Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1603 1603 [Kudo Shinichi’s Resurrection]

Finally, "Napoleon" pointed to a square, middle-aged actor who looked like a bad guy when he smiled.

Narizawa Bunjiro: "This is the guest director, Mr. Banheng. Although his main job is directing, his acting skills are no worse than any of us."

"This is too flattering to me." Director Ban Heng laughed loudly and walked over to shake Jiang Xia's hand. He looked thoughtfully at this high school detective who, although not a star, had had many contacts with stars. "I should ask you to make a cameo when I have time. I've heard from several directors that they want to hire you as an actor. It's a pity that you haven't learned acting skills and you're not professional enough."

Next to her, Kinoshita Yoko remembered the crime rate at the scene when Jiang Xia brought her classmates to play on the set. She couldn't help raising her hand and quietly pressing her forehead: "..." In fact, it can be slightly adapted according to the murders that happened at that time. In this way, there is no need to learn any acting at all, and Jiang Xia can act in his true colors.

The director was observing the promising talent in his colleague's eyes, when the door to the lounge was opened again.

The Zhongsen Police Department walked in with a few subordinates, heads held high. Seeing a group of people in the room, he smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is ready - tonight will be the permanent curtain call for Kidd, the bastard who trampled the law."

If he didn't say it, Mao Lilan almost forgot about this incident.

She suddenly remembered something, looked at the people in the room, and asked Jiang Xia in a low voice with some curiosity: "By the way, I heard that Kidd likes to pretend to be someone else and sneak into the scene in advance. Do you think he is among us?"

Jiang Xia looked at the people around him and pretended to identify the strange thieves.

Conan also heard Mao Lilan's question. He turned around and whispered solemnly: "It's very possible. Especially those who are taller than him and women wearing skirts, please pay attention."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the Zhongsen Police Department in front of him: "..." For example, this middle-aged policeman who had been gone for a while was very suspicious. After all, Kidd is not pretending to be a policeman for the first time. This thief who doesn't take things too seriously has little fear of the police. Instead, he enjoys watching the funny scenes of them guessing and doubting each other and eventually guessing the wrong person.

The Zhongshan Police Department did not notice the suspicious looks from the children.

He looked straight at Jiang Xia and suddenly smiled meaningfully: "By the way, I brought someone here specially this time to help us in our arrest operation this time - although that kid is too young and a bit unreliable, he After all, there has been progress in catching Kidd...It is very different from some detectives who fish at the scene every day."

The tips of Suzuki Sonoko's ears twitched, and she felt that the policeman was wearing colored glasses: "Jiang Xia has not made any contribution, he is also very serious about catching the Phantom Thieves!"

The Zhongsen Police Department choked for a moment and looked at this female high school student who was telling lies: "..." Seriously!

At the beginning, the Zhongsen Police Department actually doubted whether Jiang Xia was not professional enough in catching monster thieves.

But after reviewing the previous and later experiences, he discovered that judging from some details of Jiang Xia's actions, the detective seemed to be able to accurately identify Kidd among a large group of disguised people... It's just that this bastard didn't tell the police.

Although there are opinions on this, there is no evidence after all. The Nakamori Police Department couldn't say anything.

But after all, he is a little bit envious of Jiang Xia's powerful observation ability - if he provokes him with his competitors today, it might be able to stimulate the young detective's fighting spirit in catching monster thieves.

Jiang Xia met his meaningful gaze: "...?"

Zhongsen Police Department smiled mysteriously. After paving the way, he turned to the door: "Okay, come in."

Others were also curious about this detective who was said by the Zhongsen Police Department to be comparable to Jiang Xia, and followed him towards the door.

Just then, a high school student walked into the door leisurely, revealing a very familiar face - Kudo Shinichi.


Suzuki Sonoko was shocked. This detective who had been missing for a long time because he was busy investigating the case... uh, well, missing for several months, actually appeared in front of everyone without any warning.

She originally thought she should be extremely shocked. However, I counted on my fingers the time that Kudo Shinichi disappeared... Although I couldn't quite figure it out, it didn't seem to be too long from the calendar, so the shock quickly subsided, leaving only some curiosity: "What are you doing?" Where did all that time go?”

Kudo Shinichi smiled cheerfully at the others: "Long time no see. I've been busy investigating the case. I happened to pass by England recently. I heard that the police department was in trouble, so I came over to help."

As he said that, he walked forward and shook hands: "Oh, I really didn't expect that you would also become a detective - it just so happens that we take this opportunity to compete and show off to see who is the real contemporary Sherlock Holmes.”

"..." Jiang Xia's fingers trembled, and she finally restrained herself from carrying the energy core to her hand.

Hui Yuan Ai keenly noticed this small change: "..." Did Jiang Xia want to take the opportunity to catch him and knock him on the ground, but held back? To be so friendly to the Phantom Thief, Jiang Xia must have gotten to know him during his many previous operations to capture the Phantom Thief.

Next to him, Conan was staring at his face, not having recovered yet - he was trying hard to guess who the person in this room was, who was Kidd pretending to be, but now, the answer came unexpectedly. On to his face.

"...Kid!!" Conan pointed at "Kudo Shinichi" in shock and looked at the police around him, "What are you doing standing still? Catch him quickly. He is not me...Brother Shinichi, he is Kidd!"

Lounge corner.

The pinhole camera hidden in the gap of the potted plant turns everything that happens here into a signal and transmits it to another person's eyes.

Okiya Subaru pushed up the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose, hid in a hidden room where he could escape from multiple directions at any time, and observed secretly.

The camera in the lounge was not installed by him, but was originally in Maki Shuli's room. Maybe someone was eyeing the actor.

Okiya Subaru was not interested in the love and hatred between the actors, but he just finished dinner and accidentally discovered someone peeping in that room.

After hesitating for a moment, Subaru Okiya found a place to hide, quietly cracked the password, connected to the wireless signal, and secretly observed the situation in the room - there was no radio equipment on this camera, and it seemed to be only used to observe Makiri's actions, but not so much. Some useful information can also be collected through each person's behavior.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Although he meant it from his heart, he wanted to be a quiet pendant, following Jiang Xia and that scary child throughout the whole process without having any interaction with them... But now he is in Work.

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