Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1595 1595 [Okiya Subaru: Under surveillance, please do not disturb]

"Okay, I think so too!"

Suzuki Sonoko immediately abandoned her previous thoughts and nodded in agreement: "The scenery remains unchanged, but the blind box may reveal various things. Come on, let's see what novel performances there will be!"

Although the murder is indeed a bit scary, isn't there Jiang Xia next to him? Detectives are naturally restrained about this kind of thing, so it's not a big problem.

The other people could go anywhere, and they soon reached an agreement and decided to go to the airport to take out their luggage, store it again at their accommodation, and then take a taxi to the venue.

After the taxi took the group of people away.

A man looked up from the street cafe, wrote down the license plate number, and walked out.

Okiya Subaru hadn't had lunch yet, and he didn't have time to eat at this time, so he had to buy a pizza and roll it up as a pie, put it in a bag, hold it in his hand and gnaw on it.

He looked thoughtfully at the direction in which the group of people were leaving: "..." It was just speculation before, but now that he observed it, he found that Conan was really trying to control the actions of this group of people.

As a child, Conan has a natural advantage in this regard. After all, children are very conscious of their thoughts and will not look suspicious if they suddenly want to go anywhere. And he can also use his special move when necessary - making trouble unreasonably.

Jiang Xia has an easy-going personality most of the time, so when he was teased like this, he naturally followed him in a good-tempered way.

"Uzuo... cough, Master Uzuo's selection of his subordinates is really clever. If I hadn't obtained the off-site intelligence, I probably wouldn't be able to believe that Conan is the most hidden chess piece."

Subaru Okiya witnessed Conan's entire experience of controlling the schedule, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart - this was just a child, and beyond that, Uzo still had many minions. This really makes people feel desperate just thinking about it, and the only thing worth celebrating is...

It's that he has surrendered and is now a member of that group of minions.


Okiya Subaru lowered his head and silently took a bite of pizza, then silently suppressed his beating conscience.

The way to pick up and put my luggage was a bit boring.

Jiang Xia held her chin up and looked at the gloomy scenery along the way for a while, and soon lost interest. So he turned his gaze and fell on the mini neighbor beside him.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia approached Conan and lowered her voice as if discussing some secret: "Why do you suddenly want to go to the magic venue? Do you think there is something hidden behind that murder case?"

Conan recovered from his chaotic thoughts and looked up at him: "..." No wonder Jiang Xia spoke for him just now. It seems that "like blind boxes" is just a cover-up. Jiang Xia has actually discovered his abnormality.

Conan's heart moved slightly, and for a moment he wanted to tell everything about the organization, and then see if Jiang Xia, a detective with fast reasoning, could find any important clues.

But the thoughts were just thoughts. After rationally thinking about the risks behind this action and the mysterious cadre who seemed to be watching everything at any time, Conan did not dare to act rashly.

He could only say vaguely: "It's not a secret, I just have some things that I haven't figured out, and I want to go there to find inspiration."

Jiang Xia seemed to understand something: "It must be about Mr. Okiya. He went abroad with a false identity, made a disguise, and then appeared in various places. It is a bit strange."

After a pause, he said worriedly: "However, if Mr. Okiya is really an agent with an important mission, won't we disturb him if we go by like this?"

Conan: "..." Now it is no longer a matter of agents or not, the most important thing is that hateful organization and the terrible cadres in the organization!

Conan's tons of topics about the black organization came to his lips again.

But thinking that his words and deeds might be being watched by that mysterious cadre... He didn't want to involve innocent high school students who shouldn't get involved in this world, so he had to press the topic back again.

Then he was a little choked. Conan beat his chest in frustration while trying to talk only about the "agent": "It may indeed disturb him, but it may also be that he really needs our help - just in case we can help." I'm busy, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Jiang Xia nodded, seemingly convinced.

Conan glanced at him and felt that Jiang Xia was not usually such an easy person to persuade.

But when he thought about it carefully, he understood - deep down in his heart, Jiang Xia probably really wanted to get involved in the so-called "agent" thing. So once he found a reason that could convince him, he immediately followed his heart and decided to help Subaru Okiya in search of justice and excitement.

Conan: "..." Jiang Xia is so good... Well, if such a just person learns about the organization, he may use more radical methods than himself to get in-depth contact with those dangerous men in black.

Although Jiang Xia's force value is indeed more reliable than his, as two high school students who don't even have guns, facing that organization with a huge root system, relying only on brain power has no chance of winning.

...Thinking about it this way, before a reliable enough organization intervenes, it is indeed the right choice to secretly collect information about the organization without telling Jiang Xia.

The group packed up their luggage and took a taxi to the magic venue they had just visited last night.

When they arrived at the place, Conan jumped out of the car, looked up and saw the scene in front of him clearly, and was stunned for a moment.

Just now, although he said that no one would avoid this venue because of feudal superstition, in fact, Conan did not think that this place would be put into use again the second day after the case occurred - he originally thought that he could sneak in today This venue is free to investigate.

Unexpectedly, now, seeing the appearance of the venue, Conan realized that this plan had failed.

This venue has actually efficiently replaced advertising paintings and lanterns, transforming its appearance. The decoration style has changed from dark magic to a complex and gorgeous European palace style. There are constantly staff coming and going from various exits, and it looks even better than last night. Be lively.

——There are actually people who do not believe in evil and do not shy away from the murders here, and plan to continue to use this venue to hold events.

Jiang Xia seemed to be equally surprised.

But soon, the observant detective discovered the reason.

He poked Conan on the shoulder, then pointed to the side of the door, motioning for him to look. A gorgeous promotional poster was posted there.

"It's a theater troupe, and the leading actors all have Japanese names."

Jiang Xia carefully identified the actors and their names printed on the poster, and quickly came to the conclusion: "They are all relatively famous actors, and this is probably another team from Tokyo... In this case, things make sense. , the entertainment industry does have frequent cases, it is not peaceful, they should be used to it."

Conan: "..."

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