Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1598 1598 [Uzo is eyeing the Phantom Thief]

Mu Shuli didn't care if someone interrupted, because she thought so in her heart.

She twisted the ring box with her fingertips, slowly turned the box's angle, lowered her head to admire the gem, and introduced:

"The three gold threads interlaced on the surface of this sapphire represent 'trust', 'hope' and 'destiny' respectively. So it is also called the 'Stone of Destiny' - legend has it that Josephine likes sapphires very much, so we That’s why I borrowed this precious ring.”

Dr. Ali was startled when he heard this somewhat awkward name: "Josephine? Napoleon's princess? What does this have to do with her liking for sapphires?"

Maki Shuli's face darkened slightly and she raised her head to look at him.

But the group of people in front of her are not her subordinates or colleagues after all, they are just ordinary people who rarely get involved in the entertainment industry. She had no choice but to hide her displeasure and keep smiling: "This will help us restore the character. Of course, the crew is also happy to have this gimmick for publicity."

Dr. A Li felt the change in her mood and was a little confused.

Haibara Ai thought of the poster he saw just next to the gate and reminded him in a low voice: "What is being staged here tonight is a play with 'Josephine' as the protagonist, and this Miss Maki Shuri is the starring role."

Maki Shuri probably thought that this group of people were all here for her, but Dr. Ari's question exposed the cold fact: he had no idea that the crew here was about to perform a drama about "Josephine". That's why Maki Shuli felt offended.

Although some enthusiastic little girls gave explanations, some people still didn't understand.

Suzuki Sonoko felt that the name Josephine was familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a moment, so she had to go next to Jiang Xia, pretending to discuss important issues, and whispered some basic questions in a serious voice: "...Who is Josephine?" ?”

"Napoleon's first wife and first queen." Jiang Xia thought for a while, "I heard that this lady was spared from death because of her beautiful appearance during the French Revolution. After she and Napoleon were together, she was The emperor has provided a lot of help. But there are also some rumors that are not true or false, saying that as a legendary social butterfly, she is not single-minded in relationships and has many lovers in private. "

And tonight, the stage play "Josephine" that will be performed in this theater will play out the life of this legendary queen. Maki Shuli in front of her is the starring role in this drama. When the time comes, she will wear this dazzling sapphire ring and appear on the stage.

Conan was not distracted at this moment, and was concentrating on collecting clues about this case - although there was no evidence at all, he only relied on "Tokyo people in London" and "performing in venues with 'stages'" These two points were enough to arouse his vigilance.

In short, Conan always feels that the current troupe may also be the target of "that adult".

He wants to prevent the tragedy that happened on the stage... Of course, if unfortunately he can't prevent it, he must at least find clues from it, and prepare to bring the real culprit to justice one day, and comfort those prop people who were tragically killed.

So Conan also listened very carefully. When he learned that the actor in front of him was going to play "Josephine", he understood Kidd's strange behavior: "No wonder Kidd also sent a bouquet of roses when he sent the notice letter - legend has it that Josephine is the most popular Like roses.”

Maki Shuli raised his eyebrows in surprise, looked at this cute little boy, and laughed: "My little brother has a wide range of knowledge, he even knows this."

Conan already reacted conditionedly when faced with such keywords: "Haha, it's all taught by Brother Jiang Xia."

Mu Shuli looked at Jiang Xia, his eyes becoming more appreciative.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Conan was stared at inexplicably, and he scratched his head, confused.

However, this classmate was already thinking outside the box, so Conan didn't bother to analyze Suzuki Sonoko's elusive thoughts.

He continued to look at the notice letter, thinking about what Kidd wanted to express.

As usual, the notice letter given by Kidd will include the time and specific location of his appearance. As long as you solve the puzzle in the notice letter, you can accurately ambush Kidd where he appears.

...Although whether we can catch the person is still a question, at least we can chat for a few words.

After all, even if it was normal for the international monster thief to go abroad, his appearance in London at this time still made Conan's heart skip a beat.

He couldn't help but wonder: Could this phantom thief also be related to "that adult"? Although Kidd doesn't look like the kind of guy who would help others do evil, what if he is not an accomplice, but a target of the mysterious cadre?

A powerful thief may also attract the attention of the organization and become the target of "that master" to recruit or eliminate.

I was habitually tracing the terrifying silhouette of "that adult" in my mind.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and someone came.

Several people stopped talking, and the assistant standing next to him quickly walked over and opened the door.

Jiang Xia looked away from the notice letter, looked up at the door, and saw an impressive face - Zhongsen Police Department.

This is a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Investigation Section 2. I heard that he has been chasing two generations of Kidd for nearly twenty years, and has not caught anyone once, but he is never discouraged and fights against each other repeatedly. Kidd’s He must appear everywhere.

It's just that Jiang Xia didn't expect that this policeman would follow him when he went abroad. He was startled for a moment: "It's you."

Zhongsen Police Department followed the sound and looked at Jiang Xia. He was also startled, and then his eyelids jumped up: "..." Why is it this fishy detective again!

Although the police officers in the Investigation Class 1 always said that Jiang Xia was very easy to use and praised the detective to the best of their ability, police officers from other districts and counties who came on business trips couldn't help but want to experience what it was like to use Jiang Xia to solve crimes... but It turns out that Jiang Xia seems to be only interested in murder cases.

Zhongmori Police Department: "..." When faced with a thief like Kaitou Kid who doesn't like killing people, Jiang Xia always likes to come to the scene and wander around, but after arriving, he usually finds a corner to lie against the sofa. It made people suspect that he was here to help Kidd look out. On the contrary, the kid Jiang Xia brought was always running around, trying to help catch the monster thieves, and was more active than the police.

If it weren't for the fact that murders occasionally occur at theft scenes, and Jiang Xia's speed in solving crimes would allow them to focus on catching the Phantom Thief instead of focusing on that case... the Nakamori Police Department would never let Jiang Xia step into a scene where Kidd is present.

Zhongsen Police Department: "..." Huh? Putting it this way, could it be that Jiang Xia insisted on coming to Kidd's theft scene not because he was waiting for the Phantom Thief, but simply because he wanted to see if there were any cases around him?

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