Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1592 1592 [Case closed]

Daisuke Yukitani's laughter came from the bottom of his heart.

Next to him, Conan was listening to his words, and every word in his words was frightening.

Sheriff Anna looked at Daisuke Yukitani's happy face, her eyes twitching slightly, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

She took a transparent evidence bag from her subordinates and asked Jiang Xia at a volume just loud enough for Daisuke Yukitani to hear: "As you said, we searched carefully on the clothes of the fallen person, and then found some hair like this - —This should have been accidentally left by the murderer who transported him upstairs, but unfortunately there is no suspicious object to compare with."

Jiang Xia also said thoughtfully at the same volume: "The color and length of this hair look very familiar, like..."

The two people turned their heads simultaneously and looked at Daisuke Yukitani in front of them.

"..." The smile on Yukigaya Daisuke's face gradually disappeared, "Hair? What hair."

Sheriff Anna shook her phone and saw the photos sent by her subordinates: "There are two buttons on the hood of the deceased, and the hair is hanging on it. It is the same color as the clothes. It is very inconspicuous and can be easily seen by some 'elites.' leak."

She looked at Daisuke Yukitani's gradually collapsing confidence, and once again realized the wonderful effect of detectives. She felt extremely comfortable: "I hope you can provide us with some hair for comparison. By the way, you can also explain the success of people like you who have nothing to do with falling people." People, why do you leave fresh hair on the body of a person who falls from a building?"

Yukigaya Daisuke clenched his fists and couldn't believe it: "I, I would actually leave my own marks on that garbage-like coat..."

Hui Yuan Ai looked up at him, raised his hand and yawned. He felt that according to Jiang Xia's case-solving process, the next step should be the scene of this "winner in life" kneeling down in regret.

However, unexpectedly, Daisuke Yukitani was silent for a while, and his expression suddenly relaxed.

He waved his hand as if giving a speech:

"Oh, do you really think that a smart-minded person like me can't figure out how to explain those two hairs?

"But it's a pity that I won't do such shameless things as 'quibbles' - since I did make a mistake in this supposedly perfect case, then I'll just admit it and treat it as being busy with you. This is half a day’s reward, hahahaha.”

With a smile on his face, the police handcuffed Daisuke Yukitani's hands. This strange suspect got into a police car and was quickly sent away.

Listening to the lingering laughter in the air, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but wave his hands to drive away these strange things: "Is there something slightly wrong with the murderer's mental condition..."

Jiang Xia nodded: "There are everyone in the world."

Next to it, the case has been solved. Although Jun Komatsu and Sakiko Nagai are both confused about Daisuke Yukitani's murderous behavior, for these two people, there are obviously more important things at the moment. When they get together, the air around them seems to become sweeter.

In normal times, Conan would actually be happy to eat melons and secretly send his best wishes.

But today, he had no such thoughts at all - in Conan's eyes, this case was probably not over yet, far from it.

Conan looked at the police car going away, his eyes slightly turned to fall on Jiang Xia.

As soon as Jiang Xia finished solving the case, he was blocked by several reporters chasing him from Tokyo. Several people were chatting next to him.

Conan looked at this increasingly famous detective neighbor, suddenly remembered something, and his heart suddenly seemed to skip a beat.

"Speaking of which, as a 'detective', Jiang Xia's speed and thinking in solving cases are much faster than mine." Conan thought quickly in his mind, "Even I, a detective who has shrunk and been forced to retire," That adult wouldn't mind pulling him out for a bit of fun. Can such a person with a strong interest in detectives... really be able to resist interacting with Jiang Xia?"

Thinking of the mysterious man's terrifying hidden influence, Conan couldn't help but have an idea: Maybe "that adult" had already infiltrated Jiang Xia, but they didn't know it.

Thinking of this, Conan's mind quickly flashed through the suspicious people around Jiang Xia, trying to grab some clues.

A few seconds later, the first-grade primary school student held his head in despair, feeling that his head was getting bigger:

"In this way, there are not many unsuspicious guys around Jiang Xia! Jiang Xia is too easy to trust strangers. Even the cadre of the organization code-named 'Vodka' can get to him as a 'detective assistant' Mixing around...

"Although as a professional detective who meets with various clients every day and needs to establish good relationships with clients and build trust in a short period of time, this is considered a necessary skill. But in this way, it is too easy for the organization to Taking advantage of the loophole.

"And I am usually trapped in Didan Elementary School, but Jiang Xia is able to solve crimes freely in the society. Taking a closer look, our social circles only have a very small overlap. In other words, even if the mysterious cadre really appears next to Jiang Xia However, I may not have seen him at all.

"In addition, Jiang Xia's view on choosing friends may be a bit strange. After all, he used to be a bad boy...well, strictly speaking, he still is now. So those guys who are a little bit bad may not be the best in Jiang Xia's eyes. It's too bad that he will be subconsciously classified as a 'good guy' like his loyal and friendly younger brothers."

When he thought of the mysterious, terrifying and scary "that lord", he was probably having friendly interactions with Jiang Xia somewhere he couldn't see, falling in love with him at first sight, and even hooking up and calling him brothers... Conan felt his eyes darken.

"I have to ask Jiang Xia when I have time." Conan sighed tiredly and murmured in his heart, "But that mysterious cadre might be watching my whereabouts. What if he didn't want Jiang Xia to know about the organization at first? I am sympathetic to this detective who is very good at solving crimes, but in the end I exposed the truth... then Jiang Xia will inevitably be involved in the organization's muddy waters. The risk is too great, I'd better think about it myself first."

When Conan looked at Jiang Xia, his face was solemn and he was deep in thought.

In the distance, on the building across the street.

Another set of eyes that had been squatting for a long time was also looking at Conan quietly. The owner of the gaze looked serious and was deep in thought.

Okiya Subaru stared at Conan from a distance and hesitated to speak.

——After accepting the task of "leading Jiang Xia to the crime scene" from Wu Zuo, he had actually been suspecting that he was not the only one who received the same task.

Now it seems that he is not the only one doing this work, and there are people who seem to be doing it far better than him.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Thinking about it carefully, every time he met Jiang Xia, Jiang Xia was solving a case or on the way to the crime scene.

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