

And Uzo was brought up by him alone. Although he was favored by Bourbon on the way, Gin tried it out not long ago and found that Bourbon did not know the existence of "Uzo".

In other words, Uzo hasn't revealed his code name yet. Although Bourbon helped him, his position did not lean toward Bourbon's side.

Gin was even more satisfied when he thought of this.

Wu Zuo's behavior of hiding his code name is actually very wise - for a member like Jiang Xia who has a certain degree of exposure, a fixed residence, and a fixed place of work, hiding his identity is very important. In the organization, code members may not be trustworthy.

This kind of behavior that is not bound by kindness and can rationally judge one's position and take corresponding actions is also rare. It can be seen that although Uzo will inevitably make some mistakes that young people like to make, most of the time, he is still very reliable...

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