Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1621 1621【Murder the Phantom Thief】Please vote for me

Chapter 1621 1621【Murder the Phantom Thief】Please vote for me ()

Kidd: "..." Are you curious? You are killing me!

...Wait a minute, is this bastard detective holding a grudge?

Kidd laughed dryly and reluctantly refuted what Jiang Xia had just said: "What's wrong with not having a gun? I don't have a gun either. Who can carry a gun these days? Only those lawless gangsters with no taste will use violence." Solve the problem. We just have to use our brains and act gracefully."

"Huh? You don't have a gun?" Jiang Xia spit out a familiar line, "Don't you have a magic gun? It can shoot special 'bullets' and attack from a long distance. Why is it not a gun? It's better than my swinging stick. It’s much easier to use.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of metal friction behind him - Jiang Xia seemed to be really tinkering with those two nails.

Kidd was sweating profusely. Although he still had a spare parachute, using a parachute to fall down in a big city was simply a target for the police: "What kind of gun is a toy gun? No matter how you look at it, it's yours." Swinging the stick is more high-tech, it hits the flesh, it feels very real, and it can give criminals an impressive punishment. This is the weapon that men should use!"

The sound of twisting screws stopped.

Jiang Xia seemed to be moved by his sincerity: "What you said seems to make some sense."


Kidd showed an elegant smile while pricking the little straw man crazily in his heart: Although he has said this sentence many times, he still has to add it again now.

——The detective really doesn’t have a good thing!

There is still some distance from the intended destination. At this time, a viaduct passed ahead.

Kidd's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to control the hang glider and land over there.

——Staying in the same sky as this winged detective makes the Phantom Thief feel insecure. "The Magician in the Moonlight" misses solid ground at this time. At least some unscrupulous detective couldn't pry his screws off the ground.

The two landed on the platform at the top of the viaduct one after the other. Separated by a corridor, behind us was a heavy tram passing by. The lights in the car were bright and the moonlight outside the car was dim. No passenger noticed that there should be no people next to them. At this time, there were two more high school students silently.

Kidd stepped on the ground with lingering fear, then touched his glider to check.

When he found that the screws on it were still there, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked up at Jiang Xia opposite, a little confused: "Why are you following me? Do you have something to say to me?"

Jiang Xia: "..." I don't have much to say. The main reason is that flying alone is too boring. If I show it to others, I'm afraid of hurting their fragile world view... After counting, only the phantom thief opposite him is the most suitable to appreciate him. New wings.

Of course, such a simple reason should not be spoken out loud.

Jiang Xia shook the mini detective in his hand: "You abducted the child, of course I, the guardian, will take him back."

Kidd: "..." I'm obviously in your hands all the time, so don't blame me for kidnapping...

This reason was untenable, so Kidd began to think for himself.

Soon, his high IQ allowed him to think of a reasonable explanation. Kidd suddenly realized: "You are here for those men in black."

Jiang Xia: "..." Huh?

Um. Yes, that's it.

Jiang Xia nodded heavily.

Kidd carefully recalled the situation just now: "When I first jumped off the building, I really felt some prying eyes, but then they quickly disappeared again - maybe because after leaving the roof, the light below became more and more intense. It was dark, so the people following us lost track of me and Conan."

Jiang Xia also said seriously: "Don't be careless. According to my observations, those men in black are always elusive. They might suddenly appear next to you one day and give you an attack that is difficult to avoid."

Kidd waved his hand: "You underestimate me too much. You have wings to cheat. How could anyone else catch me? It's impossible even with a helicopter. Those things are bulkier than my hang gliders." "

When the topic came to this, Jiang Xia felt that the Phantom Thief's eyes began to drift towards his back.

The next moment, he saw Kidd talking about business while moving closer as if nothing had happened, taking advantage of the chaos to pinch the pair of wings with a strong sense of presence.

Kidd: "..." It really feels like a monster's wings! How on earth is it done? Isn't this wonderful?

Jiang Xia looked at the phantom thief's eyes that gradually brightened: "?"

Kidd cleared his throat, glanced to the side, and looked a little shy that was rare in a century: "Hey, can you take it off? I want to try it too."

Jiang Xia: "..." When you try, forget it for today.

He maintained his image of an innocent human being: "I'll ask Wutian Dog in a few days. After all, it was a gift from him and cannot be transferred casually."

Just as he said that, the time limit was up. The wings behind Jiang Xia spread out and melted into the air like fragments. Those parts that humans couldn't see turned into shikigami and returned to the seal space in his heart.

Opposite him, Kidd looked at this scene and tried hard to keep his face calm, but his eyes still showed a trace of shock. He murmured: "This is not scientific, this does not comply with the law of conservation of matter..."

Jiang Xia looked at the remaining magic power on his body: "..." Are you worthy of saying this?

in addition……

He silently picked up Conan in his hand and waved it in front of Kidd's eyes: Look, this is the thing that is most inconsistent with the conservation of matter.

With his wings gone and being displayed like this by Jiang Xia, Kidd's attention was finally given to this mini-detective who was stabbed in the back by his accomplice.

Kidd: "Speaking of which, aren't you curious about how I stole the sapphire from the stage on the second floor while I was on the rooftop?"

Jiang Xia glanced at him: "What's there to be curious about? You didn't plan to steal it today. The gem should still be in Mu Shuli's possession."

Kidd: "..." Damn it, this detective actually understood the notice letter.

Jiang Xia: "..." The Riddler is really strange. Letters are written just for others to read.

The last bit of fun in teasing the detective was gone. Instead, he was teased by the detective all night. Kidd was bored and waved his hand: "I'm leaving."

Before the next tram passed by the viaduct, Kidd jumped into the night sky, re-opened his hang glider, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

It's really a bit cold to stand high up and blow in the wind.

Jiang Xia persisted until Kidd flew away completely, then turned his back and sneezed secretly.

Then he turned back as if nothing had happened, tore out a wisp of mist and put it into his mouth.

Soon, the wings behind him spread again, Jiang Xia picked up Conan and flew to the city at his feet.

He found a hospital, avoided the cameras, and skillfully threw the person at the door of the hospital. After Conan was picked up by the enthusiastic nurse sister, Jiang Xia headed towards the theater building again.

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