Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1574 1574 [The boss will also go astray]

As he thought about it, Belmod couldn't help but sigh: "..." Has Uzo watched any strange horror movies recently?

This kind of approaching death is quite interesting from a spectator point of view, but from an Irish perspective, it is probably not something that makes people laugh.

But fortunately, they will be back soon. Ireland should not turn into a corpse so soon...

When Belmod was a little worried about Uzo's daily internal fighting.

On the other side, the Boss's mansion.

The Deacon had actually received the report about the falling case.

The reason why he was so well-informed was not because he had been keeping an eye on Wuzuo: the information was actually compiled from below, and among the intelligence personnel below, no one knew that Jiang Xia was Wuzuo.

The reason why this report was delivered to him was purely because someone reported that Ireland was at risk of being exposed recently. Once the cadres were exposed, it meant that they had to be rescued as soon as possible or silenced as soon as possible. The latter requires the Boss to make a decision, so this kind of news will eventually be gathered in one place.

But again, instead of sending an email, a report was submitted, and only one report was submitted, with no further follow-up. This shows that although Ireland has missed the danger, at present, his situation is not considered urgent.

Cadres usually do things that are on the edge of the law, and it is normal to encounter danger. So the deacon didn't pay much attention to this information at first. He glanced at it and wanted to put it into the paper shredder nearby.

But at the moment before the paper was put into the machine, he unconsciously filtered out two words that he had seen frequently recently - "Jiangxia" and "Detective" - ​​from the newspaper screen he had just seen.


He pointed his fingers. After a while, he silently brought back the information.

Then he cleared his throat as if nothing had happened, raised his hand and stuck the single-lens reading glasses into his eyes, lowered his head and read every word carefully.

——A sudden fall from a building occurred in a London night market. An unlucky passerby was hit. A famous detective from Tokyo exposed the conspiracy...

Combined with the embarrassed figure blending into the night in the corner of the photo, the deacon quickly understood the situation at that time.

Deacon: "..." Why does Wuzuo always like to hit people with falling objects recently?

Moreover, Ireland was not injured the first time, but this time, Ireland injured his shoulder.

If there is a third time... Well, although this kind of killing move falling from the sky is indeed hard to guard against, it is not really impossible to prevent it. It's only three things. Ireland has been assassinated twice by Uzo using the Falling Man. If he is tricked a third time, then he should reflect on whether he has been too ungrateful.

Of course, Uzo’s behavior of murdering his colleagues deserves a warning...

While the deacon was thinking casually, he picked up the photo taken by a passerby and carefully assessed the situation in Ireland.

After a moment, he nodded secretly and took off his glasses.

Although when facing Uzo, Ireland always suffered some boring losses one after another and seemed to be below his usual level. But after all, he is a cadre with some qualifications, reacts quickly enough, and knows how to avoid danger.

——Although it was ugly to be hit by the person who fell from the building, Ireland did not linger at the scene stupidly after that, but immediately dragged his injured body away. By the time the onlookers who wanted to take photos and videos reacted, he had already moved away from the best position to be photographed, leaving only a blurry back for those lenses.

If someone who wasn't familiar with Ireland wouldn't have been able to identify him based on this bit of information, he would naturally not have to be silenced by the organization.

The situation is probably understood, but then the problem arises again.

...Does this matter need to be reported to the boss?

Deacon: "..." It shouldn't be necessary. After all, no one died, so it doesn't seem like a big deal.

And he could see that the Boss was actually a little hesitant about the internal fight between Uzo and Ireland, because it was difficult to find a neat and effective way to deal with it - after all, as a mature leader, the Boss rewards and punishes his subordinates. Of course, we cannot simply vent our anger, but we must consider more how to enable that group of cadres with strong personalities to use their expertise more loyally and for the benefit of the organization.

Under this premise, if Uzzo is punished too severely because of a small conflict that did not cause much trouble and only Ireland was slightly injured... it seems unnecessary.

What's more, Ireland was not really an innocent victim: no matter how you look at it, it was indeed Uzo who he targeted first, and he even almost discovered Uzo's true identity through the "scientist".

Only later, Uzo's series of counterattacks were efficient and sharp. So now, it looks like Ireland is being bullied.

After such a review, compared with those cadres who pointed guns at each other after becoming enemies, or deliberately led their opponents to dangerous locations where bombs were installed, Uzo's small and hidden methods would not cause too much trouble to the organization.

What's more, although Uzo is not friendly to those specific cadres, this young man is very kind to his superiors - he usually helps Gin with assassination tasks, and I heard that he has recently started to help him raise funds, and these tasks are related to Funds, obviously, ultimately benefit the organization.

Although Uzzo's contribution to the organization cannot compare with Ireland, Ireland's merits have been accumulated over many years. In contrast, Uzo has only been a cadre for, uh, just a few months? He thought it had been a long time...

The deacon pressed his forehead in confusion, feeling that something was not right.

But soon, he put aside this doubt that could be solved by looking at the calendar, and continued to think: Thinking about it this way, it is obviously not a big deal for an inexperienced new cadre to make a mistake that is not fatal. Something unforgivable. In comparison, Ireland's problem seems bigger.

The deacon soon had an idea of ​​what to do next.

He stuffed this report into the pile of relatively less urgent information - this information would only be read by "that lord" when he was free, and was not required reading.

This not only counts as no report, but also allows the boss to have a choice: if the boss really wants to turn a blind eye to the internal fighting between Uzo and Ireland after seeing this information, then he can completely say that he had Didn't see this message.

The deacon nodded secretly, and while trying to figure out the boss's thoughts, he continued to sort out the important information related to the cadres.

London in the distance.

In a medical facility that is still functioning.

Ireland was lying on the examination bed, frowning, always feeling like someone was talking about him.

But he didn't care about that - there was no need to think about it at all. Besides that bastard Uzo, who else would worry about him behind his back?

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