Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1606 1606 [Are you and the Phantom Thief together? 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 1606 1606 [Are you and the Phantom Thief together? 】Ask for monthly ticket(〃〃)

With that said, the Zhongmori Police Department turned to look at today's leading actress: "Miss Makisuri, if you don't mind, can you give us a little private space - I want to discuss the steps to capture Kidd with these helpers."

"Of course it's no problem." Maki Juri stood up gracefully, and the makeup artist walked behind her and took off the cloak covering her shoulders, revealing the gorgeous dress that had been taken care of underneath. "It just so happens that we should go backstage to do it. get ready"

A group of actors went out, leaving the lounge to the police who were plotting to capture the Phantom Thief.

The Zhongsen Police Department looked at the people left behind and was about to tell them their plans.

However, at this time, "Kudo Shinichi" suddenly interrupted: "Police Department, I think the manpower you brought is enough. It seems that I can't help much if I stay - I will investigate in my own way. "

"Huh?" Zhongsen Police Department was startled.

However, he turned around and glanced at "Kudo Shinichi", his eyes paused on his thin body that seemed to be incapable of fighting, and he waved his hand casually: "Forget it, you probably won't be able to hold him down if I ask you to arrest him. , whatever you want. But remember, don’t disturb our arrangements.”

"No problem." Kidd showed a smile that belonged to a detective, turned around and walked out like the actors just now.

"Wait!" Conan immediately caught up with the phantom thief.

Jiang Xia looked at the place where the high school students were gathering, and then at the Zhongsen Police Department, which was not responsible for the homicide investigation section two, and decisively abandoned the latter:

"Then I'll go over and have a look. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him for you and make sure he doesn't mess around."

Zhongsen Police Department: "Thank you...huh?" Wait, are you the only one worthy of saying this? .

After all, "Kudo Shinichi" is very cooperative in pulling faces. Look at you... who told whom to stop messing around!

He snorted and waved his hand in disgust: "Let's go, let's stay here and get in the way."

Jiang Xia pushed open the door and walked out, and several other classmates also left together.

The group of people came outside and took a breath of fresh air in the corridor. Mao Lilan looked at Kudo Shinichi in confusion: "Why didn't you say you came to England?"

She has recently posted a lot of photos from her trip to the UK on her blog, and her acquaintances basically know their whereabouts. Since you are coming nearby, it would be more normal to inform you in advance.

"Haha, I'm so sorry." Kidd made a random excuse, "I really want to see your cute surprised expression - just think of what happened today as a surprise."

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko shivered as if she was overpowered by the word "cute" and touched the goosebumps on her arms: "...Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to say such an adjective in your mouth. It's been a few months." No, you are getting more and more disgusting."

A few meters away, Conan Yousen's eyes looked like he wanted to kill someone: "... He actually uses other people's bodies to do strange things. This kind of phantom thief will be punished by God!"

Jiang Xia stared at the energy core that was constantly fluttering on Kidd's body. While urging the rice cat to come back quickly, she restrained herself and stood further away: "This doesn't seem to be your body."

Conan: "..." But it was so similar that he felt like he was standing in front of him.

After being in a daze for a while, Conan suddenly remembered something.

He turned to look at Jiang Xia in confusion: "Why didn't you expose him just now?"

Jiang Xia sighed: "Kidd is not a heinous person. And his face looks quite friendly, which makes people feel good."

"Ah, thank you." Conan scratched his head in embarrassment. After a moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong, "You are a detective, how can you express your appreciation for the Phantom Thief!"

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't stand it anymore: "Didn't Jiang Xia just remind the police department to let him pinch his face? - It was you who failed to live up to your expectations and looked too similar to Kidd, which gave him an opportunity."

Conan felt like he was hit by an arrow in the head: "...How can you blame me? This is obviously Kidd's fault."

Kidd disguised himself as Kudo Shinichi, and of course he wasn't here specifically to seduce girls. Phantom thieves also have a job as a phantom thief.

After chatting with Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko for a while, "Kudo Shinichi" raised his hand and pointed upward: "I'll go to the top of the building first. According to experience, Kidd always likes to appear from a high place."

After a pause, he caught a glimpse of Conan's expression from the corner of his eye. "Kudo Shinichi" blinked and suddenly changed his words: "Do you want to come together? I heard that the top floor here can be used as an observation deck. When there is usually no crew performing, this is not the place. A dating destination for young couples.”

Conan: "?!"

Jiang Xia held down the fake child who held up the anesthesia needle and looked at "Kudo Shinichi": "What a great suggestion, let's do it together. Tourists certainly can't miss this kind of attraction."

Conan then remembered his identity as a child and rolled around coquettishly: "I'm going too, I'm going too!"

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down, I didn't say I wouldn't let you go." Mao Lilan looked at the child who suddenly got into trouble, and then looked at Jiang Xia, who was also very interested in "Kudo Shinichi", "Then Let’s all go up together.”

Several people went to the rooftop to look around and found nothing suspicious.

Standing at the edge of the observation deck, Kidd glanced at Mao Lilan, who looked a lot like Nakamori Aoko, and was about to tease him a few more words. But at this moment, he caught a glimpse of Conan out of the corner of his eye and was startled by the thick resentment in this fake child's eyes.

Kidd always felt that if he continued, he might be cursed by something strange, so he finally stopped silently: "Ahem, let's go, I've seen everything here, there's nothing wrong with it."

So they returned to the building, circled around the edge of the attic, and locked all the doors leading to the rooftop.


"Kudo Shinichi" closed the last door in front of him and greeted several classmates like the real thing: "This is the completion of the work on the roof. Now let's get some snacks to pass the time and wait for the show to start. "

Conan squeezed next to him, shook the doorknob vigorously, and found that it was indeed locked - Kidd did not use his identity as "Kudo Shinichi" to secretly leave a back door for himself.

But this doesn't mean anything. Conan snorted and looked dissatisfied at finding trouble for this fake detective: "It's so simple, even if it's done? Kidd can easily pry open this kind of door."

"Oh? It seems that you have a high opinion of his skills. "Kudo Shinichi" didn't seem to feel that he was looking for trouble, and followed Conan's words and started to praise, "That is indeed a powerful thief, every time we fight, I have the upper hand, but alas, it seems my detective skills still need some more honing. "

Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan's speechless face and laughed twice in shame.

Conan: "..." A good man doesn't fight with a little girl...

He turned to Jiang Xia angrily. While others were discussing what snacks to buy, Conan pulled Jiang Xia away from them.

Then he asked in a low voice what he was very concerned about: "When the Zhongsen Police Department grabbed his face just now but didn't pull it off, your expression didn't seem very surprised...did you already know what he looked like?"

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