Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1551 1551 [Interviewed by Uzo] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 1551 1551 [Interviewed by Uzo] Asking for monthly votes ()

Although Dr. A Li was a little confused, he still had the self-consciousness of a tool man and nodded blankly.

Although there were many question marks in Conan's head, as a first-year elementary school student who had to hide his identity, his thoughts did not affect his schedule at all.

It was getting late, and the group no longer struggled with Okiya Subaru's whereabouts.

They quickly got into the car and returned to the rich lady's villa, intending to rest.

But before going to bed, Jiang Xia thought about it, put on her coat again, and walked out.

Conan was brushing his teeth when he suddenly realized that Jiang Xia wanted to go out again. He spat out the foam in his mouth in surprise: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the room of Hui Yuan Ai and Mao Lilan from afar, and lowered his voice: "I'm going to the bar to check it out. There are several famous nightclubs here. I... ahem, let's go and do an on-the-spot investigation."

Conan: "?"

Jiang Xia cleared her throat, and there was a hint of leisurely belonging to a high-ranking person in her eyes: "You can enter the bar here if you are 18 years old, but it's a pity that you are only a 17-year-old kid, and I can't take you with me. Of course, now I He looks like he’s only 7 years old, and it’s even more impossible to sneak in – just stay at home.”

Then he stood up before anyone else noticed him, walked briskly through the corridor, and left silently.

Conan stared at his back silently, and it took him a few seconds to come back to his senses: "..." After looking at the sunny, righteous, evil-hating high school detective for so long, he almost forgot that in addition to being a detective, his neighbor was also a detective behind his back. A rebellious high school student who almost never goes to class, often hangs out with various gangsters, and occasionally drives illegally late at night.

Conan: "..." Also, what do you mean by a 17-year-old kid! Only one year older than him, no, only half a year older. How could Jiang Xia have the nerve to say such things to him?

The underage detective in every sense of the word couldn't help but have a vein popping out of his forehead, and he clenched his 7-year-old fist.

It's late at night, but the streets are still lively.

After Jiang Xia took a taxi to this street, he didn't go to the store he had made an appointment with Okiya Subaru. Instead, he planned to find another bar nearby - there are many similar places on this street, each with its own characteristics. It's dizzying.

However, thinking that this was not the last time he came to the UK, and that he might occasionally bring his classmates to travel with him in the future, Jiang Xia didn't hesitate too much, chose the one that suited him the most, and walked in.

When sending Okiya Subaru the time and place of the appointment, Jiang Xia deliberately made the appointment later to leave some entertainment time for herself.

But after playing for a while, he felt that foreign bars were like this - the music was too loud, and the songs chosen by the resident singer were not the style he liked. Although the drinks are novel, you will get tired of them after a few glasses.

What's more important is that there isn't even a murderous customer here, which is far different from the customers in Tokyo bars who have different tastes.

What's more, when he was in Tokyo, every time Jiang Xia went to a bar, there would always be a Belmode who was constantly smelling of apples. But here, there is nothing around.

Jiang Xia: "..." Speaking of Belmode, he bought a few pieces of clothes two days ago in order to fulfill the lie he told when asking Haibara Ai to borrow a magazine.

There was no use keeping the women's clothes. When he got back, he might as well just throw them to Belmode and ask her if there were any new cases there. Anyway, in my impression, Belmode also travels abroad from time to time, so it is not surprising that he wears some big-name British clothes.

After walking for a while and missing the high-end murderous aura sources far away in Tokyo, Jiang Xia looked down at his watch and found that it was almost time.

He politely fended off a few people who wanted to talk but didn't have murderous intentions, walked to a place with a little less people, threw the main body on the seat in the corner, and let countless shikigami come out through the wall, throwing Matsuda Jinpei with him. Go out and pile up as "Uzo" puppets outside.

At the same time, another puppet was piled up by Jiang Xia.

——Miss Spider took shape silently in the bathroom of the bar.

Then she pushed open the door and went out, randomly finding a seat where she could see Jiang Xia's body, just in case.

Currently, the only person who knows this "Ms. Misa" is the tight-lipped Subaru Okiya, except for Jiangxia herself.

Even if someone finds out about her in the future... wouldn't it be very reasonable for the scriptwriter's secretary to pay attention to the famous detective who specializes in deciphering her boss's scripts?

On the same street, in another bar.

Okiya Subaru mingled anxiously among the crowd, holding the cup and trying to pretend to be a pleasure-seeking tourist, but he didn't take a sip of the wine in the cup, and he was out of tune with the happy crowd around him.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, when the appointed time came, Subaru Okiya, who was staring closely at the door, finally saw the man in black he was waiting for walking down the stairs and entering the bar leisurely.

The moment he saw Usa entering the door, Okiya Subaru shrank back, instinctively wanting to hide in the crowd, turn around and run away.

But his reason stopped him abruptly, and a voice in Subaru's heart told him: Now that he has made a decision, it is best to take it seriously and be an honest subordinate.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. But before he could bravely say hello to Uzo and indicate his location to his boss, Uzo glanced casually at the bar, and then looked at him accurately among the crowded crowd.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Fortunately, I didn't run away just now. Having said that, the light in the bar is so dark, there are so many people, and his current hair color has also been dyed into the most common local hair color... How on earth did Uzo find him in such a short time?

Jiang Xia drove Matsuda Jinpei's puppet and walked up to Okiya Subaru.

Kiritengu, who had grabbed Okiya Subaru all the way, looked up at the psychic master, and then at Okiya Subaru who was no longer running around. He found that he seemed to have completed his task, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, it flapped its wings and floated back to Jiang Xia, feeling comfortable as if it had finally returned home from a business trip.

As a fairly staunch materialist, Subaru Okiya knew nothing about the "tracker" hanging on his body.

Amidst the loud music, Uzo made a "Follow up" gesture towards him.

The two people walked through the crowd one after another and arrived at the box that Uzo had reserved before.

Soon, the box door was closed, the space inside and outside was separated, and the surrounding noise weakened.

Because of this, Uzo's presence has become more distinct than ever.

"Since you came as promised, it seems you have thought it through."

Uzo walked to the sofa and sat down, leaning on the soft back of the chair. He looked at Subaru Okiya who didn't dare to sit down at all, with a comfortable expression on his face: "I'm glad you made the right choice and saved me from losing a life." A capable subordinate."

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