Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1589 1589 [Uzuo, the Source of All Evil]

Chapter 1589 1589 [The Source of All Evil·Uzo]

Jiang Xia said some brief prayers for the heads of his classmates.

Then while he was eating the dessert that was served, he suddenly discovered that Conan, a young detective who was actively solving crimes, seemed to be busy competing with "that adult". Then, it seems that he will have to work hard to push the progress bar again.

Although I had eaten just now, I was not in a hurry to go back anyway, and the police might still need some time. So Jiang Xia slowly tasted all the food in front of her.

After he finished eating leisurely, he wiped his hands and said, "Let's go back to the scene and have a look. Chief Anna and the others should have found some clues."

Before leaving, Jiang Xia didn't forget to pull Xiao Songjun along with him: "You can go too." He didn't have to make another trip to find witnesses after finding out the truth.

Xiao Songjun hesitated: "But, I have to go to work in the afternoon."

"What class are you on? Let's get down to business first!" Although Suzuki Sonoko didn't know why Jiang Xia had to bring this natural idiot with him, he had his own motives for doing detective work.

She slapped Xiao Songjun and whispered deeply: "This is a life-threatening crisis. Believe me, if this matter is solved smoothly, your luck will definitely improve. Don't you always believe that God is fair? Give you bad luck?—Now the gods have appeared!"

"Dang-dang-dang-" She opened her arms and gestured proudly to the side, "The new god of the detective world, even the dead have said yes to it!"

Jiang Xia was pointed at by her and smiled modestly: The first half of the sentence was a bit exaggerated, but the second half was more realistic.

"..." Haiyuan Ai silently raised her hands to cover her face: Today's female high school students are really becoming more and more middle-school students. And is there something wrong with this slogan? It's almost like saying that you will become dead after using it...

However, it turns out that chuunibyou is a method suitable for some chuunibyou.

Xiao Songjun was obviously a little persuaded and scratched his head: "Oh, okay, then I'll take a leave in the afternoon. Actually, I still don't think anyone will kill me. Maybe it's just an accident..."

After a pause, he suddenly felt strange: "Huh? How do you know that I believe that gods are fair?"

Suzuki Sonoko thought of the cute clerk, covered her lips and laughed twice: "Well, I'll tell you after the case is solved."

With the help of an occasionally very smart female high school student, Jiang Xia successfully abducted the witness and returned to the crime scene with Xiao Songjun.

Sheriff Anna is on the phone.

Jiang Xia did not disturb her, walked quietly to her side, and waited for her to finish the call before asking: "Any new clues?"

"?!" Sheriff Anna was startled by this elusive detective and patted her chest, "You really know how to pick your time - I did find out some new information."

She pointed to what she had jotted down when she answered the phone just now: "The person who fell from the building said that he went into a familiar shop to drink. When he was very drunk, a man suddenly walked up to him. I sat down and started chatting with him through the drunken words he muttered.

"The person who fell from the building said that few people were willing to talk to him, whether in school or at work, but that person was very friendly and the two hit it off. After drinking for a while, the man said that this store was not interesting and wanted to take him to change. The family was playing and he followed.

"When he left the store, the wind blew, and he felt sleepy. He couldn't remember what happened next. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. Fortunately, he at least remembered which store he first drank at. liquor."

Sheriff Anna sighed, obviously unable to understand the behavior of these drunkards: "The man who fell from the building even forgot the appearance of the man he was chatting with, and said he was embarrassed to look directly at strangers. We finally asked the store owner The news - the store said that the person who took him away had messy hair, like hay, and many wrinkles on his clothes. He might be a homeless man who had recently gotten a small sum of money."

Jiang Xia saw that her thoughts were straying again, and immediately pulled the person back calmly: "You can use a wig for your hair, and your clothes can also be disguises. We need some characteristics that are more difficult to change - whether that person is tall or not. Tall, relatively muscular, and Asian-looking?”

"Indeed!" Sheriff Anna read the information carefully, "How do you know?"

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt like she saw the hope of getting off work: "Do you know who the suspicious man who talked to the fallen man was?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "I have some ideas."

Sheriff Anna hesitated for a moment: "But as far as I know, when we went to confirm with the person who fell from the building with the information we asked from the store manager, he didn't remember much else clearly, but we were very sure about him. He didn't recognize the person who spoke to him. He didn't seem to have any motive to kill him."

"You can't just rely on 'recognition' to speculate on the motive of the murder." Jiang Xia thought of the cases that happened in Mihua Town, "Sometimes just looking at someone more may be the reason for being killed by that person. "

Conan nodded in deep agreement, and at the same time he added silently in his mind: Even without even looking at it, the murderer might suddenly have the desire to kill strangers because of certain existences.


Sheriff Anna looked at Jiang Xia, then at the calm child, with a slight twitch in the corner of his eyes: What on earth have these children experienced in Tokyo...

"However, if this was the first meeting, then the murderer's purpose of throwing the fallen man downstairs to hit Mr. Komatsu might not be to kill two birds with one stone."

Jiang Xia had a serious look on his face: "We overestimated the murderer's humanity. Now it seems that the murderer's target was only Mr. Xiaosong from beginning to end. As for the unlucky passerby who was thrown down the stairs, unfortunately, he was probably just a A tool used by the murderer to kill people.

"In other words, it actually doesn't matter whether the person who fell from the building knew Mr. Komatsu or the murderer. In the eyes of the murderer, this drunken living person is no different from the knives, ropes, and poisons in other murder cases. The person who fell from the building has Death is just a normal consequence of using tools."

Conan felt cold all over after hearing these words. It seemed that everything was about to come to light, but he knew in his heart: the "cold-blooded murderer" in the case before him was actually just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the murderer is not a person. Behind him, there is probably a huge shadow - "that adult" is secretly controlling the murderer's behavior in some incredible way.

Although the "truth" of this case has been unearthed, there may be one, two... or even dozens or hundreds of cases in unknown places, all affected by the same guy.

Police and detectives can easily solve these cases, but they may never know that these cold-blooded murderers who use passers-by as murder props are actually just toys for another person.

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