Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1560 1560 [Captured Uzo’s weakness]

Haiyuan Ai: "..." If Jiang Xia also meets the kind of person who values ​​career above all else and is willing to abandon his own life and the lives of others in order to bring down the organization...

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but sweat on her delicate palms.

Hui Yuan Ai silently tightened her grip on Jiang Xia's clothes, planning to have a chat with him about the harm of undercover agents to organization members after this incident was over.

A few meters away.

Conan didn't pay attention to what Jiang Xia and Haibara Ai were whispering - the mini Tokyo detective's attention was completely attracted by the wonderful case.

Conan: "..." They clearly saw someone falling from the building at 0:10, but all the other passers-by who paid attention to the time said that the person fell around 0:20.

How high does a building have to be so that it takes 10 minutes for someone to fall to the ground? There must be some subtle trick hidden in this.

While thinking about it, Conan raised his head and looked at the magical building in front of him, which could make anyone fall half the sky.

Then they were very surprised to find that this building actually only had three floors and was very low. It was completely different from the tall buildings they had just seen.

"Dr. Ali." Conan tugged on Dr. Ali's sleeve and confirmed with the confused neighbor who was also a witness, "When we saw those two people arguing on the rooftop, were the floors of the building they were in higher than this? Much higher."

Dr. A Li looked up at the building in front of him, but shook his head: "No, it should be about this height - you see, the billboards on the top of the building are all the same."

Conan was stunned for a moment: "..." Billboard? Where's the billboard from?

"Kudo Yusaku" next to him chuckled. Before Conan looked over, he quickly turned his head away, trying not to laugh while looking around nonchalantly.

Jiang Xia seemed to be a little more considerate than a certain fake father. He used the skillful technique of holding the pets of rich ladies to pick up Conan and lift him up a little higher.

Conan looked upstairs, his eyes twitching, and he suddenly understood why he had seen the wrong floor just now.

As the location rises, the scene in front of you suddenly changes - there are open-air balconies on the 1st to 3rd floors of this building, but not on the floors above. The balconies on the ground floor protruded outside, blocking Conan's view of the sky above, so what an adult saw as a tall building became a three-story building in his eyes.

"It's okay, you're still growing." Jiang Xia put Conan back on the ground and patted his head kindly, "You'll be able to see it normally in a few years."

Conan: "..." Why do you always talk about his height? He was once a tall high school student, but he was assassinated by those insidious men in black...

Conan silently recorded an account for the organization, and then walked towards the building: "You can't see anything outside, so why not go in and look for clues."

Jiang Xia glanced at Inspector Asa who was still busy blocking the onlookers, and found that he seemed not to notice him for a moment, so he followed him into the building.

Tens of meters away.

A pair of eyes stared at Jiang Xia's figure submerging into the building, with a gleam of thought in his eyes.

As Jiang Xia completely entered the building, Ireland withdrew its sights on him.

The burly man in black took out his mobile phone and searched for news related to Jiang Xia.

Then it was discovered that Jiang Xia had arrived in London two days ago, and the recent news about this detective were all about him solving crimes in London.

Among them, there is one detail that is quite thought-provoking.

——Including the case that just happened, among the five consecutive cases solved by Jiang Xia, the murderers and the deceased were all Japanese.

And among them, the vast majority are from Tokyo.

Ireland flipped through his phone and read these words, his eyes gradually becoming sharper: There is absolutely no chance of such a degree of coincidence in the world.

It was obviously London, but all those who died in the case were Japanese. There must be only one reason for this situation - behind all these cases, there is the shadow of Uzo.

Uzo is based in Tokyo and does have easy access to key players in these cases.

Although some of the Japanese who were framed have lived abroad all year round, Uzo could have come to London in advance and made contact with those people.

——The living environment of each country is very different, and the psychological state must also be quite different. Compared with the British, Uzo obviously has a more accurate grasp of the minds of Tokyo people, which is why the current situation has emerged.

Ireland touched his chin thoughtfully: "..." Uzo is not very good at controlling foreigners, which is an unexpected shortcoming.

When we officially start to deal with Uzo, if we transfer a few foreign members there, maybe there will be surprising results?

But compared to this, what people are more concerned about right now is: What is the relationship between Jiang Xia and Wu Zuo? Why is it that Jiang Xia is always solving the series of cases caused by Wu Zuo?

Also, why did Jiang Xia suddenly come to England?

There were so many things to check, and this feeling of confusion made Ireland frown, feeling that the burden on him was a little heavier.

My head hurt even more, and my shoulder continued to throb.

Ireland tried to ignore the pain and concentrated on thinking: "..." The only comforting thing is that Jiang Xia is a celebrity. Not only famous in Tokyo, he also quickly attracted the attention of the media after coming to London. Although the momentum is not as grand as it was in Tokyo, it is not difficult to capture relevant news about him through the media.

With this in mind, Ireland took out her phone, typed out an email, and sent it.

Jiang Xia felt the expanding murderous aura in the distance and was in a good mood: Originally, he just went abroad to catch a younger brother, but he didn't expect that there would be so many extra gains along the way, and he even met Ireland.

When event constitution and event constitution come together, the happiness you have will be doubled.

It's a pity that Subaru Okiya is usually a bit of a homebody. It would be better if he was like Conan and Maori Lan, who likes to go out and wander around when they have nothing to do... Hmm, how about giving him a mission to go out and relax more? Staying at home all the time is not good for your health. Going out more often can help you balance work and rest. Even when your boss is busy, he never forgets to care about the health of his subordinates - what a touching feeling of co-workers.

A few kilometers away.

In the taxi, Subaru Okiya sneezed and suddenly felt a chill.

He raised his head and peeked at the rearview mirror, carefully observing the driver. He looked outside carefully, but didn't find anything dangerous.

"..." Subaru Okiya could only sit back silently, comforting himself not to think wildly - although the cadre who followed him just now was very scary, how could he be as scary as Usa?

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