Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1556 1556 [Ireland, smashed for the second time] Please vote for me

Chapter 1556 1556 [Ireland, smashed for the second time] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

The phone vibrated slightly, reminding Subaru that "sent successfully".

Subaru Okiya waited anxiously for the reply, and at the same time he was prepared that this was actually a conspiracy by his boss. While trying to keep walking at his original pace, he counted his violent heartbeat and tried his best to calm down.

When I counted more than a hundred times, my phone suddenly vibrated and I received an email.


Okiya Subaru's fingers froze. Soon, he took out his phone as if nothing had happened, opened it and took a look.

See that there are only two short lines above:

[Don't worry, an old friend.

I'll go say hello to him. ]

"...Old friend?"

Okiya Subaru was a little confused: Someone like Usa would have friends? Still "old" friends...

However, in any case, since it can carry this prefix, at least judging from the survival time, this friend's vitality sounds quite tenacious. Sure enough, as he had just guessed, he was a powerful person.

While he was thinking idly, suddenly, more than ten meters behind him, there was a heart-wrenching muffled "dong" sound, as if something fell heavily to the ground.

Okiya Subaru held the phone and was stunned.

Half a second later, he suddenly recognized the cause of the sound - it seemed to be the sound made by the human body hitting the ground, just like the sound he heard when he was almost hit by a falling person at the airport that day.

...Someone fell from the building? !

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, a panicked scream suddenly sounded from the crowd behind him.

This strengthened Okiya Subaru's suspicion. He turned back quickly and looked at the source of the sound.

More than ten meters away, he saw a tall blond man staggering up from the ground, covering his shoulders.

The blond man's face was extremely ugly, his body was full of murderous aura, and his aura was extremely terrifying, which made some passers-by who wanted to help stop in their tracks.

Next to the blond man, a thin man fell to the ground, his life or death unknown. It seemed that this thin man fell suddenly from upstairs and hit the unlucky blond man on the shoulder.

The moment his eyes fell on the unfortunate blond man, some kind of radar on Okiya Subaru went off - he almost immediately determined that this blond man should be the "old friend" Usa mentioned in the email just now. .

Okiya Subaru: "..." The way the boss greeted him was as heart-stopping as ever...

The fear of being dominated by Uzo before running away came to mind again. What followed was a feeling of joy after lying down.

Okiya Subaru breathed a silent sigh of relief and glanced at Usa's unfortunate "old friend".

Of course, friends cannot have friends.

As a subordinate who is learning to figure out the meaning, Subaru Okiya feels that he should take the initiative to translate Usa's "friend" into a concept that normal people can understand.

——In other words, this blond man may actually be one of Uzo's competitors in the organization?

Having said that, in such complicated road conditions, how did Uzo allow this "old friend" to be accurately hit by the falling person?

Okiya Subaru: "..." However, judging from the daily level of his boss, it seems that it is not accurate to say "accurate". After all, the cadre who was smashed is obviously still alive. For Uzzo, this is probably a rare mistake.

A thrilling scene of cadres cheating each other flashed silently in his mind, but he always felt like something was wrong.

So after a while, Subaru Okiya silently erased the scene he just imagined and replaced it with the terrifying scene of the cadre being framed by Uzo one after another... This time it suddenly felt more reasonable.

Although Subaru Okiya had countless thoughts about what just happened. But as a weak, pitiful and helpless peripheral member, he did not dare to get too involved in such incidents.

After briefly looking back to see the situation clearly, Okiya Subaru immediately took advantage of the chaos and squeezed into the crowd. He passed by the people who came to watch the excitement one after another, and quickly disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

Upstairs in the distance.

Matsuda Jinpei opened his own puppet and looked down at this scene. He was silent for a long time and silently took a sip of the extinguished ghost mint.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..." I originally planned to let the dry cat trip Ireland, or apply any skill to hold him back. Unexpectedly, Subaru Okiya solved this problem by himself.

Speaking of which, the young man tricked by the master of the psychic medium is quite sharp. How did he find out that Ireland was following him?

Matsuda Jinpei was briefly confused, but soon he remembered the passers-by who occasionally looked at Ireland just now, and he vaguely had an answer in his mind.

In terms of tracking, regardless of his skill, Ireland seems to be inherently at a disadvantage - after all, he is too conspicuous. He is extremely tall and tall, and his hair color is blond, which is very conspicuous among a group of British people. His eyebrows are also very strange in shape, and he has a murderous aura. Any passerby who is a little wary can't help but look at him a few more times.

Okiya Subaru probably noticed the clues from the occasional reactions of passers-by.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ireland suddenly seemed to notice something downstairs. The blond man full of murderous intent suddenly raised his head and looked over here with sinister and vicious eyes.

Matsuda Jinpei was aroused by the murderous aura that smelled of smoke. He noticed Ireland's gaze and immediately stopped wandering.

The moment they looked at each other, it quickly recalled the middle-class movies that Jiang Xia had forced them to watch before, imitating the mysterious villain in them, and showed an elegant smile mixed with a hint of provocation. Then he raised his finger and waved his hand casually towards Ireland. His movements were full of the casualness and contempt of a high-ranking person towards a minor player.


The murderous smell of high-end smoke expanded rapidly like a bomb, and soon became soft and easy to chew.

Matsuda Jinpei sniffed the wonderful smoke, and his eyes dimly lit up under his sunglasses.

It pushed up its sunglasses, maintaining the composure that an adult ghost should have, and then secretly poked at the colleagues next to it who were not very interested in the smell of cigarettes and were quietly slacking off.

Considering that it was still a very hungry mass of murderous energy, the ghosts finally started working hard.

After gathering everything he could, Matsuda Jinpei dispersed the puppets before Ireland went upstairs. Then it carried the big fluffy murderous aura on its back, passed by Ireland who rushed to the rooftop, and happily floated towards the place where Jiang Xia's body was.

a few minutes ago.

Where the body is located.

Kuroba Kaito looked at Kudo Yusaku's face, looked at Jiang Xia with a loving smile that he tried hard to squeeze out, and said gently: "For a child of your age, it is too early to enter a bar."

Recommend a black science and technology novel for top students, "Into Unscience", the protagonist travels through various eras and changes the history of science and technology.

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