Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1618 1618 [Assassination of Ireland]

Ireland gritted his teeth and looked over, seeing a woman in black wearing a strapless dress.

Under his murderous gaze, the young woman put away the syringe in her hand, raised her hand to straighten the headdress that was messed up by the night wind, and walked towards him unhurriedly.

With Ireland's keenness, he would not have been so easily approached.

But in the recent period, he has been hit so many times by people who fell from the building. All fatal crises came from the top of his head. Even if it was just out of survival instinct, when standing next to the building, Ireland's attention would inevitably be focused on the sky. , thereby ignoring the surroundings.

And although the woman in black in front of her was quite fashionable, her appearance and temperament exuded a traditional gentleness. In addition, the lines of her exposed body are very soft, and there are no traces of trained muscles at all. It seems that she can be easily pressed down with one hand... It is really difficult for such a weak lady to get close to someone like Ireland. A person who can recognize the characteristics of a killer at a glance raises too much sense of crisis.

Because she doesn't look like a killer at all.

...But what she was doing just now was exactly what a killer would do. Even the action of inserting the needle and then retreating away is far more neat than some real killers in the organization.

By the time Ireland realized something was wrong, he had already been tragically caught.

And something even worse had already happened - the woman in black walked up to him businesslikely and reached out to support him.

Her movements looked very gentle, like those kind juniors who help the elderly walk slowly. But only Ireland, whose consciousness began to blur, knew the terrifying power contained in those delicate hands: this woman was not helping him walk at all, but holding down his hand that wanted to draw the gun while pulling him Back - to retreat to the intended fall point of the faller from which he just escaped.

"The love letter I sent before seems to have been crumpled by you." The woman in black suddenly spoke, her voice was low, and her voice had a calmness that was not related to her. But Ireland inexplicably heard some condemnation in it:

"You know, love letters and gifts are both precious thoughts. But on the other hand, if not handled properly... they can sometimes turn into a fatal curse."

Ireland's confused brain turned with difficulty: "...Love letter? What love letter?"

After a second, he thought of the letter he had received before.

…But isn’t that a letter of war written by Uzo, imitating the love letter from the crime scene?

Wait, the letter is anonymous, so...could it be that the letter was not written by Uzo, but that he asked the woman in front of him to send it on his behalf? ?

"It seems that there is a small communication problem between us." The woman in black smiled in a low voice, "I am overthinking it. In this case, let's follow our previous agreement and see you on the plane tomorrow - —If you are still alive after tonight, please be on time for your appointment."

As she said that, she gave Ireland a gentle push with her hand.

The effects of the medicine had already taken effect, and Ireland couldn't support his body at all. He stumbled backwards and fell on his back.

He was lying on the ground, looking at the sky with his godless eyes - directly above him, two blurry shadows were falling from the top of the building one after another, like the messenger of death getting closer and closer.

...if you say the same sentence too many times, you often get tired of it.

But at this time, Ireland's heart still inevitably surged with a roar filled with murderous intent.

——Uzo, this damn bastard, even if he only has one breath left, he will definitely kill him!

A tall man suddenly fell on the street. People around him quickly noticed the abnormality.

An enthusiastic passerby approached and asked cautiously: "Hey, are you okay?"

Ireland wanted to raise his finger to the sky and ask these people to move away from the place where the fallen person fell. But unfortunately, this action failed to translate into action in the end. He stared at a pair of murderous eyes and unwillingly lost consciousness.

The second floor of the production building.

Subaru Okiya hid quietly behind the window, half of his eyes exposed from the gap in the curtains, and watched this scene with uncontrollable shock.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Although he had long known that Ireland would die at the hands of Uzo sooner or later, why did Uzo poison him in the street in such a direct way? This is not in line with this is not in line with the consistent behavior and habits of this great scriptwriter!

… Could it be that Ireland did something that was intolerable to Uzo, causing his boss to lose interest in playing with him and directly take action?

Or...or is this itself another script by Uzuo, a high-end living stage play called "Secretary Uzuo's unauthorized vendetta against other cadres"?

Thinking of the woman in black who had just attacked Ireland, Subaru Okiya's face twitched slightly, and he felt a burst of pain: "..." Miss Misa——! ! How could you, such a loyal secretary, offend Uzo? He actually asked you to do such a thing.

Subaru Okiya raised his hand and wiped his face. After all, it was because he had different feelings for this colleague who had saved him several times:

"Calm down, anyway, the matter has not reached an irreversible point. As long as Miss Misa is not photographed, she may not be silenced by the organization.

"As for whether the murder of other cadres is serious or not, this matter Usa...Usa-sama should be able to handle it. So for Miss Misa who was thrown on the stage, as long as she escapes now, she probably still has a way to survive. The best escape route Is it... hmm?"

Okiya Subaru was suddenly startled.

He looked at the gradually gathering crowd below and was stunned for a moment: ...Where is Miss Misa?

How come it disappeared in the blink of an eye?

Okiya Subaru quickly searched for the people downstairs with his eyes. However, even with his observation skills and the convenient overlooking perspective, he couldn't find where the woman in black had gone.

At this time, the confused voice of an enthusiastic passerby floated downstairs: "Heartbeat, breathing, blood oxygen, etc. are all normal, and he doesn't even smell of alcohol... I don't know why this gentleman suddenly fell to the ground. Maybe he was just too tired." Now, want to sleep at the door?"

The crowd was also a little strange, and they were all talking about ideas.

The tips of Subaru Okiya's ears twitched slightly. Hearing this information about Ireland, he couldn't believe it: "..." Not dead?

He paused briefly.

After a while, he finally came back to his senses: "..." Maybe this is not a killer move against Miss Misa, but just another show by Uzo, and Miss Misa is like the most central staff member in front of and behind the scenes. , one master and one servant cooperate with each other tacitly, and there is no need for a layman who has just joined the team to worry.

Okiya Subaru retracted his position and hid silently.

At the same time, thinking of what happened just now, a question popped up in his mind: If it wasn't for killing people, then why did Uzo let Ireland lie dead in the street?

Although he felt very wrong in his heart, at this time, Okiya Subaru discovered in despair: after knowing that he would not be involved in the case in the short term, he actually began to be curious about Uzo's drama.

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